It might be a little late for that - MediaPost Publications Sen. Rockefeller Targets 'Data Pass' Marketing 05/20/2010

Just FYI Visa/MC started their crackdown right after this guy dragged them through mud in the Senate hearing last year...

Right, but rather than continue down the path that we are headed down right now, we can make legitimate efforts to create regulatory bodies that will actually be objective rather than beholden to the interests of a specific group of advertisers/networks that backs them. If we can prove that we can be trusted to govern ourselves, surely that would be better for all of us than if we dont make a concerted effort to do so and essentially force outsiders (who might not know the difference between a text message and an email) to continue to take action.
I wonder how many people would be alright with a 1% affiliate tax if it went to funding the creation and maintenance of an organization that would be able to regulate the space so long as the board that decided the policies that would be enforced by said agency was comprised of a cross section of different people from within the industry? I would nominate mont77 ( :bowdown: mont717...whatever his handle is) to be pres!

Right, but rather than continue down the path that we are headed down right now, we can make legitimate efforts to create regulatory bodies that will actually be objective rather than beholden to the interests of a specific group of advertisers/networks that backs them. If we can prove that we can be trusted to govern ourselves, surely that would be better for all of us than if we dont make a concerted effort to do so and essentially force outsiders (who might not know the difference between a text message and an email) to continue to take action.
I wonder how many people would be alright with a 1% affiliate tax if it went to funding the creation and maintenance of an organization that would be able to regulate the space so long as the board that decided the policies that would be enforced by said agency was comprised of a cross section of different people from within the industry? I would nominate mont77 ( :bowdown: mont717...whatever his handle is) to be pres!

Good luck with that. We are a bunch of greedy fuckers. We do not follow rules and we'll never follow guidelines. What can you do, if we don't follow the guidelines. There will awlay be a network willing to accept these greedy fuckers and take a bigger cut.

A lot of people that didn't pay had it coming. Once you started seeing chargebacks from the advertiser, you know something is fishy but greed blinded them so they got skull fucked. Networks are also the same. If you can't pay then straight up tell the affiliates that you guys wouldn't pay until the advertiser pay. CX have done an awesome job at that. They ate the chargebacks and stopped everyone running the offers.
Good luck with that. We are a bunch of greedy fuckers. We do not follow rules and we'll never follow guidelines. What can you do, if we don't follow the guidelines. There will awlay be a network willing to accept these greedy fuckers and take a bigger cut.

The idea would be to create a governing body that actually has some teeth so that if someone wants to step out of line and allow shady shit to be run, they do so at the risk of taking a HUGE throbbing cock in the ass. I think that the financial upside in terms of opportunities that would remain on the table if we governed ourselves would FAAAAAAAAAARRRRR outweigh the downside of the 1% tax (could even be less than that) was leveraged.
Actually, your post is kind of funny because the same fucks who were blinded by greed are the same who would rather save $X today and not pay some nominal tax to protect their future income which is potentially limitless. Talk about cutting off your nose in spite of your face.
The idea would be to create a governing body that actually has some teeth so that if someone wants to step out of line and allow shady shit to be run, they do so at the risk of taking a HUGE throbbing cock in the ass. I think that the financial upside in terms of opportunities that would remain on the table if we governed ourselves would FAAAAAAAAAARRRRR outweigh the downside of the 1% tax (could even be less than that) was leveraged.
Actually, your post is kind of funny because the same fucks who were blinded by greed are the same who would rather save $X today and not pay some nominal tax to protect their future income which is potentially limitless. Talk about cutting off your nose in spite of your face.

No one will do this because we are all competitors and as long as networks compete each others for more affiliates and more revenue, it will never happen. Lets look at a simple issue: affiliate fraud is really serious issue, and what had the networks done to cope with the issue? Nothing. They didn't create any channel of communication to blacklist the fraudsters.
The idea would be to create a governing body that actually has some teeth so that if someone wants to step out of line and allow shady shit to be run, they do so at the risk of taking a HUGE throbbing cock in the ass. I think that the financial upside in terms of opportunities that would remain on the table if we governed ourselves would FAAAAAAAAAARRRRR outweigh the downside of the 1% tax (could even be less than that) was leveraged.
Actually, your post is kind of funny because the same fucks who were blinded by greed are the same who would rather save $X today and not pay some nominal tax to protect their future income which is potentially limitless. Talk about cutting off your nose in spite of your face.

Internet Police? Sort of like this?

First. mKrongel and Pace are out of their depth as network affiliate managers. They may understand slightly and hear the rumors what happened, but hardly know how deep this rabbit hole goes. I know because I have spoken to the lawyers involved, the merchant banks, processors, chargeback consultants, and everyone else involved. Bottom line there is enough in emails if there was legal discovery for some people to go to jail for a while. I don’t think anyone wants to step up and push it because just about everyone or people they know would be implicated in some way.

Second. Here’s the real story w/ BPG and Bryan B. Bryan was @ Visa for years through of 2009, and magically stood up BPG starting in 2010. He’s not the entrepreneur, Dee is. He’s on Dee’s payroll, and with his Visa credibility, Bryan basically convinced Epic/Azoogle, CX, and Copeac that they would help regulate the space. The reality is, Dee had to clean up his campaigns due to FTC scrutiny. He figured he would level the playing field. BPG sent out a series of checklists and regulations to all the major merchant processors, spoke with banks, and even the risk depts at MasterCard. Apparently when speaking with many of the banks and processors, they knew Bryan from Visa, and misrepresented himself. They then obviously took his word on who’s bad and who’s good (they have no idea anything about this space). Dee then could effectively monitor every single player in the space, run all pages through them (hence the pixel to monitor), and then use Bryan’s connections and misrepresentations to shut down competitive merchants (berry and colon slingers and the like). First, they started at the beginning of 2010, and then 2 separate waves of merchant account shut downs in February and March. Bryan and Dee were able to throw enough water on the fire, all these offers and merchants ran out of the space. Now, Dee still runs and controls the space, lowered all his payouts, and apparently isn’t even paying out networks (In $XX,XXX,XXX amounts). There’s a lot more bullshit, but bottom line this guy is bad news. Anytime he’s involved it’s a race to the bottom.
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I think Dee > Jesse, atleast htat's what I heard.

Also, I'm curious to know why the networks still keep the offers on lol, if they aren't getting paid and are paying out the affiliates - why let the debt grow?

There has to be a point where the debt is too high and the loss is the better option.
I think Dee > Jesse, atleast htat's what I heard.

Also, I'm curious to know why the networks still keep the offers on lol, if they aren't getting paid and are paying out the affiliates - why let the debt grow?

There has to be a point where the debt is too high and the loss is the better option.

Because Dee is saying that he "might" pay them if you guys keep sending sales to our way.
Because Dee is saying that he "might" pay them if you guys keep sending sales to our way.

This. I think networks who were owed cash didn't want to fuck up their relationships by pulling their offers, with the risk of not getting paid for what was owed to them.

Wonder how much Dee pocketed out of all these non-payments though. Must have been a shitload.
The fact is if they're already millions out of pocket, why continue the debt and not just take the loss at this point, rather than increase the losses.

At this point "might" will probably increase the debt a lot before the networks realise might means won't.
The major question everybody should be asking Copeac is why they continue to run their own in-house campaigns marketing Dee's products ( on through

conflict of interest.
how are they able to pay the advertising costs to Pulse360 if they're supposedly not being paid by Dee? that hardly makes sense. you'd think that Copeac would be in the same boat as everybody else who was paying advertising costs for these diet offers, but they've been running direct and knocking their own affiliates out of the space for over 2 months now. talk about monopolization. my guess is, they're not going to be scrubbing themselves on the leads like they're doing to everybody else (affiliates have no way to check the validity of the scrub numbers, so nobody can question it) - and they've been getting paid and taking the affiliates out of the space with all the knowledge they've gained over the past year, and using this opportunity when there's no real competition anymore due to TBG and etc methods they've incorporated into the affiliate space.

my vote is, nobody serious gets paid the money from dee's offers from copeac. and if they survive, they have to fight with someone who's been getting paid and lying about it.

look at cx and azoogle, they paid everybody on those offers - copeac is the only one still owing everybody money and "not paying out until they get paid". copeac is also the only one openly running in common traffic avenues against their own affiliates, causing outrageous bids for volume.
copeac is also the only one openly running in common traffic avenues against their own affiliates, causing outrageous bids for volume.

If you think that Copeac is the only network that runs their own offers internally then you my friend are sadly mistaken. Most of them (if not all of them) do that, some with much more success than others.
I apologize if I have gotten anything wrong, I took down the article at the request of Mr. Krongel. I believe he and the other members of this forum can address this much better than me. I have nothing but utmost respect for Mr. Krongel and have made this clear several times. My differences with various industry practices should never be seen as an evaluation of any businesses reputation, ethically or otherwise. I know both of the founders of Azoogle extremely well for over 10 years also, and believe Azoogle to be one of the most amazing and reputable companies in this industry and recommend anyone to work with them (after trying of course!)

Happy Memorial day!
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"Chief rainmaker" got served...shiiiiiit

Another reason why you shouldn't out yourself (by using ur real name, etc) on a public forum, especially when you plan on taking sides.