EWA Has Stopped Paying

Ryan is using this board as a affiliate support center. I think Jon should send him an invoice for the service. :p
I was just paid by Ryan Eagle yesterday and the amount owed was a little over $5000. I will admit it did take some time, and it took a lot of emails and a lot of messages sent to Savy and Ryan, but eventually I did get paid.
Savy will reply your email like clockwork.................every 2 weeks.
okay daddy.

then what are you in this game for? Bubble gums?

I'm in the game so every man can grow his dick to the size of his choice, every woman can have teeth white as snow, every dog can have his snuggie.

Money is just a by-product of a common well-being I try to bring to this world.
Just got an e-mail from Ryan saying that accounting will get back to me asap.
This is the fourth or fifth time he's told me this.
Time to bail the fuck out before this happens!!!!!!

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I've been in industry for years, and many networks have gone bust.

They all start the same way -- slow payments.

difference is, Ryan has enough time to put up a bio this year stating net worth of 50million, while simultaneously having the highest public late payment rate of EWA history.

I wouldn't be advertising my success of net worth if I was running my biz this way.

Generally i've looked up to Ryan but now i'm not so sure
I've been in industry for years, and many networks have gone bust.

They all start the same way -- slow payments.

difference is, Ryan has enough time to put up a bio this year stating net worth of 50million, while simultaneously having the highest public late payment rate of EWA history.

I wouldn't be advertising my success of net worth if I was running my biz this way.

Generally i've looked up to Ryan but now i'm not so sure

I'm guessing Ryan's net worth is highly exaggerated, just like the standards he sets for his network. :laughing-smiley-007
Threads like these are pretty fucking effective in causing a stir and also completing what the OP is after. Unfortunately, it also causes some real issues for us/management of WickedFire because then we become the mediator. I don't like mediating for free anymore. I've personally mediated hundreds (not even kidding!) of the same issues the OP is stating here. And I have to say, there is never a clear, black and white, simple solution. Ever. Not once. It always creates drama. Both sides are always holding some key information back. Both sides always end up settling it. Both sides always threaten one another and almost never make good on those threats, especially the legal ones.

However both sides almost always get hurt in the end. Whether its a reputation management issue for the network or a constant request from the OP who "needs this removed asap to get paid as part of the agreement". -- To which we rarely comply, because, fuck that, you use us for your personal debt collection strategy, and now you want us to take it down so you can recoup all of "what you're owed" and all we get is... a problem you created on our hands, or we look like the bad guy? Ha! Assholes.

To both sides... Why can't you just send traffic, follow the fucking rules, and pay the fucking guy/girl for the traffic? You know why... because this is a shady industry, and nothing is ever black and white or easy to read. There is always some hidden agenda or hidden info or secret and someone showing off or lying.

WickedFire is changing. We're going to take a different approach to dealing with this mediation stuff. I've been putting it off for as long as I possibly can because starting new services here, irritates me. I don't like having to do extra work all because people are idiots or incapable of conducting business fairly. I don't think its something WickedFire needs to be involved with. Think, of us as the government of the industry. Do you really want us to control your shit? No. You should want us to have as little dabbling or interaction as possible. Regulations are necessary, but intervention is a pain in the ass. But, I guess its come to that now... So I will make changes here to cater to this mediation shit. Blame yourselves.

And hey, if you happen to own or subscribe to a certain collection agency that this particular network that the OP is having issues with... maybe you can collect on yourself first before trying to do it on others? I mean, it does raise some interesting questions in terms of how effective, or not effective at all, the whole collection service is. That's what happens when you've got amateurs doing 'collections' and 'financing'. Eagle is a pro when it comes to the marketing/network profits world, no fucking doubt about it. But this risk management, or highly lack there of, is just a joke. You guys stick to being a network, I'll stick to risk management and the affiliates will stick to making money for you and your networks. Simple.
WickedFire is changing. We're going to take a different approach to dealing with this mediation stuff. I've been putting it off for as long as I possibly can because starting new services here, irritates me. I don't like having to do extra work all because people are idiots or incapable of conducting business fairly. I don't think its something WickedFire needs to be involved with. Think, of us as the government of the industry. Do you really want us to control your shit? No. You should want us to have as little dabbling or interaction as possible. Regulations are necessary, but intervention is a pain in the ass. But, I guess its come to that now... So I will make changes here to cater to this mediation shit. Blame yourselves.

May I suggest a 10% cut of the amount claimed if it is paid out with a minimum of $100 so as to not waste your time on the claims that are less than $1000?
Threads like these are pretty fucking effective in causing a stir and also completing what the OP is after. Unfortunately, it also causes some real issues for us/management of WickedFire because then we become the mediator. I don't like mediating for free anymore. I've personally mediated hundreds (not even kidding!) of the same issues the OP is stating here. And I have to say, there is never a clear, black and white, simple solution. Ever. Not once. It always creates drama. Both sides are always holding some key information back. Both sides always end up settling it. Both sides always threaten one another and almost never make good on those threats, especially the legal ones.

However both sides almost always get hurt in the end. Whether its a reputation management issue for the network or a constant request from the OP who "needs this removed asap to get paid as part of the agreement". -- To which we rarely comply, because, fuck that, you use us for your personal debt collection strategy, and now you want us to take it down so you can recoup all of "what you're owed" and all we get is... a problem you created on our hands, or we look like the bad guy? Ha! Assholes.

To both sides... Why can't you just send traffic, follow the fucking rules, and pay the fucking guy/girl for the traffic? You know why... because this is a shady industry, and nothing is ever black and white or easy to read. There is always some hidden agenda or hidden info or secret and someone showing off or lying.

WickedFire is changing. We're going to take a different approach to dealing with this mediation stuff. I've been putting it off for as long as I possibly can because starting new services here, irritates me. I don't like having to do extra work all because people are idiots or incapable of conducting business fairly. I don't think its something WickedFire needs to be involved with. Think, of us as the government of the industry. Do you really want us to control your shit? No. You should want us to have as little dabbling or interaction as possible. Regulations are necessary, but intervention is a pain in the ass. But, I guess its come to that now... So I will make changes here to cater to this mediation shit. Blame yourselves.

And hey, if you happen to own or subscribe to a certain collection agency that this particular network that the OP is having issues with... maybe you can collect on yourself first before trying to do it on others? I mean, it does raise some interesting questions in terms of how effective, or not effective at all, the whole collection service is. That's what happens when you've got amateurs doing 'collections' and 'financing'. Eagle is a pro when it comes to the marketing/network profits world, no fucking doubt about it. But this risk management, or highly lack there of, is just a joke. You guys stick to being a network, I'll stick to risk management and the affiliates will stick to making money for you and your networks. Simple.

You fuckers need to start going direct or make your own shit


You're just screwing yourself working with a 3rd tier network with twice brokered offers. Even if EWA did pay on time, which it seems they dont, you're being f'd out of margin they are taking for doing nothing.

Step it up. If its Easy Money, a little bit of work will get you more.
I don't like mediating for free anymore. I've personally mediated hundreds (not even kidding!) of the same issues the OP is stating here.

To which we rarely comply, because, fuck that, you use us for your personal debt collection strategy, and now you want us to take it down so you can recoup all of "what you're owed" and all we get is... a problem you created on our hands, or we look like the bad guy? Ha! Assholes.

WickedFire is changing. We're going to take a different approach to dealing with this mediation stuff. I've been putting it off for as long as I possibly can because starting new services here, irritates me. I don't like having to do extra work all because people are idiots or incapable of conducting business fairly. I don't think its something WickedFire needs to be involved with.

We're grateful for your services and all of your efforts, Jon. Affiliate Marketing is, indeed, a vigorous and vicious industry.