Battlefield: Bad Company 2

to me this game has it all... "Now, instead of destroying a few walls, you can take down entire buildings. No longer are there any truly safe places in which to hide from your enemies. If they have the equipment, enemies can destroy any and all structures. You won’t want to be inside a building when it explodes and comes crashing down on you. Due to this, tactics that worked in older games no longer apply in single- or multi-player."

my full take on the game...

Yeah this game has now taken the place of BF2 as top game on my computer.

Tossing c4 onto the wall of a building where a squad is hiding and detonating it - killing 3 people and stunning the third - is an awesome feeling.

The whole thing feels smooth. It's too bad you can't toggle crouch, though. I'm always crouching as a sniper and it's wreaking havoc on my left pinky.

I like the spawn on any squadmember feature. I like the unlocks and how they're actually balanced out somewhat. I don't like how easily people with aim specialization and magnum ammo in their machine gun take me out, but that just makes me want to unlock that stuff myself.

Sometimes a man wants to cut a forest down with a machine gun, and BC2 lets me do just that.

Yeah this game has now taken the place of BF2 as top game on my computer.

Tossing c4 onto the wall of a building where a squad is hiding and detonating it - killing 3 people and stunning the third - is an awesome feeling.

The whole thing feels smooth. It's too bad you can't toggle crouch, though. I'm always crouching as a sniper and it's wreaking havoc on my left pinky.

I like the spawn on any squadmember feature. I like the unlocks and how they're actually balanced out somewhat. I don't like how easily people with aim specialization and magnum ammo in their machine gun take me out, but that just makes me want to unlock that stuff myself.

Sometimes a man wants to cut a forest down with a machine gun, and BC2 lets me do just that.

I don't find the game to be balanced very well at all. Medic is soooo easy to get ridiculous scores just by throwing medpacks into groups of people and reviving anyone you see. None of the other classes can turn the tide of a game even close to the medic. Once I saw almost an entire team of just medics and they were pretty much unstoppable, just rolling over everyone. And it's not like they got the short end of the stick with their guns either. They actually get more accurate the longer you're shooting them for, plus a ton of ammo.

The people playing recon get a little out of hand sometimes, but it's a pretty fun class. I actually play recon with a shotgun or the thompson a lot, especially on offense. Motion sensor + mortar strike is pretty good on rush maps.

Assault is ok, pretty well-rounded I guess. I just feel like it doesn't have much that makes it even close to medic. Worse guns, smaller magazines, but has a noob-tube, and unlimited reloads, which is good if you like to camp chokepoints and spam explosives the whole game, or slowly eat away at buildings.

Engineer.... lol. I got enough unlocks to take down helicopters so I can switch to it when i keep getting camped by an apache. Other than that, playing engineer makes me want to poke my eyes out.

Aside from that, the maps seem balanced and fun, although conquest is stupid and basically just deathmatch. I love rush maps. The squad system seems like it's missing something, and there are no squad leaders I guess? I liked the bonuses you'd get in 2142 for being squad leader and doing certain stuff. The only incentive in this game to even set a squad objective is just for a few extra points, so everyone just runs around and does whatever. VOIP on PC is basically not working, which blows. Also, the unlocks are WAY too easy to get. I have recon and medic totally done and most of assault and some of engineer already and haven't played much.

Very fun though. A lot more fun and realistic than MW2.
only gripe I have is no prone... other than that... pure WIN!

no prone =
The only problem i have with BC2 is that conquest sucks. It's nothing like BF2. Small maps, no planes, few helis, holding flags means very little. It's like playing team deathmatch.
MaladaptiveOne is my handle/character name/moniker, if anyone wants to add me on their friends list. Having a blast with the game. Was playing around with the C4 to see how much it took to destroy a building...I guess you can critically damage a building to the point where it's slowly dropping "life?" Because I put c4 on 3 of the center walls, ran and blew it - taking out big chucks of those walls. About a minute later it came down.

Haven't gotten VOIP working, so a TS server would probably be best.
I don't find the game to be balanced very well at all. Medic is soooo easy to get ridiculous scores just by throwing medpacks into groups of people and reviving anyone you see. None of the other classes can turn the tide of a game even close to the medic. Once I saw almost an entire team of just medics and they were pretty much unstoppable, just rolling over everyone. And it's not like they got the short end of the stick with their guns either. They actually get more accurate the longer you're shooting them for, plus a ton of ammo.

I guess you never played BF2 for PC much.
Sorry to bump this but I was thinking of picking up a copy today. I am trying to decide between PS3 and 360 though. For people who have PS3 how are the servers? I just got the PS3 and haven't played anything online yet. It is free compared to Live but if it is going to be slow as shit I would rather just play on Live.
BF1942 - Desert Combat mod was my favorite out of all the games based on the Battlefield engine.