Easy Way To Make 100k/Year

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Do I see this right? If so, then advertisers would go after the low yearly rates and you need to work twice as hard to get new advertisers.

Tip #1: Rates - to sell advertising as a directory, you'll want to offer rates. What I do is offer HIGH month-to-month rates ($75-$80) Vs. low yearly rates ($175 year for featured listings)
since I first posted this in August, I've figured out SO many ways to get the advertisers to spend more money.

here's one or two things you may want to know:

#1. you don't HAVE to pitch high. I mean you can, but that's what upgrades are for. I've started selling 1 yr subscriptions with 6 months free, and then hitting the advertiser up with "deals".

#2. if you're willing to get off your ass, you will make a killing. for local businesses, I started going out to them with my Next Internet Millionaire video guy shooting 30 sec 'virtual tours' for RETARDED money. ez sell.

#3. put your customers and yourself in the news as often as possible. This will bring you and your customers traffic. It's easy to do... news likes talking about local businesses using technology.

just a few things.
Do I see this right? If so, then advertisers would go after the low yearly rates and you need to work twice as hard to get new advertisers.

no, you fucking retard. you work 1/2 as hard because your cost is brutally cheap. Then you upsell to CUSTOMERS.
What makes you think it would make NO money?

Because your target market isn't wandering the web looking for a "great place to advertise their business". You have to go find them - and that usually means on the phone, though you can supplement that with email.
I don't understand why people are evading this idea because they don't want to be a salesman. It's much more efficient to conduct your communication through emails. The only room for phone call I see is if a sponsor wants to sign on for a good sum and wants to communicate via phone because of formality and verification. Other than that, some of you act like you'd be going door to door with your briefcase.
Nope that will definitely not work where I'm from. Most local businesses do not have websites, let alone company email - even if they did chances are the conversion rate would be a lot lower than the "door to door with your briefcase" option.

@CorrectAd: Thanks for the extra info.
Nope that will definitely not work where I'm from. Most local businesses do not have websites, let alone company email .

Where are you from... Mars? ;)

You know it never ceases to amaze me that some small businesses still aren't on the Internet. I mean they're small, so for that reason alone they should be screaming for a fairly cost efficient way to get their business out there. I remember in the late 90's making a slightly subconscious decision that if the business didn't have a web page, they most likely wouldn't get my business.
Heck if you are from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and India, you would have hard time convincing them to advertise online. I think this thing will work if you live in USA, Canada, UK, and Australia.
Assuming that most go for the yearly rates (175 bucks a year), you would need 572 advertisers to make 100k a year passive income (without the UPSELL of course).
Awesome post CorrectAD. I'm working on a project like this myself. Going to be working on a scraper script soon to hopefully automate the data collection process for this project and others that may come about in the future.

Don't have any suggestions on scrapers available right now, do ya? If there's a really nice one that you suggest, I may just go with it and work on my own script on the side.
Where are you from... Mars? ;)
Nah, good old United Kingdom - once rulers of the world etc, surely you've heard of our little island.

But seriously, I'm talking about targeting say hairdressers and other little places - places that don't really need the internet to grow, often these places just run on word of mouth and existing custom alone. All I need to do is convince them that the magical, wonderful world of the internet is the way forward.

But maybe it's different in the US, I have no idea.
Someone has already made a scraper which has been posted a within the past few pages. $50 for the script.

DBWebDev, even small mom and pop businesses usually have an email account associated with their business phone. You're making a lot of assumptions and it sounds like you're trying to talk yourself out of the idea. Sure, there may be some really backwater businesses in UK, but I know for a fact that such businesses are in the minute minority.

Since they such a small minority of the UK business spectrum, you would target the more middleware businesses first and scrape a good looking directory. When you start pulling cashflow from your directory, you could go to these techless businesses you mentioned and sell them a "website package" where they pay you to make them a website and they get the "magic advertising deal" on your directory for 3 months. Of course, the web design can be outsourced or not, but the less tech a business uses, the more they can be sold to "get with the program."
Someone has already made a scraper which has been posted a within the past few pages. $50 for the script.

DBWebDev, even small mom and pop businesses usually have an email account associated with their business phone. You're making a lot of assumptions and it sounds like you're trying to talk yourself out of the idea. Sure, there may be some really backwater businesses in UK, but I know for a fact that such businesses are in the minute minority.

Since they such a small minority of the UK business spectrum, you would target the more middleware businesses first and scrape a good looking directory. When you start pulling cashflow from your directory, you could go to these techless businesses you mentioned and sell them a "website package" where they pay you to make them a website and they get the "magic advertising deal" on your directory for 3 months. Of course, the web design can be outsourced or not, but the less tech a business uses, the more they can be sold to "get with the program."

Yup, everybody that's anybody wants a website for their business. They just think they can't afford it or have no clue how to go about it.

With a few basic skilz, a cheap digi cam, and a limited gift of gab you could be the top fly on the shit heap at putting mom & pop shops on the innertubes.

OR, you can keep making excuses why it won't work in your area or market or niche or whatever.
Great idea CorrectAD! I want to give you special props for it, because it really gave me a slew of great ideas.

I've got a good-sized blog that kills in one niche and I think I'm going to use this idea to extend it's reach by building a directory and inviting off-line businesses to
take advantage of my dominance in that niche.

I can sell monthly subscriptions to the directory at $69.99 (yearly at $599.99), and then offer them rotation in front page banner advertising on the blog for a rate of , say, $7.50 CPM (to pull a number out of my ass, of course, discounted for premium directory members).

From this starting point there are about fifty ways of monetizing the directory with upsells and special deals, premium industry newsletters written by my bloggers, the whole nine yards.

Hell, for top level premium members ($999.99 a month/ $8999.99 annually), we can even set you up your own custom-designed blog (at your site, our ours) linked to the big blog and directory, and provide and manage professional writers to write the thing for you.

Damn, the more I think about it, the more excited I am.
this ball licker starts posting comments on my site AS CorrectAD saying how I stole the content, and then complaining about getting his comments deleted.

Oh hey douchebag, BTW: just cuz something's in a pdf doesn't make it an ebook. Take your head out of the kool-aid and go make some money.
I just took about 20 minutes to read every page of this thread. And I must admit, This has been one of the most inspiring thread I have read n WF. Thank you guys for this wonderful information. I Hope I can take my head out of my ass and start this bitch rolling.
Hehe i don't know if some dutch guy was reading this or not. But i was watching TV yesterday and I saw the commercial for this new product. Kinda like a local directory.

Made me think of this thread.
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