Do you miss Highschool?

Did you like High-school?

  • yea son

    Votes: 49 31.4%
  • no son

    Votes: 79 50.6%
  • i've repressed all memories of it

    Votes: 28 17.9%

  • Total voters

loved high school. No responsibilities other then doing your homework and study for tests. Fun times playing sports in gym class like dodge ball and dodge ball tournaments. No I wasn't making money, but money wasn't really on your mind at the time. You just thought about what you were doing after school and on the weekends. Good times.

btw, Dazed and confused is the best movie.
I didn't even like High School when I was a teenager and yet I'd still go back in a heartbeat.

George Bernard Shaw was right when he said, "Youth is wasted on the young." You really can't appreciate it until it's gone. Just to be innocent again...having all your best friends who still live close by, easy to meet girls/have sex, your whole life in front of you....

Even if I was a millionaire, I'd trade that in to be 16 again.
The only thing I miss about High School is playing sports. I enjoyed the competition, not so much the 6:00 am basketball practices. The only way I would ever go back is if I could do it again knowing what I know now.

I'm 37 years old and I'm finally finishing my college degree for the hell of it. Even more now than in High School I sit and listen to professors blather on about shit that makes no difference in the real world. I'm probably making quadruple his salary while he tells all these 21 year old kids that one day they might make enough money to buy a house if they study hard and apply themselves. Guess what, I've owned 3 houses WITHOUT a college degree. It's all I can do to keep my mouth shut. High School and College are just there to show the man that you put in the time to get through them, nothing more. Most people come out of both not knowing much more than they did before.
High school was fun and if I could go back in time with the same knowledge I have right now, I'd do it. But to go through it being the numbnut I was then, no thanks. Good memories though!
100% I'd go back. I don't know if it's just me but when I was younger, I was way more excited to do STUFF. Going on vacation, buying a new video game, convincing parents to buy a pair of Jordans = ALL EPIC VICTORIES. Don't really get that rush anymore as an adult.. last time I had a seriously happy rush moment was when I graduated from university
Yeah, big time. High school was good times. But fuck it, life goes on. Gotta make the most of the future.
Even though I did a majority of my schooling overseas during my highschool years (Went to to same overseas highschool as Turbolapp in fact! Represent SAS Turbo!), my family sadly moved back to Ohio and I ended up graduating from the local county school.

Most of the guys I went to highschool with in this crappy backwater school either work in tire shops or factories. Or they're in jail.

The girls who were once hot "back in the day" in this same backwater school are now working on pumping out their 5th or 6th kid by age 30 and are most likely waitressing or dancing at the disgusting local strip clubs.

No. I can honestly say I don't miss it or the people one bit.

On the complete opposite end of the spectrum... the people I met in the international school I still keep in touch with to this day and they are still some of my best friends.
Most of the guys I went to highschool with in this crappy backwater school either work in tire shops or factories. Or they're in jail.

The girls who were once hot "back in the day" in this same backwater school are now working on pumping out their 5th or 6th kid by age 30 and are most likely waitressing or dancing at the disgusting local strip clubs.

No. I can honestly say I don't miss it or the people one bit.

Absolutely hated high school. Life is far better as an adult when you have the freedom to live on your own terms.
I miss kindergarten more

Daily kindergarten routine:

  • Moms packed a nice orange juice with a ham sandwich and chocolate chip cookies in my Simpsons lunch box
  • Played with Duplo Lego on lunch break
  • Took a nap, woke up
  • Played a made up yet really fun sport tailored to kids
  • Sang some catchy ass nursery rhyme songs
  • Learnt some alphabet and easy ass math before hitting up some finger painting with my homeboys and homegirls.

After that it's a wrap for the day son, where I'd go home and play SNES until I passed out.

High school was less exciting, boring ass classes, social politics, kids thinking they are "mature" when they actually know jack shit. Only thing entertaining was high school drama. Funny shit looking back at it.
My girlfriend and myself were just watching the movie Grease (I know, don't say shit) and thought how fun it must have been for all those thirty year olds in HS.
I do not miss High School at all. But I have to say that some people tend to spend their whole lives with a High School mentality and it does piss me off. I did walk away from High School with a couple of friends and that is probably the best thing that came out of that horrible time of my life. College was a different story I have to say that time I really did enjoy.