CX Digital... Massive Fraud?

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New member
May 3, 2008
I really don't know what to say about this, Read the story and let me know what you guys think.

Well On the last day before i was about to totally give up on affiliate marketing because i couldn't seem to find anything to work for me on CX Digital.

A good guy named Richard Over at EAdvertising offered me to try out the same offer on there network Sensing something wasn't right because he had a bunch of guys over on his network banking on the offer.

I thought to myself what the hell and signed up and gave it a go, seeing how i really din't have anything to lose I ran the offer with amazing results.

First let me say that I had before bought 1,100$ worth of traffic and sent about 350 clicks total through my landing page to the offer on CX digital. This resulted in only 12 leads total. With the payout only 34$ I made a grand total of 364$.

Obviously a horrible loss, And i thought that I was doing something wrong. That maybe my landing page wasn't good enough for the offer. Feeling i spent to much money already and the profits so low that i doubt i could tweak it enough to make it profitable without spending a ton of money. I decided to stop promoting the offer, Then Richard Offered me to try the offer on his network.

I din't change anything about my landing page or keywords. I ran the offer through his network and within 20 mins I had 20 clicks and 2 conversions. I honestly din't believe it and thought it had to be a fluke...

30 more minutes go by and stats are reporting 62 clicks with 6 conversions!

Long story short I go to bed wake up and Im still converting extremely well, I din't change anything so how could this be? Then it hit me that it was possible I was getting scrubbed insanely hard on CX digital.

Here are the stats From CX Digital:


Now Compare That with the stats off of Richards Network....:


I don't know what to say really... The stats speak for themselves. I'll never use CX digital again, I suggest if you ever had a failed campaign you tested through CX digital, Give it another shot somewhere else. Because if its anything like my situation You could be losing your money and potential money thinking you couldn't find a way to make the niche you tested profitable when really the only thing stopping your campaign from being profitable was a greedy network.

Now I don't know if they scrubbed as many leads as the stats suggest because that would straight up be insane and even i don't think there that greedy but there is obviously something wrong here... Feel free to ask me any questions but ive said my part. Ill never use them again.

but that doesn't make any sense since i use the same offer on a different network. My stats would be the same regardless of the network if they were scrubbing leads.
Have you gotten any of the money from the second network you tried?

No not yet but thats because i just started with them yesterday, but they are small and work really close to there advertisers infact, im already being setup for ACH net weekly payments.
but that doesn't make any sense since i use the same offer on a different network. My stats would be the same regardless of the network if they were scrubbing leads.

Advertisers have the ability to scrub leads based on which network they're from.
May come as a shock to you, but advertisers have the ability to scrub leads based on which network they're from.

well then its possible they both were, maybe that would explain the extremely low conversion rate compared to the smaller network. maybe both were taking there share of the pie.
CX digital blows. One of the few times I have asked for my account to be closed with an affiliate network.
Props for sharing the experience man. CX is one of the few I haven't dealt with yet and it sounds like I may keep it that way.

Keep up the good work though, you'll be grossing ~ $100k/month with those numbers.
I have only worked with CX Digital on a few small campaigns. I have not had any trouble but I also have not had any real success. I last ran campaigns with eAdvertising a little over a year ago when they decided they were not going to pay me almost $11,000 they owed me on a campaign. They said that they had been not been payed by the advertiser and in turn would not pay me. No negotiating this point at all. They offered giving me some increased payouts on other offers to make up for it. I thought they might want to offer to pay me the money they owed me. In over 8 years of online marketing this is one of only 2 times that a partner/network took this stance with me. Needless to say I do not work with them. I do not go out of my way to bad mouth anyone but I think I owe it to this forum to tell of my experience.

I thought I was mitigating my risks by getting weekly paymetns wired like they have set you up on but it still cost me $11K in earnings.
I have only worked with CX Digital on a few small campaigns. I have not had any trouble but I also have not had any real success. I last ran campaigns with eAdvertising a little over a year ago when they decided they were not going to pay me almost $11,000 they owed me on a campaign. They said that they had been not been payed by the advertiser and in turn would not pay me. No negotiating this point at all. They offered giving me some increased payouts on other offers to make up for it. I thought they might want to offer to pay me the money they owed me. In over 8 years of online marketing this is one of only 2 times that a partner/network took this stance with me. Needless to say I do not work with them. I do not go out of my way to bad mouth anyone but I think I owe it to this forum to tell of my experience.

I thought I was mitigating my risks by getting weekly paymetns wired like they have set you up on but it still cost me $11K in earnings.

Thanks for the warning...I just started running something with them so I'm hoping they clear this up.
I am running EAdvertising right now. I wasn't involved last year, but I do know we were dealing with massive fraud issues back then. If you PM or IM me, I would be happy to look into the issue and see what we can do (no promises until I know the situation).

Our corporate parent is pretty anal about fraud issues and there was a massive cleanup sometime last year. You might have gotten caught in the cleanup. The fact is we will hold funds if there are fraud concerns and until they are resolved. But I will tell you that this year, all of our affiliates were paid whether we were paid or not, unless fraud was proven. That policy has probably cost us over 300k this year, but I guess that is the cost of doing business. Luckily, our corporate parent owns a couple of credit bureaus and is good about collecting its money.

But I will tell you, personally, I don't take the bullshit either way. If someone violates policy on the campaign, their payments are at risk. If you know your traffic is crap and you are just network jumping, I hope I catch you and don't pay. On the same token, I have noticed some advertisers suddenly have problems with campaigns as they near the end. Low quality does not = fraud and we will defend it to the end. If an affiliate or advertiser acts with integrity, I definitely will respond in kind.

As a network, EAd takes low margins on our recent offers. We do not play games trying to make it up with scrubs or otherwise. But if you play games with us, we will not tolerate it. Otherwise, its all good.
I have only worked with CX Digital on a few small campaigns. I have not had any trouble but I also have not had any real success. I last ran campaigns with eAdvertising a little over a year ago when they decided they were not going to pay me almost $11,000 they owed me on a campaign. They said that they had been not been payed by the advertiser and in turn would not pay me. No negotiating this point at all. They offered giving me some increased payouts on other offers to make up for it. I thought they might want to offer to pay me the money they owed me. In over 8 years of online marketing this is one of only 2 times that a partner/network took this stance with me. Needless to say I do not work with them. I do not go out of my way to bad mouth anyone but I think I owe it to this forum to tell of my experience.

I thought I was mitigating my risks by getting weekly paymetns wired like they have set you up on but it still cost me $11K in earnings.

Pepperjam refused to pay me because people returned items they purchased and the advertiser didn't want to pay me for those sales. They were clothes, they probably returned them because they didn't fit, I can't help that.
Can you give an example of what you see as fraud? Fake leads?

Hmm some examples from this year:

1) Leads coming from a same C block that resolves to hosting company that are extremely similar and clients are returning them for bad info/lead.

2) Incentivization of any sort when campaign forbids it

3) Network who relabel sub affiliates we ask to be cut off or affiliate who comes back in after being cut off an offer.

Marginal example (that we are paying for, but on massive scale I would have to think about it):

1) 80% conversion on credit card offer from subaffiliate and redirect link resolved to a page of advertisments including ours. We are paying for the conversions but I recommended the network cut them off and not allow them to run offer. If they ran up a huge number of conversions, I would have to look into it more before paying or not paying.

Example of something we did pay for:

1) We got stiffed so far for 70K or so on a green tea offer on last payment in June. As offer started to lag, we were suddenly told some of our leads were incentivized, had high instances of fraud, or something like that. Luckily on this offer, we only used direct traffic and had logs of all orders and 90+% had web based email redirects. Plus we really knew all the pubs running it. So they will get hurt when our corporate collection and attorneys get done with them. But everyone was paid.
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