CHANGE: I finally figured out what that means

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From America Serves |

Change not only means higher taxes, it means forced slavery as well. This 'change' thing is going to be fantastic.

FWIW, I'm not against voluntary community service, one of the greatest things about America is our charitable spirit. Just as voluntarily serving in the armed forces is one of the most honorable things we can do as citizens. When the government starts mandating these things, it's a slippery slope I don't think we want to go down.

I like Rahm's proposal for mandatory military service was the most dreadful of all of them.

Work for the dole is a great idea - there's no way anybody should be allowed to get away with sitting around watching daytime TV on taxpayers money. Unless you're on disability, you want cash, you get off your arse.

I also think that child benefit after the 2nd child should be dependant on getting a contraceptive implant. Can't see that one getting through parliament though, somehow.
How about just drop the minimum wage, and drop the dole? Then people would have to find work, and they could afford to compete for jobs (the unskilled that is) based on price.
Because dropping the minimum wage below subsistence levels, like in the US, creates an underclass of working poor who are effectively fucked, because they don't actually have the time to improve their lot, and simply have to keep working in order to merely survive... And no one should HAVE to live like that. And if you say they have the choice not to, you're deluded and clearly have no understanding of how poverty is a self-entrenching process.

If you believe that those with merit should be able to thrive, then why have social structures that undermine ambition and motivation, and discourage participation in the market and society?
Because it doesn't actually. And the only people that insist it does are people who have never actually experienced a system like that, that is functional.
Are you telling me that every Aussie is a lazy bum that doesn't do any work, because we've got a safety net of healthcare, unemployment benefits and education? Tell it to the guys that just invented the comment bubbles on YouTube, the people that are making our "average" working week 43 hours for those in single full time employment, or the more than 95% of people with some form of employment (~97% if you take out the disabled).
Clearly, OUR socialist welfare system is actually working.
Because dropping the minimum wage below subsistence levels, like in the US, creates an underclass of working poor who are effectively fucked, because they don't actually have the time to improve their lot, and simply have to keep working in order to merely survive... And no one should HAVE to live like that. And if you say they have the choice not to, you're deluded and clearly have no understanding of how poverty is a self-entrenching process.
This is absolute rubbish. Any half decent economist will tell you that a minimum wage creates unemployment by propping up existing wages, at the expense of adding more workers. And poverty is not self-entrenching. How the fuck do you think we have achieved all of this prosperity? Man works for profit, his savings become capital. If there was nothing to be gained from working, man would stay home. That is what welfare does. It encourages people to collect the dole rather than work for a living, because doing nothing is more profitable.

Please read this,

And remember that prosperity, money, property, savings, creativity, and competition all existed long before government or social democracy.

Because it doesn't actually. And the only people that insist it does are people who have never actually experienced a system like that, that is functional.
Your system is only functional because your country has natural resources to exploit.

Are you telling me that every Aussie is a lazy bum that doesn't do any work, because we've got a safety net of healthcare, unemployment benefits and education?
No every Aussie is not lazy. And government creates nothing, only redistruibutes it. Everything is made by talented, hard working, entrepreneurial Aussies, and then redistributed by government, after they pay themselves of course, and hand out some political favors. Your prosperity is created by people performing rational human action, not by a system.

Humans predate these systems.

I suggest you seriously look into praxeology, which is the study of why man acts. It might open your mind up.

Clearly, OUR socialist welfare system is actually working.
The Soviet Union worked for a long time too. Then the state starts to clamp down on civil liberties (like how you guys are coming under internet censorship pretty much no one wants) and then when the state becomes too cumbersome (you're not there yet), it starts to squeeze.

You might not end up in a bread line, but your kids might. Taxation is regressive. Subsidies create more of something, not less.

You're not a stupid man, you just refuse to learn anything about history or from economics. You're living in a system now which you probably get more out of then you put in. Which makes you a looter, but that's what you have been socialized to believe is right and fair and just.

One day, when you're paying 2 or 3 times what you get, or heaven forbid, 10 times, then you will definitely rethink your socialist welfare system that encourages unemployment, artificially props up wages and prices and through inefficiency bleeds out prosperity from the system.

Check out the PDF and praxeology. And if you want to carry on, prepare to justify the confiscation of taxes (theft under threat of force) to me.
Harvey, just watch this

YouTube - Hernando De Soto - Capitalism at Crossroads

People don't need welfare, taxes or regulations. They need opportunity. Regulations, welfare and taxes all undermine opportunities. If wealth could be created by law, someone, somewhere would have already passed a law making us all kings.

Real wealth has to be created by people. In excess it becomes capital. Capital becomes capital goods, which allow people to make even more real wealth. No where in this process, is government required.
I am actually confused about something.
I am doing blogging recently and I know that using
pictures will make my posts look nice.

The question here is "If I use picture from google images,
will I get sued?
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