Eli is working for the White House!

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I find it amazing that Eli had "*giggles* and " I will destroy everything you care about" in the same post.

That's like being viciously stabbed by Hello Kitty. :D

All those 6s in that IP address... someone's trying to look oldskool, BBS style, when 6s and Xs were all the rage! And let's not forget novels by William Gibson, because the future was totally gonna happen like that back in the mid 90s.
You know, I remember when hackers were a useful bunch. Groups like Paradigm, and Razor1911... Not the dicks you get today, exploiting the relatively easy vunerabilities of one of the least secure sets of OSs ever.

Chris: Elli's allowed to giggle... what you should have been worried about was if he were "tittering".
Personally, I go in for a snigger, as it's much more derisive.
As for Hello Kitty... well,
If it's really him, I doubt he's the kind of guy that wouldn't cover his tracks like that.

He might be stupid enough to use a public proxy in the states, that would happily turn over their logs to anyone with a badge.
Happy St. Paddy's Day now go get hammered

I love this drama!! Jon and Shoemoney, Eli under attack by kids.,,the White House involved..Who needs reality shows?

Anyways, just hurry up and get this the fuck over with, I miss Bluehat. The best blog around, and no, I can't code worth a shit, so the captch stuff was interesting..like Latin is interesting.

OH yeah Harvey, nice shot of the pink Hello Kitty rifle. Only in America
From what I gathered, it was an attack done with a ton of US based botnets, very likely controlled by our comrads in Russia or some other Eastern European country. I would most likely guess it was a hired guns type of gig, where the source of the attack was actually just paid a few hundred bucks/euros to attack his server WITH a US botnet specifically to throw people off. Not sure it worked, but we must all agree, it definitely got the point across.

I personally don't care about CAPTCHAs to be honest. I'm sure there are lots of people who do care, but that's their own issue. It was definitely an attack done in bad taste, because almost all NEW and PRIVATE information comes out eventually, becomes commonly used in the community, and is then replaced by new stuff, so what's the point of trying to save the info for a few extra days or months?

A lot of you BH SEO guys should re-think your business strategies. There are so few of you really good ones in the world, collaborating instead of going to war seems like it would make much more sense from a business stand point. Just my opinion on this.
Oh yeah.. just wanted to add something real quick...

To the guy/guys behind the attack on Eli's blog, if you and Eli want to settle the issue on neutral grounds, I'd be willing to mediate it in a private section here or live chat so that things are settled and you guys don't have to go through future shit storms like this again.

I'm friends with Eli, but I consider myself a realist, and will come up with a good strategy for both sides, however hardcore both your demands may be. You can both login completely anonymous if need be. I don't care.

I just want to get Eli's shit resolved without involving more government related issues on WickedFire. This thread has attracted enough government agency related visits and inquiries.

I also want to be clear that no mods/admins are going to ban the youkn0w guy until this is over and/or resolved, whichever comes first.
This is good stuff. Keep us updated and fuck that 'in private' moderated shit. Hammer it out right here on the forums!
Fuckin sweet. White house, hackers, mix in some hired guns from russia. Damn this would make a good movie
what's the big deal?

It thought it's pretty straightforward with captchas..
Use some image editing api, train OCR on it and there you go..
And any moderate+ coder can figure out how to write code for it. The thing is you have to deal with every single captcha separtely so the question always was - is worth the effort or not? So what is the tragedy about?
Alright, we just got a new deal whether you like it or not.

I am now holding your attack ransom. I will destroy your precious captcha industry post by post by post. How much I destroy it will be up to you. I will post up one post that'll blow up captcha breaking to every newbie in the industry for every day that your attack continues. The way I see it is, you already owe me 4 posts. So no matter what you do I will publish at least 4 posts about captchas. I just posted my first one now.

Blue Hat SEO-Advanced SEO Tactics » Captchas Captchas Captchas

Consider yourself at the crossroads. Every post will further hurt your business. You have a choice. Stop the attack quickly and take your medicine, or continue the attack and fuck your business even more. Since I know for a fact that this is a leased attack you have a third option. Keep attacking the site forever. Which since I know you can't do enjoy my big finger in your face bitch.:321:
I think there are a couple of guys out in the interwebs wondering whether "making a point" was such a good idea....

Eli's readers have become the real winners from their little stunt.
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