CHANGE: I finally figured out what that means

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Community service isn't so bad. I had to do 20 hours of it in highschool for vandalism. It actually taught me a bit of respect for people that do physical labour based jobs. It's really hard work, and I think there's a bit of a lesson that kids can learn from it.

Enforcing it in such large quantities is a bit off, but if it's in exchange for something, i.e. $4k grant for tertiary education, then it's good value.

I (can't believe I actually) agree with Rusky, but putting welfare recipients on a work program is a good idea.
Our dole programs require people to start "work for the dole" if they don't meet certain criteria that gives them a reasonable excuse for continuation of welfare (such a a disability). It saves the local government a bit of money as the stuff doesn't have to be outsourced to contractors, and it can actually give people a new skillset. Win/Win
Require 100 Hours of Service in College: Obama and Biden will establish a new American Opportunity Tax Credit that is worth $4,000 a year in exchange for 100 hours of public service a year.

^its only a requirement if you want tax credit for college, in which case I'd be making $40/hr. I think I might take it....

I certainly think that this is better than McCain's plan to take money from public schools and give it to private schools. :music07:
Weird, it looks like the Obama camp changed the text to something less Socialistic, I'm assuming after the Digg article caught the attention of some bloggers.

Yahoo! Cache still has the original page.

if they were smart, they would keep the tax rate the same,
but offer tax credits for community service and not mandate it.

SO if your poor and cant pay your taxes, you can do community service and get a credit on your taxes.

Thats what they should do, but i doubt that will happen

I don't know why you think the average "poor" American working two jobs/double shifts to make ends meet will have time to do community service.

Plus, isn't the poor already tax exempt?
I (can't believe I actually) agree with Rusky, but putting welfare recipients on a work program is a good idea.
Our dole programs require people to start "work for the dole" if they don't meet certain criteria that gives them a reasonable excuse for continuation of welfare (such a a disability). It saves the local government a bit of money as the stuff doesn't have to be outsourced to contractors, and it can actually give people a new skillset. Win/Win

Likewise, I can't believe it but I agree with Rusky on that one too. I think they are starting to bring in similar stuff here. Makes sense to me, especially in the current economic climate with more people facing going on the dole.
Community service isn't so bad. I had to do 20 hours of it in highschool for vandalism. It actually taught me a bit of respect for people that do physical labour based jobs. It's really hard work, and I think there's a bit of a lesson that kids can learn from it.
There is a difference between a punishment, and a work program. Also, you should have had to repair your vandalism, not perform community service. That would have been a fair punishment.

Enforcing it in such large quantities is a bit off, but if it's in exchange for something, i.e. $4k grant for tertiary education, then it's good value.
Yes, it makes loads of sense to pay pre-graduate students $40 an hour for what could probably be done for $10 an hour. That's how you help out the unemployed, right? Overpay someone else to get first crack at work they need in order to survive.

I (can't believe I actually) agree with Rusky, but putting welfare recipients on a work program is a good idea.
The Soviets made great use of this in their gulags. It's a plank of communism that everyone must work. In Soviet Russia, if you did not work voluntarily, they sent you to a gulag, where you were prisoner slave labor until you died.

Actually, the 8th plank of the Communist Manifesto.
Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
Our dole programs require people to start "work for the dole" if they don't meet certain criteria that gives them a reasonable excuse for continuation of welfare (such a a disability). It saves the local government a bit of money as the stuff doesn't have to be outsourced to contractors, and it can actually give people a new skillset. Win/Win
How about just drop the minimum wage, and drop the dole? Then people would have to find work, and they could afford to compete for jobs (the unskilled that is) based on price.

If you believe that those with merit should be able to thrive, then why have social structures that undermine ambition and motivation, and discourage participation in the market and society?
I dunno if this has been said already, but in BC, Canada, we are forced to take a program called CAPP (Career and Personal Planning) and basically its a joke and a free A. But I started my first business through it with the help of some cool people, so it definitely wasn't a waste. That and my CAPP teacher just signed the form saying I worked my 100 hours of internship.
I dunno if this has been said already, but in BC, Canada, we are forced to take a program called CAPP (Career and Personal Planning) and basically its a joke and a free A. But I started my first business through it with the help of some cool people, so it definitely wasn't a waste. That and my CAPP teacher just signed the form saying I worked my 100 hours of internship.

Yea thats all we need, more government programs and beaurocrats pushing people through programs that actually don't deserve it.

I think we allready have a program like that here where I live. It's called The Department Of Human Services.

Where I live the scammers don't get married. The live in boyfriend works and the fat, slob scammer chick pulls up to DHS in her Escalade with her 10 kids and gets thousands of dollars a month in food stamps, daycare benefits, medical ins. etc.

Then I have to watch these scammer bitches spend my tax dollars at the convience stores on skilltes and mountain dew. I rage each and every time.
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