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Charges for thread in BST is fine.

1. Allow us to continue with our active old threads. [Just open them if we Pay for it]

2. Please charge us monthly. (no 10 days or 15 days)

3. Moderate only the new threads. Allow us to reactivate old threads after payment without moderation.


Charges for thread in BST is fine.

1. Allow us to continue with our active old threads. [Just open them if we Pay for it]

2. Please charge us monthly. (no 10 days or 15 days)

3. Moderate only the new threads. Allow us to reactivate old threads after payment without moderation.


I'd agree with this. Setup a monthly recurring payment system with paypal or whatever and let providers subscribe through it. Link this system to the forum and as long as we pay for each month the thread will remain live.

If not close it or something. And yes please do allow people to keep the old threads. It ain't easy to implement change but it's long overdue here.
This is something more than what we have asked for. As a seller, it will be hard to maintain new service threads everytime. Taking care of payments every 10 days is again tedious. As a buyer, you will loose track of your favourite services as we often tend to subscribe to our favorite threads.

A decent start up fee for a service would have fulfilled the cause. If not a start-up fee, make it a monthly subscription rather than paying every 10 days. Let us continue with the same service thread. I was wondering, if the admins can make it simple and yet effective for all of us.

It might also raise the cost of services as service providers can always manipulate the price. There's a lot of uncertainty for a service thread that's valid for just 10 days. This is gonna raise the price so that the sellers can earn back the profit from the first 2-3 client every 10 days. This will be real bad for the buyers. No more $4 Social bookmarking, price is gonna rise. Just saying.....

We all want to resume our business. It's better if we come up with a clear decision at the earliest, mentioning all the payment info (where to make the payment, how much) etc.. Will see how this discussion goes.


Seems like when we click the New Thread button, it automatically redirects us to the Payment page.

You can purchase more than 1 threads, provided you pay $36 X (no of threads).
This is something more than what we have asked for...

That's just it JR, now.. no offense to you, you're cool and all that, but no one
should be asking for anything. I have never seen so many requests,
suggestions, complaints, and crying as I have seen in my past 12 months on
this forum. (Not from you jr, I mean generally speaking.)

If a mod asks for our opinion, fine, otherwise if we don't like the forum we go

Simple. This is the internet.

The admins know what they are doing. The craziness in bst is not really
a problem for them. It keeps life interesting. If they wanted to clean it up,
they know exactly how to do that, they do not need our ideas. They are
not inexperienced or stupid.

@everyone, be careful what you ask for.

@jr_sci it is obvious that we are gonna increase our rates of bookmarking as i am one of the cheapest bookmarking seller in this forum and if i am paying 100 dollars per month then wat i am earning ? i have to increase my prices and that is good thing.


should we bring all over services together make a single thread or multiple thread ??? and one more thing should be done !!! i read somewhere from one of our moderator that signing up new user should be charged !! that will be good there will be less cheating fraud !!!

i dont agree that we should open new thread every 10 days or even month !! if we are going to open a new thread @ the moment it will okay but every 10 days... ???

This is something more than what we have asked for. As a seller, it will be hard to maintain new service threads everytime. Taking care of payments every 10 days is again tedious. As a buyer, you will loose track of your favourite services as we often tend to subscribe to our favorite threads.

A decent start up fee for a service would have fulfilled the cause. If not a start-up fee, make it a monthly subscription rather than paying every 10 days. Let us continue with the same service thread. I was wondering, if the admins can make it simple and yet effective for all of us.

It might also raise the cost of services as service providers can always manipulate the price. There's a lot of uncertainty for a service thread that's valid for just 10 days. This is gonna raise the price so that the sellers can earn back the profit from the first 2-3 client every 10 days. This will be real bad for the buyers. No more $4 Social bookmarking, price is gonna rise. Just saying.....

We all want to resume our business. It's better if we come up with a clear decision at the earliest, mentioning all the payment info (where to make the payment, how much) etc.. Will see how this discussion goes.
Just make it $36 monthly and let threads say alive as long as they are paid up. (Re-activate old threads as long as they are on the paid recurring contract)

Everything else should stay the same. Paying per bump is going to reduce the traffic here by 10 fold, look at what happened to BLF.

I know I sent you guys $72 already and just want my old thread back up, no point in re posting every 10 days or ever for that matter. Its just going to lead to more manipulation and headaches for the staff.

/thread closed
That's just it JR, now.. no offense to you, you're cool and all that, but no one
should be asking for anything. I have never seen so many requests,
suggestions, complaints, and crying as I have seen in my past 12 months on
this forum. (Not from you jr, I mean generally speaking.)

If a mod asks for our opinion, fine, otherwise if we don't like the forum we go

Simple. This is the internet.

The admins know what they are doing. The craziness in bst is not really
a problem for them. It keeps life interesting. If they wanted to clean it up,
they know exactly how to do that, they do not need our ideas. They are
not inexperienced or stupid.

@everyone, be careful what you ask for.


Hey mate, you got me wrong.. Everyone else, here has given their verdict on this decision, so did I. Ideas, suggestions are a part of any discussion board. Am not crying on this decision. Am really happy to pay what is being asked for. The suggestion I made is rather than paying $36 every 10 days, it should have been better if we pay $108 ($36 x 3) every month (as a monthly subscription) and we can keep our old threads running whatsoever...

Opening your mouth for your voice is not crying dude.. Rest, I always say... LORD JON will decide.
new threads every 10 days it's not something good. I think it would be best to have a start up fee, plus a monthly fee. Also, keeping the same thread would be better. Why delete every few days? can't see the reason.
The problem as a buyer is that I subscribe to threads to keep track of which services I'm interested in.

If the threads keep closing and new ones opening for the same service, it will be easy for me to lose track and I will have no idea when a new thread starts for that service.

Just wanted to point that out.

What about adding a subforum for services that are <$20 (bookmarking, comments, xr etc) and make the fee there smaller/free? People who want to ignore the crappy threads can just go to the >$20 seo subforum and find better stuff there (with the normal fee).
what is the point in closing down threads after 10 days? why not do a thread payment subscription and if the provider doesn't want to offer the service he can cancel or not pay, but if he wants to continue he doesn't have to recreate the same thread. Closing down threads is going to turn SBT into a thread graveyard full of closed down threads. Don't even get me started on how confusing this is going to be for buyers plus it makes it easier for scammers.

Pay per thread is a good idea, but not when you take the current approach. The current approach is nothing but confusion for sellers and buyers. Extending the time to 30-45 days would help, but you still have to remember that there are some services that have 14 day turnaround or sometimes even higher for the biggest packages.

In summary, the solution here would be a thread payment subscription so threads don't have to close down unless the provider wants them to close and extending the time period to at least 30 days even if you have to adjust the price too. It's simple give the provider a deadline and if he doesn't pay for the thread subscription, then close it. If you find that to be too much of a hassle, then just offer permanent pricing.
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What about adding a subforum for services that are <$20 (bookmarking, comments, xr etc) and make the fee there smaller/free? People who want to ignore the crappy threads can just go to the >$20 seo subforum and find better stuff there (with the normal fee).

more to the point add a WTB section which should be free, as most people won't want to pay unless they know they will get a result.

also 10 days is too short. Would be happy to pay more for longer.
Originally Posted by nightwatchman1
The problem as a buyer is that I subscribe to threads to keep track of which services I'm interested in.

If the threads keep closing and new ones opening for the same service, it will be easy for me to lose track and I will have no idea when a new thread starts for that service.

Just wanted to point that out.

This +1
new threads every 10 days it's not something good. I think it would be best to have a start up fee, plus a monthly fee. Also, keeping the same thread would be better. Why delete every few days? can't see the reason.

Now, that's a good idea. New thread, changing bookmarks, etc. is a pain and probably hurting those with decent offers that run for months or years most.

One thread, a $36 startup fee and a recurring fee every month/every 10 days would be the best solution in my opinion.

Closing all existing threads wasn't the most elegant solution, I ordered some content yesterday for example and my first thought was: Shit, thread closed, looks like another paypal dispute. Took me a few minutes to realize everything is fine.

@clyde: There are no real monopolies here and I think people offering the best services around for a long period of time really deserve the extra attention. They earned it by doing business the way it should be done and delivering results. If you want to compete with them, simply create a better offer, deliver better results, it's not like anyone gets locked out.
As a seller and a regular buyer I've got to agree closing the threads is a terrible idea. I don't think they should be closed at all, having the service's history there is very, very important IMO.

I love the idea of a paid subscription (I even messaged the admins about that) but closing the threads is a bitch for the sellers and buyers.

Please, please come up with another solution. A subscribed paypal payment would do it as you get an email soon as someone cancels so you can disable their thread at that point. Either that or a pay per bump solution.

I know closing threads after a period of time is perhaps easier in terms of managing payments but I do think the community will lose buyers because of it.

I would also love to get my old thread back!
One of best ways to find reputed service here is to look at the post count in a thread or visits.

With all these new thread, I wudnt know which one is good or bad...

I suggest keep the fee structure same, just don't close a thread... charge them weekly, monthly, yearly whatever... just don't close the thread.
Mmm, probably not a good idea to have a thread for only 10 days. At least allow people to pay for a whole month because this is kinda inconvenient? Just my 2 cents.

Well - since my old thread was locked because of this implementation, I had to start a new one and pay for it. I don't mind the fee - but having to start another thread and lose my reviews?
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