EWA Has Stopped Paying

We're grateful for your services and all of your efforts, Jon. Affiliate Marketing is, indeed, a vigorous and vicious industry.

Yes. Jon you are a shining beacon of hope in an otherwise shameless, snake oil peddling industry and we would be lost without your divine guidance. Thank you for everything you do.

Just to make something clear on this...

I have a lot of respect for Ryan Eagle. Both personally and professionally. He's a solid businessman, and a great competitor to go up against. I love to fuck with him. He knows this all too well. Playing jokes on him is great fun. He's a really good sport. And anytime there were ever issues with payment for someone random that called in a favor with me to get something worked out with Eagle, always got done, right away, no questions asked. That's the kind of guy Eagle is.

He didn't ask me to post this, and if he did, I would have trolled him hard about it. We have our differences as everyone does. I think there are a lot of things he could or should be doing to grow his business and make it far more profitable than it is now, but what I think, just like what you think, doesn't matter. Its his own business and he will run it anyway he wants to, with whomever he wants to. One of his biggest problems now and forever, is loyalty. Being loyal to the wrong people. But he has a real hustler mentality, and people need to see and respect that. He follows his own code of ethics too.

He's marketed himself VERY well. Those of us, myself included, that used to laugh at his posts and his self promo style, are NOT his target client audience. We're just part of a bigger game. He may seem like a joke to most of you, but that's because you don't know him or what his goals are. That's fine too, because he executes them masterfully.

I don't want to see EWA go down in flames. I really don't. But I think that some of the miscalculated business decisions made in the past are catching up to them, and like one member in this thread pointed out, the most common issue is non-payment/payment issues that lead to a network going bust. Its very true. A few payment issues each week or each month are normal. Advertisers aren't exactly the shining light either. Nor are other brokers and networks. There are always issues it seems. It would suck to see them go, but then again, this is a cutthroat industry, this is a business. This entire industry is all about making and losing money, as quickly as possible, for as cost effectively as possible. This industry reminds me a lot of the merchant processing industry, in the sense that the barrier to entry is low, the cash commissions are cheap and plentiful, there is little exclusivity left and/or creativity/unique solutions to hock, but most of all, it relies on one thing. Managing your risks effectively. People in our industry are VERY bad at managing risk. Just like in processing, ISO's and their resellers and even their acquiring banks are just horrible and in the stone ages when it comes to managing their risks correctly and effectively.

(I'll make a new thread to rant at you other networks)
i agree completely...i have read a lot or Ryan's posts and always found them insightful...and I find it really strange that he is willing to damage is reputation for 3000 bucks.

i have no doubt that I will get paid by Ryan...but for us affiliates, timely payments are a requirement because we can't afford to float too many $$$s in a world where ROI keeps on decreasing every month...
by the way, my leads were legit. i have done more than $20K with that advertiser this month and have gotten paid as well...

but for some reason EWA continues to delay payment for some leads I sent them months ago.
Looks like Eagle should just whore himself out to the gay webmasters he owes. It may result in him being butt hurt, however, he might be forgiven the massive bills he keeps piling up.


Anyways, seriously, slow payments and I jump ship. History can show you that's how networks start going dead.
I'm not owed by EWA, but from CPA Tank. What's interesting is that "Vito's" "well funded" CPA Tank seems out of biz from the e-mails they've sent. More interesting is that Ryan Eagle is the Secretary of CPA Tank...

Looks like someone went bust.

Still haven't get my payment. Sigh ~ almost 3 months now.

I think I already sent out countless email and pm. In fact, I have received a lot of replies from them, but all are empty promises. Is it so hard to make the payment even the figure is small ???

I will keep updates here until I get my payment.
When they owed me the other half or so of my earnings couple months ago, I finally had hadenough waiting and threatened to file in small claims for the max allowed, which was above what EWA owed me, I got a wire a few days later.

I was going to make good on my threat though and had everything ready to go but Ryan emailed back and said wire will be sent the next day.
It's highly likely that Ryan's statement about growth is true.

For those of you who don't know, growth kills as many businesses as not having enough business does... in fact it kills them faster. When you're running a margin-based business like a network, growing puts an insane amount of strain on your working capital. Combine that with a late paying merchant or two, and you'll run out of cash in no time.

I know you all hate on business education, but most of you could REALLY benefit from taking some basic business finance and risk management courses. "I have an accountant who does all that" isn't good enough. If you don't understand your numbers as a business owner, you're an idiot who is waiting to go bust (admittedly, I only understand them because I've managed to run out of cash in the past, which makes you learn pretty damn sharpish).

Anyhow, hope y'all manage to get paid before the entire fucking house of cards comes crashing down.
Those vouching for this kid are nuts. Ryan Eagle also runs CPA TANK (he is listed as the secretary on the business records filed with Illinois) and CPA TANK owes me $2400. I get the same BS that EWA dishes out, so they must be using the same employee manuals.
Those vouching for this kid are nuts. Ryan Eagle also runs CPA TANK (he is listed as the secretary on the business records filed with Illinois) and CPA TANK owes me $2400. I get the same BS that EWA dishes out, so they must be using the same employee manuals.


come on ryan you slackin brah.
I appreciate some of the posts on this thread - I got my start here at wickedfire and I will never forget that. These phantom posters that do not reply to messages leave me in a bad position as a network owner. I want to help fix any problem that these people have - all I ask is that they respond to me or reach out to me over PM.

EWA is here to stay and I am here to stay - I truly love doing what I do. We have been making major changes that have taken longer than expected to come to fruition but we are finally at the last lap. Until then, I will personally bridge the gap and handle ANY problems that arise - I just need the chance to help. I need you to contact me, or respond, not just leave a post without any explanation or way for me to help.

In all honesty, if a publisher is experiencing an issue then I absolutely deserve the 'public' accountability. It's my name attached on the front of this company (having a Rolls Royce conversion kit & pink suites doesn't help either?). If my team is underperforming, then I will eat shit now - but please, just give me the chance to actually fix it for you.

Shoot me a private message on here and I will fix it (ill even give Jon his cut, lol)
Hey Ryan, in case you didn't get my email, pull our offer off your network ASAP please.

Hands down the most disorganized and infuriating network we have ever worked with.
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