"Excuse Me While I Whip This Out" - WikiMarks v2.0

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hey man all i see is positive increase in SERPS when using this service, have ordered 3x so far. nofollow and dofollow doesnt even really matter, or that's what i've noticed.

The payment was sent on the 13th. "Well before" the decline, as you say.
You should reread the definition of trolling. You are selling a service on a forum, as a customer I think I can share my impressions. Too bad you are unable to provide a correct description of your service and handle issues when they arise.

PS I'm not complaining about mediocre results from this service. Every linkbuilding package has risks and it's rather stupid to blame providers for Google's behaviour. But, if I knew that I'd be getting close to 4k nofollow links, I wouldn't have ordered.

As buyers, we are responsible for conducting our own due diligence and knowing what we are buying before we buy it. It's pretty widely known that 90% of wikis are nofollow. I'm sure had you asked the providers in this thread they would have been upfront with you and told you that the majority are nofollow. Nonetheless, they still carry the same value when compared to other types of dofollow links.
Thanks. Just ordered wikis only. Hope this shit gives a push to 1st place.
Main keyword is on #3.

Your order has been received and placed in the queue. Should give it that little push.

hey man all i see is positive increase in SERPS when using this service, have ordered 3x so far. nofollow and dofollow doesnt even really matter, or that's what i've noticed.

As buyers, we are responsible for conducting our own due diligence and knowing what we are buying before we buy it. It's pretty widely known that 90% of wikis are nofollow. I'm sure had you asked the providers in this thread they would have been upfront with you and told you that the majority are nofollow. Nonetheless, they still carry the same value when compared to other types of dofollow links.

Thanks for chiming in guys. Now let's get back to ranking that shit :smokin:
Just got my report back. Everything looks good.

I've been struggling to move up from 3rd for my chosen keyword but only recently moved up to 2nd.

Now I did use a number of other services but I've very confident this service also helped. I'll definitely be adding this to my list of services to use from now on.

Solid stuff guys.

Recieved the report 7 hours ago, too soon to see results. I got 4801 wikis, holy shit. The service is definitely very potent, I just hope the site won't get sandboxed ;).
Just got my report back. Everything looks good.

I've been struggling to move up from 3rd for my chosen keyword but only recently moved up to 2nd.

Now I did use a number of other services but I've very confident this service also helped. I'll definitely be adding this to my list of services to use from now on.

Solid stuff guys.


Thanks for the review. Hopefully the keyword will get bumped up to 1st place in the coming week as Google indexes and crawls more of the links.

2 more reports received, thanks!

Always a pleasure doing business with you Jakey.

Recieved the report 7 hours ago, too soon to see results. I got 4801 wikis, holy shit. The service is definitely very potent, I just hope the site won't get sandboxed ;).

We are always scraping for more wikis :D We have yet to see a site get sandboxed.
A quick heads-up: we have trouble sending out reports to yahoo email addresses. So when you are submitting the form, please specify a non-yahoo email address for the reports. Thanks.
An additional note: We received a few PM's on the topic of adult/gambling sites. We can not do them, because a lot of the bookmarking and wiki sites reject them.

Sorry guys!
We just wanted to thank everyone for all the love and wish all of you a happy and successful new year!

Over and out,
Roman & JT
I'm not going to make some long drawn out review. All I have to say is my site (less than 1 month old) went from unranked to #4 on Google with nothing but my on page SEO and 1 Wikimarks order. You be the judge.
I'm not going to make some long drawn out review. All I have to say is my site (less than 1 month old) went from unranked to #4 on Google with nothing but my on page SEO and 1 Wikimarks order. You be the judge.

Thanks for the review man.

Happy new year everyone! Let's make lots of monies this year.
Just placed another order. Hopefully it will help in pushing it to #1 Transaction # 05K42306VM8976139
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