Eh, gimme a break. What brands? Acai Shit Offer #23 isn't a brand.

Made by two companies that lost tens of millions from chargebacks of Acai stuff, what you're opinion?

Hello friend,

Brand protection group is for protect brand. If no protect brand other can steal or ruin and it lose value and you lose money.

Good luck bro
If you have the option, you should work with a different processor. There are other processors out there who haven't given in to the bullshit tactics of Brand Protection Group. BPG is going to monitor your site and really limit your ability to optimize because if you want to test a new site you have to send it through them for another compliance check and pay them for the additional sites.

With that said, if you don't have another processor, just go through with it and hope that they do provide some value and protection like they claim to.

A few warnings:
- Be careful about having additional landing pages they don't know about because they could shut you down.
- Do not process across multiple merchant accounts.
- Be sure not to compete for distribution against Dee, CX, Epic, or Copeac (mostly Dee is the concern here, I don't think the networks will take proactive steps to get you shut down, but you can't be too careful).
Hmmm, these guys are right down the street from me, located in the same building as a bar I frequent... So, WTF do they do?
They are "regulating" the way advertisers market their continuity products online. They are going to the issuing banks or in most cases to the ISO and providing a "service" to monitor the compliance of the landing page from the marketing through the credit card processing to make sure people are following the rules of Mastercard and Visa. They charge a fee for each landing page they monitor. The fee shows up on your merchant processing statement. They charge additional fees for every landing page they monitor. They claim to have "proprietary technology" that monitors this entire process.

What they are really doing is running an extortion scheme to eliminate competition for Dee's products online so he can control the marketplace. I lean towards the belief that there is no "proprietary technology" and they don't really give a shit about compliance unless you cross their path. It's just old school racketeering at it's finest. You're either with us or against us.

Depending on your real interest here, you could spend some time reading the 10 pages of posts on this thread:
Hello friend,

Brand protection group is for protect brand. If no protect brand other can steal or ruin and it lose value and you lose money.

Good luck bro

The man is quite simply a maestro with a keyboard in hand. Keep the knowledge rolling out bros!