Facebook Is Going To Build Its Own Search Engine!


Active member
Jan 28, 2008
Zuckerberg said that Facebook has one billion queries on a daily basis and it's basically doing that without trying.He then hinted that Facebook is going to start trying.He said that search is increasingly headed towards answering people's questions. Facebook, which has a trove of data on users, is "uniquely positioned" to deliver answers for users.
source: businessinsider.com

seems like fb is trying to grab some market share from BIG G ..

saw it coming !!!

I wouldn't be surprised if there's more non-social-media business ventures in the pipeline for Zuckerberg.
Facebook can be one of the best places to get your product noticed on, and he owns it. With Google moving away from the organic search engine model a new organic search engine with high publicity could win.
I wouldn't be surprised if there's more non-social-media business ventures in the pipeline for Zuckerberg.
Facebook can be one of the best places to get your product noticed on, and he owns it. With Google moving away from the organic search engine model a new organic search engine with high publicity could win.

will take A LOT
Facebook has already brand name, trust, popularity so building a search engine would be better way of developing the business.
let's see if they are the google killer ...
Being the highest SE in the Market today, facebook and Apple will likely try take some of their shares.. Let's see if they can take on google on different sides..

Facebook on social media + SE and Apple on phones + SE.. Going on pure SE will not stand a change like Yahoo and Bing. However FB and apple has a chance. Or they might have the same fate as instagram.. who knows.. let's see what happens :)
Zuckerberg said that Facebook has one billion queries on a daily basis and it's basically doing that without trying.He then hinted that Facebook is going to start trying.He said that search is increasingly headed towards answering people's questions. Facebook, which has a trove of data on users, is "uniquely positioned" to deliver answers for users.
source: businessinsider.com

seems like fb is trying to grab some market share from BIG G ..

saw it coming !!!

Can't wait to see the launch of fb se
Business-wise, there's no reason FB wouldn't do something like a new SE. They have virtually everything needed to overrun Google in the long run if Google didn't continue to be ahead of the game, in a way we can't foresee.

Interaction - Google has a fraction of the necessary interaction which Facebook already has. Google is too information driven. They won't ever pull away the Facebook users for interactions such as picture albums, birthdays, wall posts, etc. Google doesn't have the platform for this, and would probably be cost prohibitive for them to try to create it.

This comes down to timing, imo. Google dominates information. Facebook dominates interaction.

BUT here's why it negatively impacts Google in the long run. Facebook can, far more easily, add information to it's database, than Google can create interaction. See, Facebook is founded on CREATING something, where Google simply relays it. It's simple for Facebook to add on things like SE's which are just relay systems. It's code. Code can be written. But Google can't simply CODE users to start interacting via it's database like they already do on Facebook; too much allegiance.

Facebook got lucky with timing because they created interaction, before information.

Pretty awesome study to watch though.
They have a billion queries? For what? Like people's names and emails? How is that gonna turn into a search engine. I just don't get it. Or is he talking about a billion non-name/email queries?
Business-wise, there's no reason FB wouldn't do something like a new SE. They have virtually everything needed to overrun Google in the long run if Google didn't continue to be ahead of the game, in a way we can't foresee.

Interaction - Google has a fraction of the necessary interaction which Facebook already has. Google is too information driven. They won't ever pull away the Facebook users for interactions such as picture albums, birthdays, wall posts, etc. Google doesn't have the platform for this, and would probably be cost prohibitive for them to try to create it.

This comes down to timing, imo. Google dominates information. Facebook dominates interaction.

BUT here's why it negatively impacts Google in the long run. Facebook can, far more easily, add information to it's database, than Google can create interaction. See, Facebook is founded on CREATING something, where Google simply relays it. It's simple for Facebook to add on things like SE's which are just relay systems. It's code. Code can be written. But Google can't simply CODE users to start interacting via it's database like they already do on Facebook; too much allegiance.

Facebook got lucky with timing because they created interaction, before information.

Pretty awesome study to watch though.

It has taken Google many, many years and the some of the best brains in the business to get to where they are today and you think Facebook, fucking Facebook, can just jump in there and start competing on the same level. Fuck that.
The only company that can topple Google is Google themselves and even then it will not be Facebook taking their market share.
It has taken Google many, many years and the some of the best brains in the business to get to where they are today and you think Facebook, fucking Facebook, can just jump in there and start competing on the same level. Fuck that.
The only company that can topple Google is Google themselves and even then it will not be Facebook taking their market share.

I'm sorry your rant lacked focus and discipline (thanks Arnie), but let me put it in kindergarten terms so you can understand:

Google is information relay.
Facebook is user interactive.

Google can't simply create user activity.
Facebook can easily relay information.:anon.sml:

Nowhere did you give a single reason why Facebook can't beat Google.
I'm sorry your rant lacked focus and discipline (thanks Arnie), but let me put it in kindergarten terms so you can understand:

Google is information relay.
Facebook is user interactive.

Google can't simply create user activity.
Facebook can easily relay information.:anon.sml:

Nowhere did you give a single reason why Facebook can't beat Google.
Image if people on fb realized they didnt have to leave it to get search results from around the web...its likely google would see a massive plummet in search volume

...and because that fb like button is on so many websites already, it would be easy for fb to create an adsense like program as well.

With so many fb addicted doody-heads if a person goes to another site and see "ads by facebook" they would click them like no tomorrow.
...and because that fb like button is on so many websites already, it would be easy for fb to create an adsense like program as well.

So Mr. Wayne Gretzky, what can you tell us about the future of making money on the internet?

"I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.":eek: