Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Europe release is on Thursday :(

I couldn't resist and downloaded the pirated release last weekend (and already finished the single player), although I've pre-ordered it on Steam. Single player is great, almost as good as Modern Warfare 2. Sometimes even better, but a number of bugs and bad AI partially ruined it for me. But it's all about the multiplayer with this game :)
Yo, is it just me or is the gun closer to the screen and the field of vision smaller than in the demo?
Nice thanks. I like the way the field of view is by default, really draws you in. The demo does not do this game justice. It's sooo pretty
Only got a chance to play like 2 multiplayer games (xbox 360) before the servers shit the bed, so I gave up and went to bed. Hoping to have better luck today.
How is the multiplayer so far? I haven't had a chance to stop by gamestop and pick up my copy.
Is it any different from the demo?
My boy and I played the beta for a few days enough to pre-order. Got a few minutes in multiplayer last night (kept getting kicked) but lots of improvements over the beta.

Better field of view. Better hit detection. Awesome maps. New "types" of games.

Single player has awesome graphics - just rather kill nickycakes (or others) than play the computer.
this game is fun as hell, finally started playing it today.. what's everyone's steam user? add me: "dmbates"

this game requires a pretty good graphics card - so if you have a mediocre/shitty one, don't even bother buying until you upgrade (1gb or higher card)
IS this thing buggy as hell or OK?

I actually threw away the CD and everything because Battlefield 2124 was so buggy. I loved to play it, but I just could not stand the rage any longer.

IS this thing buggy as hell or OK?
it was at first with a Radeon 5770.. but with it overclocked a bit it runs great in natural resolution on medium quality. I have had no problems playing it over the past week (although I haven't played much)

overall the game is really worth it and probably one of the coolest games I've ever played

I'm always down to play - hit me up with your steam if you want to play. I might buy a server if there are enough people on here to play with and keep it active
to me this game has it all... "Now, instead of destroying a few walls, you can take down entire buildings. No longer are there any truly safe places in which to hide from your enemies. If they have the equipment, enemies can destroy any and all structures. You won’t want to be inside a building when it explodes and comes crashing down on you. Due to this, tactics that worked in older games no longer apply in single- or multi-player."

my full take on the game...