Facebook Is Going To Build Its Own Search Engine!

FB doesn't have enough employees for this. They're unlikely to produce something that's that much better. I predict another Bing or Alexa. Moderate success but more importantly, Zuckerberg can go back to shareholders and say - see we did something. Innovation is hard, especially in scale.

Isn't it surprising that ever since Facebook got all this money, it's gotten steadily shittier by each month? It's almost like a running joke.

Why would I use facebook to search? Why? Just fucking why. And needless to say, the current search is shit.

Coming from that same dumbass who separated FAcebok messaging into 2 separate apps LMAO Phaggot webmaster.
Isn't it surprising that ever since Facebook got all this money, it's gotten steadily shittier by each month? It's almost like a running joke.

Why would I use facebook to search? Why? Just fucking why. And needless to say, the current search is shit.

Coming from that same dumbass who separated FAcebok messaging into 2 separate apps LMAO Phaggot webmaster.

Almost any company that goes big, slowly becomes shitter...Look at Nokia.
Facebook SE will surely have potential especially in mobile searches. Imagine never needing to leave the facebook app to do a web search.
If facebook was building a search engine this would have massive implications. It's the name of people turn to whenever they go to the web with a query, decided to end the agreement and develop it's own in app search function. That last phrase more than the index in any web search engine seemed deliberate. As a result googal has become the primary place local searches take place.
source: businessinsider.com

seems like fb is trying to grab some market share from BIG G ..

saw it coming !!!

If they will make search engine in the way they made facebook (so many bugs, not user-friendly, not intuitive, etc.) it will be a disastrous fail:2drinkspit:
It will take more time for facebook to build an own search enginge and become more popular than google.
I have even heard that big mighty Facebook want to build it's own cryptocurrency lately , how is it going ? As for me it's a big big sharade, they do not have so much need in all of these different service to be successfull. So I think it will also be a dust.
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