Do you miss Highschool?

Did you like High-school?

  • yea son

    Votes: 49 31.4%
  • no son

    Votes: 79 50.6%
  • i've repressed all memories of it

    Votes: 28 17.9%

  • Total voters


Señor Member
Apr 18, 2011
down the lane
I keep hearing a lot of people I know bitching about how they miss high school and how shit was much simpler back then.. I mean I hated high school....
You had to be there for like 8 hours straight doing repetitive work, stuck in a world governed by whoever is the biggest asshole in the class and the teachers. The social hierarchy was simple, you didn't have to be intelligent or anything to succeed.
Basically, I think people like it because it was very simple, you just had a schedule of being in a place for 8 hours with your peers. Now that people graduate, they realize in the real world they aren't shit, while back in highschool, if you were the pretty girl,you were the envy of all the ugly girls etc.... Or even not to that extent, you went to a world where every one knew you.

I really hated highschool, I was never really popular, never got pussy (which changed after I graduated, and doesn't make sense due to my sexiness), and really just hated being there the entire time, I didn't really feel like I was learning anything in most of my classes. That being said, I made lifetime friends and connections there, as well as playing sports, so it wasn't all bad.

Basically, I feel like people liked highschool because of the simplicity. They didn't have to decide where they went everyday, they cherished their free time more, they were somebody, whereas now they aren't.... IDK.. This sounds like butthurt, but really I'm just wondering how you guys view highschool.

As a college student, I like it here much better, more pussy.

How do you guys feel about this?
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Well the beauty of high school is even though each year I get older the girls stay the same age
Hell no. I went to Catholic school and do not believe in any of that shit. It was fucking ridiculous the stuff they had us do. On the interesting side, there is not many things in life as awkward as seeing your high school religion teacher at the liquor store - even better having her tell you, "look what you've done."
Yeah, I miss it. I had lucky enough to have friendly classmates and wee pulled all kinds of funny stuff all day long, like this when I tried to steal a sticker pointing towards the stairs and it tore apart, so I glued it back

and replaced emergency escape plan with something like this:

Fun stuff, lolled every day, I am actually very surprised that I graduated at all..
I can count the number of times I went to high school sober on one hand.

It was necessary, I simply couldn't deal with that much concentrated bullshit and stupidity without my handy dandy sack of grass, psychedelics, and adderall. Public school is such a joke, no wonder everyone is so stupid.

Especially gym teachers.
hell yeah i miss it. It was so simple back then because you didnt have responsibilities lol. I use to go to school and either ditch to go get drunk or stick around and do nothing but hang out with friends. Either way I was doing something fun. Even If me and my friends were put in school suspension my friends would sneak me in beer or if we all were having in school suspension we would go get a 30 pack before school started and drank throughout the day. So many good times.

Infact we knew the narcs better than we knew our own teachers. They were cool with us and let us get away with all kinds of shit. Looking back at it some of the shit we did and got away with could of easily got us tossed out of the school or put in juvy. We did so much stupid shit I remember when we pulled a runner on 3-4 different grocery stores and ended up with like 24 12-packs of beer. That shit was gone after one weekend. We fucked around so much during our senior years that the next year when we were all out of there they fired all the narcs and hired real cops LOL.

I miss those simple times. Not because what we did can't be recreated its just after highschool everyone grows up and nobody wants to have a little fun and do some stupid stuff every now and then. Most of my friends knocked bitches up and have kids now or they got hooked on drugs and now they are junkies. I wish I could go back because everyone was just chill. You fuck around and do stupid stuff at school, go home and wake up to do it again the next day. Fuckin miss that shit.
High school was fun, I didn't need to care about anyone - only myself. And in that fact resided a lack of care for everything I could have been, done or will ever do. In other words DO I FUCK!

If I had a big enough match I'd burn you to the ground.
There are people that didn't like high school but continued waking up all early and shit to go there anyway? Why?
you know, so many people who dont like high school make much more money than those who spent a lot of time on university or high level degree
I don't miss my high school but I miss the time after my high school. After high school, I had my own office, lots of chicks, friends, parties, beers, weeds etc. etc. etc.

And now its been 8 years.
High school in Canada was excellent, Texas was horrible, and UK was decent.

In Canada when you hit grade 10 (15 years old), you're treated as an adult, school doors are open, so come and go as you want. If you don't like a class, then don't go. Nobody cared, and if you wanted to screwup your own future by not getting credit, up to you. You're friends with your teachers, and sometimes get pissed with them on the weekends, etc. It was great. At lunch, group of you head over to a friend's house, cook something up, have a few beers, on the way back to school grab some slushes at 7/11 and fill them up with vodka. Then sit in class getting pissed together, while trying to figure out chemistry equations. Great fun!

Texas was a different story. 7:30am school is locked down, security guards at the door until 2:30pm. Get treated like a 10 year old, because well, all the students have the maturity level of a 10 year old. Have to get a permission slip to take a piss, eat in the cafeteria, everyone thought it was the coolest thing ever to watch Donald Duck in class, and all I could do is shake my head in disbelief. You get this 50 page rule book, and all these detentions they kept handing out (after school, Saturday, in-school) were fucken retarded. Everyone acts and talks exactly the same -- the girls are all dumb bimbos, and the guys are all wiggers. All the while, no clue about reality or real life, because they've been babied by rich mommy and daddy all their lives. Had teachers calling my mom all the time for retarded reasons, and thankfully, my mom would just politely tell them to fuck off and mind their own business. And the list just goes on...

Kinda of ironic, because the whole Texas thing is how I got started in online business. Wanted to move back to Canada, couldn't get a job in the US because I was Canadian, and parents wouldn't help me, so fuck it, I taught myself how to make money. Was kinda funny, because I was probably making more than my teachers at the time, and they were treating me like a 10yo. Go figure...

UK was good though. Was in a college again, so it was normal. School's open, come and go as you please, if you want an education it's here for you. If you don't, then please don't come to class, so the people who want to learn can learn. People were good too. Just normal folk, getting their education, and having a good time on the weekends, etc.