Adiakritos Journal

Got a domain name, got hosting, got a webpage up.

Edited a nice template to remove the sidebar and I'm about the remove the comment area as well when I get home.

I don't want the site looking like a blog. I just need the design and content area. This will make it easy to make as many pages as I want to split test without worrying about viewers seeing that every blog post is just a slight variation of the others.

Thankfully I learned css, html and a little php so I have an idea of that works.

I've got to get split testing set up and find a way to quickly come up with different header images. I want to build a brand around this so I've got to do it right.

Almost done setting everything up.

Figured out how to set paypal up, writing an installation guide now with screen shots.

I posted an ad for a job to pay someone to make the guide for me but no one seems interested.

Once I'm done with that I'll be moving on to writing some ad copy and begin marketing and split testing.
Now I'm moving on to setting up google website optimization for my adcopy pages.

I'm going to also track my adcopy format in different types of templates. Almost there!
Wow, I read the first post and was like, "$600/day in 6 months, no fkin way." Now almost 2 years later it's "Hoping to make $500/mo."

I don't know if anyone in this thread has made any suggestions, but you simply need to follow one proven method of making money, and stick with it until you figure out the tricks to making it work. Maybe I was just lucky to have done that on my 1st go at IM, but I've only been in the game a little over a year and in a good month I can hit your original goal.

I'm not one to advocate endless analysis, but check out WaFo and sort by 5-star threads. Most of that forum is crap, but there are legit 5 star threads there with people giving away million dollar business ideas. There seem to be a good number of those on this forum too under the "enlightened members" area. Your original goal is a little lofty in that time frame, but there's no reason why you couldn't be making a few thousand a month within 6 months.
Wow, I read the first post and was like, "$600/day in 6 months, no fkin way." Now almost 2 years later it's "Hoping to make $500/mo."

I don't know if anyone in this thread has made any suggestions, but you simply need to follow one proven method of making money, and stick with it until you figure out the tricks to making it work. Maybe I was just lucky to have done that on my 1st go at IM, but I've only been in the game a little over a year and in a good month I can hit your original goal.

I'm not one to advocate endless analysis, but check out WaFo and sort by 5-star threads. Most of that forum is crap, but there are legit 5 star threads there with people giving away million dollar business ideas. There seem to be a good number of those on this forum too under the "enlightened members" area. Your original goal is a little lofty in that time frame, but there's no reason why you couldn't be making a few thousand a month within 6 months.

No doubt I've abandoned every project I've gotten in to prematurely. I'd probably be making a decent amount if I'd have stuck with the 2nd or even 3rd project up until today consistently.

My problem is that if I didn't see results within a month or 2 I'd get bored and annoyed with the labor and move to something new.
Ok so here's what's been accomplished this far

product created
site is set up
tracking is set up
ad copy in place
ppc ads in place

Now I just wait.

In the mean time I'm gonna have to figure out how to stay organized. Time to go back over "Getting things done" and use this file cabinet I bought.
Now I'm really rolling with adwords.

Pulled in 55 views yesterday in clicks. total cost is about $10.19 for the day. I'm excited because I'm new to it and this was just so cool.

So now I have 3 ads up. I'm not sure how to move forward on scaling which ads are performing the best. They are all doing .13,.14,.11% respectively of about 43,231 impressions.
ok I paused my ads cuz I don't wanna just be mindlessly throwing money away.

I've gotta put more thought into this.

Ok so I've got to think about a person who would buy my stuff. I'm writing out the process a person goes through to the reach the point of making a search. Chances are they'd be searching for something more specific that what My ads have been on. My adcopy should reflect this to let the person know my product is for them. This empathetic rollplay was a pretty good idea. lets see if I can make some money with it.

I don't want to be quick to jump to conclusions but I should have done this before I wrote a word of ad copy or spent a penny on adwords. Oh well.
ok I paused my ads cuz I don't wanna just be mindlessly throwing money away.

I've gotta put more thought into this.

Ok so I've got to think about a person who would buy my stuff. I'm writing out the process a person goes through to the reach the point of making a search. Chances are they'd be searching for something more specific that what My ads have been on. My adcopy should reflect this to let the person know my product is for them. This empathetic rollplay was a pretty good idea. lets see if I can make some money with it.

I don't want to be quick to jump to conclusions but I should have done this before I wrote a word of ad copy or spent a penny on adwords. Oh well.
Have you read the thread on creating ultra targeted ads? It may help you here. Got a copy printed out and even review it on occasion.
lmao ok sooo

I turned off the display network and I went from getting like a billion impressions and reaching my $10/day limit very fast to getting a trickle of impressions.


I like the idea using the search network since I have more control over what a person most likely is thinking in order to see my ad. I've got so much time I might as well tinker around with other search engines like Bing and maybe even facebook.

The only reason I didn't get into PPC years ago is because I didn't have a job. Getting a job was the only thing I needed to do in order to pay for testing and making progress this way.

Also, I realized that my articles were not targeted at all. All the articles I was writing.... it wasn't done while considering what mindset my ideal business friend/customer would be in.

If I had done that I may have made a sale much sooner.
Now Im just testing keywords and ads. got some ok keyword and now Im adding some ad varations to see if more clicks occur.