Eli is working for the White House!

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it doesn't look like cisco is helping you out much there

i wish you the best of luck in finding me

p.s. it's not just about the captchas, but you know that

the cisco protection is being installed right now along with a few other securities. Get back in the chat :) and use the Orly owl icon its way better.

...information which you obtained, but it was not meant to be public...you are giving out too much sensitive info, so step it down a notch.

WTF are you trying to prove? You're upset about re-posted captcha information? It was a guest post, and the authors site is still up and running, so why don't you go fuck yourself.

Nobody cares about you or your stupid ddos attack, so while your busy masturbating tonight before you go to bed, try to keep this image out of your head.

And what's up with posting eli's picture?


US Section Code 1030.

(A) (i) knowingly causes the transmission of a program, information, code, or command, and as a result of such conduct, intentionally causes damage without authorization, to a protected computer;
redirecting to a government site is either brilliantly smart or really stupid... depending on the outcome...

personally I wouldn't want to risk a knock and talk with the feds or DHS...

good luck getting it sorted...
called my lawyer about it actually. I'm fine, even if i get charged for something it won't stick. Just like the people in the botnet with the viruses installed on their computers won't be held responsible (technically they are the ones doing the attack). I can forward my domain as I wish. It's the people who made the virus, distributed the virus, and used the virus to initiate the attack that are breaking federal cybercrimes law.

The only difference with those people and you're situation is that they are not aware of it, and you're knowingly with intend causing a situation that affects the Whitehouse in a negative way.

Essentially collaborating with the people behind it and willfully taking part in this illegal action.

Hopefully you're not putting yourself in a difficult situation here, because you really need to look for another lawyer.

1: If you've forwarded your domain before the attack and you didn't know about the attack when police is knocking on your door, then you're in the same situation as the people that you mention that are unknowingly part of a botnet.

2: If you forward your domain knowing (Your have admitted openly that you're aware of the attack and did the forward intentionally) that the domain is under an attack and it will deflect the attack to the Whitehouse website, then you're part of the group of the attackers and no longer an innocent party.

See the difference?

You're responsible for your own actions!

Example: You're actions could if directed to a regular small business website cause financial damage, let alone it's reputation as the site is constantly off-line, causing additional expenses as well.

You would be the one responsible for the downtime of the small business website, not the people behind the botnet attack, because you assisted and are solely responsible for the attack to be directed to the small business website.

Once again, you're responsible for your own actions.

Luckily the Whitehouse website is very well protected from these type of attacks, but they have you on their radar and you will probably have a lot of explaining to do.
I think that eli may have stolen this guys girlfriend........or had sex with his mother and sister....its a tough call
If they were really trying to hurt Eli, why not go after his money makers? BlueHatSeo.com doesn't really make him any money. Seems fishy to me...

And that picture has been posted on Wickedfire before, so nothing new.
i see that he has forwarded his domain to whitehouse.gov once again. the ddos that is currently running, does not go to the new IP(s) if he changes the dns. we've learned from our last mistake. no harm was intended for the whitehouse.gov website. now it has the ability to stay within one IP such as, or stay within a range of IPs such as i am curious as to what happened with all the cisco protection that eli was talking about. the ddos can be stopped within minutes with a decent anti-ddos router/firewall. as for Unarmed Gunman's comment, the reason why robstool.com isn't being targeted is because that's not where he outed other people's methods. we do not care about hurting his business, we just want to make a point that outing other people's work/methods is not respectable. if somebody tells you some information that they want to be private, and you go and make it public... that kind of pisses those people off. anyway, we will stop the ddos in about a week or so (unless he gets some good anti-ddos protection before then). hopefully he has learned his lesson and will not out other people's work/methods in the future if they are meant to be private.
the site has been undergoing a huge ddos attack since about 11pm last night. So i forwarded it to whitehouse.gov. I figure if they want to attack anyone they might as well attack a government website. I may be no good at hunting them down but the NSA shouldn't have too much trouble :)

LOL!! Good thinkin! hahaha
US Section Code 1030.
(A) (i) knowingly causes the transmission of a program, information, code, or command, and as a result of such conduct, intentionally causes damage without authorization, to a protected computer;

Just throwing some more fat in the fire :D

By this thread admitted that he knowingly forwarded a DOS attack to a US gov't website. (To be honest I am not sure if the attack will actually be forwareded, depends on the attack type etc).

Since the US gov't website represents world freedom, eli is now part of a terrorist group. Infact a good prosecutor could argue, that he made up this who DOS thing just as an excuse to attack freedom.

Since eli is now a terrorist he can be detained indefinitely without a lawyer, and various methods can be used to question him to reveal valueable information for the sake of national security.

Proxy method of breaking captcha with the strip show thingie etc, was published way back, like 8 years ago.
If it'll put some minds to rest. I'm not in any trouble. Working with law enforcement now on the attack. Also even though the attack is going to the site its no longer forwarding to the whitehouse website.
I can not understand why people hate me ???
I am so likeable :(

A White House spokesman said that President Bush authorized his CIA director to confirm on Tuesday the use of waterboarding — commonly described as simulating drowning by covering the mouth with a cloth and pouring water down the throat — on three suspected terrorists.

"This program and the techniques used in it were determined lawful, through a process," said White House spokesman Tony Fratto.

Mr. Fratto also said the technique is authorized currently, but could be used in the future if a rigid set of legal and procedural safeguards are followed.

Me I always ensure that legal and procedural safeguards are taking to ensure that
people like me. Why after my love treatment .......
if that youkn0w guys is legit dont forget to contact Jon for his forum access logs by him it could come in handy?
i see that he has forwarded his domain to whitehouse.gov once again. the ddos that is currently running, does not go to the new IP(s) if he changes the dns. we've learned from our last mistake. no harm was intended for the whitehouse.gov website. now it has the ability to stay within one IP such as, or stay within a range of IPs such as i am curious as to what happened with all the cisco protection that eli was talking about. the ddos can be stopped within minutes with a decent anti-ddos router/firewall. as for Unarmed Gunman's comment, the reason why robstool.com isn't being targeted is because that's not where he outed other people's methods. we do not care about hurting his business, we just want to make a point that outing other people's work/methods is not respectable. if somebody tells you some information that they want to be private, and you go and make it public... that kind of pisses those people off. anyway, we will stop the ddos in about a week or so (unless he gets some good anti-ddos protection before then). hopefully he has learned his lesson and will not out other people's work/methods in the future if they are meant to be private.

I have never once taken something spoken in private and posted it on the blog or even mentioned it to anyone else. I'm really anal about that stuff *giggles*. I NEVER betray people's trust. The point of the site is to help people not ruin techniques, you sound like a faggy syndk8 member when you say that. :D Either way no point in arguing about it. I'm in the right you're in the wrong. Thats why you'll be paying for this the rest of your life and I won't. But gunman brings up a good point, if you're going after me or trying to "teach a lesson" you're definitely targeting the wrong site. We're talking about a site I left down for over a week last september while I left to vegas because I didn't care enough about it to spend the five minutes rebooting the server. This is a site who's previous server was my cup holder at the office for a year and a half. If I had interest in STOPPING the attack I would of spent an extra $40/month and moved to a server who specializes in stopping ddos attacks already. In case you didn't notice, I really don't care about the site itself. The longer you keep the attack going the closer I come to you. In the mean time i'm going to continue having fun with it and use the time to perfect my seo empire p2 post. I may play stupid when it benefits but don't think you're dealing with amateur here. If revenge is your game you should at least know who you're playing with and at the very least attack something that matters to your target, I assure you I'm not going to take it easy on you. I will destroy everything you care about and I don't say that lightly.

In the mean time I'm off to get a keg for tonight! Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!

ps. Mr. Hacker wanna be when i get back you should have your offended "friend" IM me if he wants to talk so bad. He's still on my list. Or join the chatroom like a pussy.
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bored too hot to work :)
For all i know maybe this entire DOS attack is made up for purpose of link bait :), sales of tools that do not work are dropping :)
hence the statement
I'm in the right you're in the wrong. Thats why you'll be paying for this the rest of your life and I won't.
If the DOS attack is real then you are just as guilty if not in worse shit :)
Bottom line is you are a terrorist under US law. (if the whitehouse site is being affected).

The point of the site is to help people not ruin techniques.
Yes and i just make sites to help horney losers relieve pent up sexual tension. Like everyone forgets about the horney loser who just can not get laid, but no i always think how i can help him.

Eli's site is a good read.
Most of what he puts on there is pretty much common knowledge but he wraps it into an intresting story.
Eli is extremely good at presentation. He is a very talented writer/promoter.

Common sense for captchas u have to seperate the letters, and then id each letter.
And probably 99.99% of people do not have coding skill to apply the knowledge anyway.

As someone said there are some that actually mine for gold
Then there are ones who lack the skills, so they just sell tools to mine gold :)

In the scheme of things they all server thier purpose.
i see that he has forwarded his domain to whitehouse.gov once again. the ddos that is currently running, does not go to the new IP(s) if he changes the dns. we've learned from our last mistake. no harm was intended for the whitehouse.gov website. now it has the ability to stay within one IP such as, or stay within a range of IPs such as i am curious as to what happened with all the cisco protection that eli was talking about. the ddos can be stopped within minutes with a decent anti-ddos router/firewall. as for Unarmed Gunman's comment, the reason why robstool.com isn't being targeted is because that's not where he outed other people's methods. we do not care about hurting his business, we just want to make a point that outing other people's work/methods is not respectable. if somebody tells you some information that they want to be private, and you go and make it public... that kind of pisses those people off. anyway, we will stop the ddos in about a week or so (unless he gets some good anti-ddos protection before then). hopefully he has learned his lesson and will not out other people's work/methods in the future if they are meant to be private.

So, are you 13 years old or 14?
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