Historically speaking, shakedown operations tend to grow and prosper unless one of two things happen. Either a lot of competition jumps in and starts running the same shakedown thus diluting its profit potential and sparking turf wars that sidetrack the operation, or someone hires some muscle to quickly nip it in the bud.

The thread mentioned says it all. Everyone was in bed with "Dee", and when Deepak disappeared he almost took down all those companies and the Bank of Israel. I'm amazed that those companies aren't out of business wiht a $50M+ loss.
Not sure of the details, Jon knows a bunch about it, was talking to him the other day plus several other people mentioned. I just know it was millions and millions of dollars. I wish I knew the details.

Everyone involved has been very, very quiet because it involved lawsuits, deceptive marketing and at the end, from what I am told, a bunch of merchant accounts being shut down all at once.

Oh ok, so same guy as deecash (dot) com. He bought out most adult companies last few years. He bought over 20 of them?
The thread mentioned says it all. Everyone was in bed with "Dee", and when Deepak disappeared he almost took down all those companies and the Bank of Israel. I'm amazed that those companies aren't out of business wiht a $50M+ loss.

He didn't disappear.

Makes no sense how could he take down a bank. Dont they shut you off if above 2% cb?

He didn't take down cal. Thought visa wasn't too happy either way. And 2% is not set in stone, there's other factors that play into it. Ultimately it's up to the acquiring bank (to a point).

Let me shed some light on this.

Glacier Payments is in no way affiliated with Brand Protection. We are actually not a processor. We have relationships with a handful of processors both domestic and offshore, and we provide processing solutions for advertisers in the highrisk/continuity space.

Several of the processors we have sent business to in the past have recently adopted the Brand Protection services and are requiring all new high risk/trial based merchants to use BPs product. Most of these solutions are domestic processors, and why they decided to use BP who knows.

What I do know is we have a handful of processing solutions that are not requiring BP and we have started sending merchants there instead. Don't want Brand Protection in your business? Neither do we.

Our goal is simple, to get our advertisers processing solutions, and we have an amazing success rate in doing so. There's a handful of individuals who frequent this forum who can attest to that.
Out of the 50 or so "larger" affiliate networks, only TWO are involved with "" and those are two companies that were in bed with making products on the continuity side.

I'd ignore these guys, none of the major continuity companies are involved with it and I've spoken to other affiliate networks such as Clickbooth, W4, you name it and none of them want to be invovled with these folks.

They burned themselves, and now they are looking for the rest of the industry to help protect them. Get real.
BP was started by an ex compliance official at Visa. He like any other entrepreneur saw an opportunity to create a 3rd party company to regulate this space, similar to how the mobile carriers use third party auditors to monitor ringtone sites.

Brian thought it was a good idea to involve the networks rather than shun them to help advise on the proposed guidelines and to help keep the deception out of the space. There were 5 or 6 networks invited, 4 choose to participate. One of those who choose not to were mentioned as speaking to Carlos about not being part of it. Funny how he had the choice to be a part of it but didn't tell you.

Why werent 40 invited? Because half the networks didn't do anything in this space, and the rest most likely pulled their offers from one of those invited.

If you like sensationalism Carlos' article is for you, if you think about it from a business standpoint you'll see BP is a good opportunity for its founders to create a business.

In regards to pixels i am assuming its so they can monitor the sites for compliance. The advisory boards role was to discuss the compliance rules BP was enforcing, since those rules were solidified we havent had much contact with BP as they work to build out their relationships with banks and ISO's..
BP was started by an ex compliance official at Visa. He like any other entrepreneur saw an opportunity to create a 3rd party company to regulate this space, similar to how the mobile carriers use third party auditors to monitor ringtone sites.

Brian thought it was a good idea to involve the networks rather than shun them to help advise on the proposed guidelines and to help keep the deception out of the space. There were 5 or 6 networks invited, 4 choose to participate. One of those who choose not to were mentioned as speaking to Carlos about not being part of it. Funny how he had the choice to be a part of it but didn't tell you.

Why werent 40 invited? Because half the networks didn't do anything in this space, and the rest most likely pulled their offers from one of those invited.

If you like sensationalism Carlos' article is for you, if you think about it from a business standpoint you'll see BP is a good opportunity for its founders to create a business.

In regards to pixels i am assuming its so they can monitor the sites for compliance. The advisory boards role was to discuss the compliance rules BP was enforcing, since those rules were solidified we havent had much contact with BP as they work to build out their relationships with banks and ISO's..

I think the industry would be much better off regulating itself with 3rd party entities that understand the industry rather than forcing the hand of legislators by continuing to become more and more aggressive with no real boundaries to what is allowed.
BP is a great idea in theory because it would regulate the industry and hopefully not be as restrictive and heavy handed as external regulation. But that is not how it actually was run in reality.
The rumors flying around (which make faaaaarrrrrrrr more sense from what we saw happen earlier in the year) were that Dee, and possibly Larby, bankrolled the operation and needed credible players to join the party. So they tempted Baumgardener (sp?) with some cash and offered a couple networks the chance to get in on the deal so that they could have exclusive access to the diet market. By partnering with Epic they brought on an major player in the industry and probably duped Graff into joining because he actually did want to clean up the space. If Graff was approached by Baumgardener he would have no reason to suspect that BP was about anything else than cleaning up the space.

What I want to know is why CXDigital pulled their presence from the site if BP is indeed a legit operation? If BP is the white-knight they claim to be then it would be worth taking whatever flack they might get right now from the Opes/Dee thread because in the end they would be vindicated and proven to be one of the good guys. Hopefully the truth about BP comes to light in the next few months. Im sure I am not alone when I say that I would LOVE to know what was really happening behind the scenes and whether or not I need to put on a tinfoil hat or if BP really is just an extortion racket.

MStern77 - seemed like you had some info about this whole deal. Care to share what you said you knew about the connection between Dee and Baumgardener in the Opes/Dee thread?
$uccess just threw the bullshit flag all over this thread and its participants.


The force is strong with this one.
I think the industry would be much better off regulating itself with 3rd party entities that understand the industry rather than forcing the hand of legislators by continuing to become more and more aggressive with no real boundaries to what is allowed.

It might be a little late for that - MediaPost Publications Sen. Rockefeller Targets 'Data Pass' Marketing 05/20/2010

Just FYI Visa/MC started their crackdown right after this guy dragged them through mud in the Senate hearing last year...