Eli is working for the White House!

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hold up, why were they getting so upset over captcha stuff? some of the techniques for getting around captchas have been around for years.

I have reasons to believe this was all plotted out by one of Eli's biggest fans/stalkers to get him to post after a dry spell.
We will also be buying captcha decoders and releasing them openly to the general public.

If you have them contact me thru I'm and we'll make arrangements.
We will also be buying captcha decoders and releasing them openly to the general public.

If you have them contact me thru I'm and we'll make arrangements.

If you bomb us into the stone age, I will personally sit there and throw sharp rocks at you.

This is all too funny =)
i see that he has forwarded his domain to whitehouse.gov once again. the ddos that is currently running, does not go to the new IP(s) if he changes the dns. we've learned from our last mistake. no harm was intended for the whitehouse.gov website. now it has the ability to stay within one IP such as, or stay within a range of IPs such as i am curious as to what happened with all the cisco protection that eli was talking about. the ddos can be stopped within minutes with a decent anti-ddos router/firewall. as for Unarmed Gunman's comment, the reason why robstool.com isn't being targeted is because that's not where he outed other people's methods. we do not care about hurting his business, we just want to make a point that outing other people's work/methods is not respectable. if somebody tells you some information that they want to be private, and you go and make it public... that kind of pisses those people off. anyway, we will stop the ddos in about a week or so (unless he gets some good anti-ddos protection before then). hopefully he has learned his lesson and will not out other people's work/methods in the future if they are meant to be private.

Btw robstool is under attack..

You can't make up your mind, cwazy little fella. =)

oh and on
hopefully he has learned his lesson and will not out other people's work/methods in the future if they are meant to be private

If anyones work he's outing its mine.. I was breaking myspace captchas when they first came out.

You have to realize everything on bluehatseo, is stuff we did years ago.

Btw, I gave eli full permission to use my method of seperating the letters (I used to do it pixel by pixel w/ Image::Magick (perl mod) ... So you can bugger right off..
Now this is some high level class shit. You aint going to find this shit anywhere else, wickedfire is the shit. Whats even more fucking amazing is that its b2n fucking pros. Trust me i would hate to be on the receiving end on some of this guys. Whether eli(who has more than proved that he aint your average "hello world" programmer and the pussies who are fucking with the talent behind squirt forums and wf.
Squirt has a large paid following, marketers programmers and basically guys who know their shit. Lo, behold you dont want your details out to that closed community even worse to the wf guys. Cause boy its like signing your death warrant.

Eli burn them, people should know when you have been conquered.
I can not make up my mind if this is for real, or if this is some sort of publicity stunt by eli :)

hold up, why were they getting so upset over captcha stuff? some of the techniques for getting around captchas have been around for years.
Eli is a good writer.
Basically he takes articles like this
Rich Hall -- CAPTCHA (2005-12-17) (dated 2005)
and translates them into a language that mental midgets (the majority of people) can understand.
I can not find it but when captchas first came out, there was a paper about using social engineering to break them.

Nothing new under the sun
Hey Eli, I realize this pissing contest has gotten way past just getting bhSEO past it's ddos attack. However if it's the information they are scared of, fuck em. Chunk up some mirrors all across the net and let them try to bring multiple sites down ... it'll cost them way more than just to just bluehat to it's knees. I'll gladly donate some space as I'm sure many others here at wf will do also.
Oh Eli, I feel bad for you. You really are a good writer, and to do this to your blog is like they are "burning books."

Revenge is a dessert best eaten cold
Revenge is a dish best served cold :eek:

Yeah, but I like dessert better than dishes. Besides, the longer you wait, the more your prey drops their guard. Revenge is so much more delicious then. Been there, eaten that.

OK Ok I'm wrong. But don't quote me.:banana_sml::banana_sml::banana_sml:
Chunk up some mirrors all across the net and let them try to bring multiple sites down ... it'll cost them way more than just to just bluehat to it's knees.

You can't just do a redirect and send traffic from a ddos attack to another server. Any good trojan is going to operate 100% in the background and won't follow normal browser redirects or anything like that. I'm pretty sure 0% of the traffic from the attack on eli's server went to the whitehouse.

I can not make up my mind if this is for real, or if this is some sort of publicity stunt by eli :)

Eli is a good writer.
Basically he takes articles like this
Rich Hall -- CAPTCHA (2005-12-17) (dated 2005)
and translates them into a language that mental midgets (the majority of people) can understand.
I can not find it but when captchas first came out, there was a paper about using social engineering to break them.

Nothing new under the sun

Nop90-- I think you misunderstood my question. I know there's been some good literature in the past (through some top name schools even) on possible methods in automating captcha processing, I was asking why the attackers were so pissed off that eli was publishing this information. Since it has been out for years, I can't see the captcha stuff as being a real reason to take down his servers.

As far as Eli spitting out old info--so what? I do agree that some of the info is repeat material, but I disagree that it should be cast aside as irrelevant if it gets the new guys in this industry through the door. I guess a lot of people in the SEO community don't want new people stepping in their niches and cutting in on their profits. While nobody likes less income, this promotes competition, which is good. Google is always going to change their algorithms to make their search better. In doing so we have to constantly keep up and come up with new ideas (you're a syndk8 member and this pertains especially to us in doing blackhat stuff.)

Progression is building on previously learned skills. You have to take what you've learned and spin it into your own idea. A lot of people joke on "Eli's followers", but if the guy can take old information, write it in layman's terms, then further put an interesting twist on the information so that people have a multitude of roads to follow, he deserves a following. I remember when Eli first launched squirt. I have since learned and built my own promotion systems, but I learned a lot through forking over the $100 a month for a couple months. I learned how to spin old ideas and make them my own. For that, eli deserves the $300 or whatever I paid for squirt.
From what I gathered, it was an attack done with a ton of US based botnets, very likely controlled by our comrads in Russia or some other Eastern European country. I would most likely guess it was a hired guns type of gig, where the source of the attack was actually just paid a few hundred bucks/euros to attack his server WITH a US botnet specifically to throw people off. Not sure it worked, but we must all agree, it definitely got the point across.

I personally don't care about CAPTCHAs to be honest. I'm sure there are lots of people who do care, but that's their own issue. It was definitely an attack done in bad taste, because almost all NEW and PRIVATE information comes out eventually, becomes commonly used in the community, and is then replaced by new stuff, so what's the point of trying to save the info for a few extra days or months?

A lot of you BH SEO guys should re-think your business strategies. There are so few of you really good ones in the world, collaborating instead of going to war seems like it would make much more sense from a business stand point. Just my opinion on this.
I can see your point, and agree to a large extent. That being said, blackhat is a business model that operates on secrecy. Whereas with PPC a few tricks getting out there can damage you, in blackhat it can make an entire system(hundreds-thousands of hours of work) worthless in a few days. If a captcha gets changed, people can lose thousands. There's a reason people are so secretive. Beyond that, there are constant whitehat vigilantes out there to report the tricks. One person being careless and getting caught with a previously undetected trick...and bam. Gone. In an instant.
Collaboration is something that people have to be done very very carefully.

hold up, why were they getting so upset over captcha stuff? some of the techniques for getting around captchas have been around for years.
Yes. That's true. And I don't think there was anything to fear from Eli's post. It's not about the captchas though I have a feeling. More likely, people are using the things that the captchas can get people access to, and don't want those saturated. Most people, even if they have a basic concept on how to break the captchas, never will. Until they get a poke to get them into action.

Oh Eli, I feel bad for you. You really are a good writer, and to do this to your blog is like they are "burning books."

Revenge is a dessert best eaten cold
Most blackhats are not about "exchange of information". They are about profit. Ideals hold little weight.

Ok. So don't read this as an anti-eli post or anything of the sort. I myself have posted on captchas several times, so I would be a tremendous hypocrite to criticize him. I'm just trying to give some insight into the mindset I guess.
Old stuff made new

As to the techniques for breaking captachas being old - they are ancient - this stuff predates the internet actually. I was involved in an ocr/workflow project on Win 3.1 where we had to read hand written forms - thousands of characters per page, tens of thousands of pages weekly, and pop them into a database - instead of just 4 or 5 characters per account, and we had no trouble finding toolkits that worked pretty well even then. The basics of scan image - increase contrast - despeckle -deskew - ocr - store were old techniques even then. In fact we got out of that project because it got 'too competitive' even then. Oh yeah - the forms were in Arabic BTW.

Nothing stays secret. This asshat just needs to find a new moneymaker.:error:
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