Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Put in a pre-order for it today. I love the graphics. It looks a bit too hectic though. Shit flying everywhere.

well i played the demo and it wasnt all that fun + the graphics are not that great for a game coming out in 2010. i thought this series was getting old and boring once they released battlefield vietnam.
It has some good and some bad. Pre-ordered on Steam and played a little of the beta. One thing that drives me nuts, you can't go prone. WTF? Apparently soldiers have no use for going prone. Or if you can, I'm too stupid to figure it out. Also, the movement is weird. It's like their legs don't keep up with the speed of the figure, so you get that weird floating thing going on.

IDK, I like MW2 and so far the beta of BFBC2 is disappointing.
I've been playing the beta for about a week and its the coolest FPS I've ever played. The graphics are better then I thought, everything in the game is destroyable, If it drives or flys you can drive it (including planes, and helicopters), Its going to be one of the best games released this year. I'm looking forward to Dante's Inferno (haven't played) But this game rocks.
I've been playing the beta for about a week and its the coolest FPS I've ever played. The graphics are better then I thought, everything in the game is destroyable, If it drives or flys you can drive it (including planes, and helicopters), Its going to be one of the best games released this year.

Same here, I'm really looking forward to the 4th when I can play all the maps and all the game modes. After the multiplayer disappointment that is Modern Warfare 2, I'm very happy with Bad Company 2 :)
Same here, I'm really looking forward to the 4th when I can play all the maps and all the game modes. After the multiplayer disappointment that is Modern Warfare 2, I'm very happy with Bad Company 2 :)

I thought the multiplayer in COD4 was disappointing. Haven't tried it in MW2 though. What was bad about it?

I'm more a fan of WW2 style games though. Battlefield 1942 is still the best multiplayer FPS ever made, IMO. The maps and variety was awesome. From close-combat to long-range battle with anything from submachine guns to subMARINES.

Thankfully, they released Battlefield 1943 on Xbox360 last year but it still needs more maps from the original. Anyone up for some BF1943 fun, hit me up.

As far as BF2 Bad Company, it sure looks slick. Tried the demo on the 360 too and I'm tempted to buy it. (As if I need more timewasters these days, lol).
MW2 for PC is a pile of fucking dog shit. If you play it on concole then you don't notice anything different than COD4 because you're used to the lag and the shitty performance. If you're a COD4 PC player moving to MW2 PC you're going to be like "WTF is this trash" because of it having no dedicated servers.

That being said, I'm loving BFBC2 except yea, no prone which is fucking retarded. I was trying to crack the top1000 before the BETA was up but never made it, I got to 4400 and couldn't rank any higher. Still, 4400 out of 100k or however many players are on it ain't bad.
(i'm only speaking for 360)

no prone = completely retarded!!!

graphics = much better in real game... demo had tonz of bugs

the whole sandbox thing is what makes the game more appealing than MW2.. blowing holes in walls and shit just stays that way for the entire match. doesn't do some stupid reincarnation crap next time you make your way by it
I'm not sure why so many of you hate MW2. I've been playing it for about 2 months now (PS3), and it does have annoying shit, but it's still definitely fun. I do hate grenade launchers and snipers the most though. Fuck them.
Besides that, the game is pretty enjoyable, and once you do get good at it, all the small things before that used to bug you aren't as bad. When I first started, campers were owning me. But now, with a level 10 sensitivity, I can kill those fuckers quicker than they can kill me off even when my back is turned and they get the first shot.
Haven't ever had as good an experience with any shooter as I've had with Battlefield 2.

When they come out with Battlefield 3, I will pre-order. Hell, I'd pay 10 bucks a month to play a regularly-updated Battlefield 2.
Btw, when I pre-ordered, they said they'll give me a code to get the AK-74u in the game. I heard the gun was a beast in MW1.
ya... gamestop gives you a few bonus things for pre-ordering - Buy Battlefield Bad Company 2 Limited Edition - Xbox 360

Thanks for the link.

Guess this is what I am getting:

Instant access to the AKS-74 assault rifle for multiplayer action. Firing over 650 rounds a minute, this deadly beauty will give you maximum pwnage over your friends and enemies.
I'm probably going to rock a shotgun in the game. It seems to have a one shot kill. The automatic guns seem takes a shit load of bullets to kill.
I canceled my preorder after playing the beta. Wouldn't recognize my mouse properly, you can't prone in the game, and you can't strafe while sprinting which is a very standard thing every FPS since fucking quake has allowed you to do.
I canceled my preorder after playing the beta. Wouldn't recognize my mouse properly, you can't prone in the game, and you can't strafe while sprinting which is a very standard thing every FPS since fucking quake has allowed you to do.
They release beta's to fix things like your mouse problem. You can't sprint and strafe in MW. And no prone.. fair enough, instead of crawling get out there and fight..
I just downloaded the demo for PS3. I'm not really crazy about it. Played it for an hour, and didn't even finish the match.

Here are the problems:

- Too much time is spent trying to find the enemies. I was running around and at best would see an enemy once every 2-5 minutes.

- It's a bitch to distinguish a team member and your enemy. If it's your team member, there is a small ass blue dot above their hand, and if it's an enemy, it's a red color. Well when looking into the distance, it's impossible to tell, and even at medium range, I have to stare 2-3 seconds before I can figure it out.

- Takes too many bullets to kill someone. I noticed that it takes about 6-8 bullets to put someone down, so if you meet 2 enemies at the same time, it's fuck hard to get away with killing both as you would in MW2 with a quick spray.

Compared to MW2, it lacks action. I would be firing my gun every 15-20 seconds in MW2, in this demo, I fired it once every couple minutes. Fuck, in that hour I played I killed 6 enemies in total, and I do pretty well on MW2.

I'm still going to pick up a copy though when it comes out, since if they just add more players to each squad ( 20 on each ); and give us some stronger guns, it would be better.
They release beta's to fix things like your mouse problem. You can't sprint and strafe in MW. And no prone.. fair enough, instead of crawling get out there and fight..

I like crawling. I like sniping in Bf2. I'd like to see more of a random element to sniping, however. Sometimes you'd think a shot to the head with a .50 would kill someone instantly.

The answer in PC gaming shouldn't be to take away options. Leave that to the crappy console versions.
I like crawling. I like sniping in Bf2. I'd like to see more of a random element to sniping, however. Sometimes you'd think a shot to the head with a .50 would kill someone instantly.

The answer in PC gaming shouldn't be to take away options. Leave that to the crappy console versions.

From playing the demo, it seems that the game will be sniper dominated. Since the maps are large, and there is a lot of flat lands. Cool thing though is that if you are sniping from a far distance, you have to account for gravity pulling down your bullet, so if you're going for a headshot from far away, you will have to aim above their hand by quite a bit, so that's definitely going to make things challenging as a sniper.