Adiakritos Journal

You're thinking too much without action. Every day, sit down and write 4 articles:

-post 1 to squidoo
-post 1 to ezine
-post 1 to hubpages

-add the remaining one to your auto responder series

The articles you post should link back to your landing page with your opt-in form.

Follow this pattern for 30 days. After that, you will have at least 90 articles driving some sort of traffic (they should be keyword targeted so you get organic visitors), and you should have a 30 day long AR series.

Assuming an average of 3 visitors/day/article to your lander, you have 250+ visitors already. Assuming a 35% opt-in rate, you have about 85 new opt-ins a day.

4 articles a day should take you about 2-3 hours. Don't get so caught up in copywriting and all that at this point, just write. Get your first series going. Get people opting in. Collect data. You'll get better the more you DO, not the more you READ (not to say reading is bad, but it needs to be applied or else you're just spinning in place).
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You're thinking too much without action. Every day, sit down and write 4 articles:

-post 1 to squidoo
-post 1 to ezine
-post 1 to hubpages

-add the remaining one to your auto responder series

The articles you post should link back to your landing page with your opt-in form.

Follow this pattern for 30 days. After that, you will have at least 90 articles driving some sort of traffic (they should be keyword targeted so you get organic visitors), and you should have a 30 day long AR series.

Assuming an average of 3 visitors/day/article to your lander, you have 250+ visitors already. Assuming a 35% opt-in rate, you have about 85 new opt-ins a day.

4 articles a day should take you about 2-3 hours. Don't get so caught up in copywriting and all that at this point, just write. Get your first series going. Get people opting in. Collect data. You'll get better the more you DO, not the more you READ (not to say reading is bad, but it needs to be applied or else you're just spinning in place).

Ok, this will be exactly what I do before going back to school.
^^ spot on. Adia, i really, highly suggest you take half a day out and watch all the videos this guy has done. he is a pro, has a proven track record, and not following and tweaking his advice will be your loss - CloudBlueprint: Email

Most importantly of all is to take action. nothing will ever be perfect in life but those who do, and take action will reap the rewards.
^^ spot on. Adia, i really, highly suggest you take half a day out and watch all the videos this guy has done. he is a pro, has a proven track record, and not following and tweaking his advice will be your loss - CloudBlueprint: Email

Most importantly of all is to take action. nothing will ever be perfect in life but those who do, and take action will reap the rewards.


I'll check him out. Thanks
Ok... sooooo when I started signing up for a squidoo and writing in the intro and bio and all that stuff I was annoyed that I had a hard time know who the hell I'm writing to.

So, I went back a little bit and defined who my market is it, down to a specific situation and motivation. Just very specific, ignoring all the other potential people I could be writing to. This way I get a very specific audience that is easier to write to.

I also realized that I was not matching my product with my audience right.

So actually, I went to find out what kinds of people are buying this product first. Then with that I defined my target.

I re-wrote my capture copy to target these individuals.

I just watched the video on split testing from that cloudblueprint videos Shalamedia sent me and I was blown away.

Now I'm on to tweaking my follow up email to fit this market and then on to squidoo, ezine, and hub pages.
Ok... sooooo when I started signing up for a squidoo and writing in the intro and bio and all that stuff I was annoyed that I had a hard time know who the hell I'm writing to.

So, I went back a little bit and defined who my market is it, down to a specific situation and motivation. Just very specific, ignoring all the other potential people I could be writing to. This way I get a very specific audience that is easier to write to.

I also realized that I was not matching my product with my audience right.

So actually, I went to find out what kinds of people are buying this product first. Then with that I defined my target.

I re-wrote my capture copy to target these individuals.

I just watched the video on split testing from that cloudblueprint videos Shalamedia sent me and I was blown away.

Now I'm on to tweaking my follow up email to fit this market and then on to squidoo, ezine, and hub pages.

Good to see you constantly thinking about things, but you need to focus on traffic. You can't properly test anything without traffic. Just start writing and posting to these sites and getting visitors.

You'll get better naturally; track the traffic from each article you post, then look at the ones sending the most traffic and try and emulate your methods used in those in other projects. Rinse and repeat.
Good to see you constantly thinking about things, but you need to focus on traffic. You can't properly test anything without traffic. Just start writing and posting to these sites and getting visitors.

You'll get better naturally; track the traffic from each article you post, then look at the ones sending the most traffic and try and emulate your methods used in those in other projects. Rinse and repeat.

okie doke. I'm on to traffic now.

I've got everything else set up with more clarity and congruence.

In addition to writing articles myself I paid a writer from wicked fire $25 to write me 10 articles. He's taking forever to reply so I'm a little worried.
I'm watching a program on creating an online business.

Since it's a seminar this one guy gets up to talk about the results that he's gotten from implementing what he's learned so far.

Basically he explains the problem he identifies, some of the stuff he writes in his copy, how he just published the site realy quick with a free blogger blog, and sent an email out that same day.

Within a few hours he made like $212 bucks from 7 sales selling an affiliate product.


You know what? I'm building myself up so that I'll be able to do that over and over. Then even create my own products to wash, rinse and repeat.

The seminar was shot in 2007. I just did a quick google search and found the same blog post and I'm blown away! It's got the ugliest design ever! There's even ads to the left of the copy. There's only one blog post, and that's it.
Wrote a list of topic titles to write on so I know what to write about next. Made sure that whatever remaining work my writer has would be changed to fit this market. Set up my posterous network.

Wrote an article, posted it to ezine, hub pages, squidoo, tumblr, posterous, facebook, twitter, and blogger.

I'm about to write another article on my next topic.

I noticed that there was a nice amount of views to my previous posterous network for the childcounselling site I did. I figured that if I had just continued with it I'd have eventually accumulated a following.

I'll not make the same mistake by just up and leaving this time. And I'll keep posting.

After this next article I put out I'm going to jump on some forums and start answering questions for people.

My targets are people who are new to fitness and are looking for information. So forums will make it easy to find them and build some cred with the newcomers.

My goal is to get these newbies into my email sequence so I have a private connection with them.

The main goal here is to build a list and then build a relationship with that list where I know special stuff and I'm helping them out.

Then I can send them offers that will help them out. The way dchuk described.

This is how the whole process has come together in my head.

Especially with that little story I mentioned about the guy and the shittly designed blogger post and making 212 bucks in a few hours.

It's like each component crystalized in my head and I 'get it'. Its so simple that I almost feel dumb for not seeing it before hand. Like, within a few seconds of thinking about it.
Am I building new hubs and lenses on squidoo? Or am I simply adding to the one's I've created to build them up...

I got 5 articles from the guy I hired. I've got to add some numbers and studies n what not to make them more informational and credible.

I went and found the top squidoo's on squidoo to see what these peeps are doing and I realized they just build up one squidoo with lots of good content, lots of pictures, request for "likes" at the beginning and at the end and try to sell stuff. Instead of selling stuff I just want people to enter my email sequence so instead of straight selling shit I can just link them to my site.

I'm not really even worrying that much about what I'm doing. I'm just trying to make educated guesses and then publishing, moving on to keep building. Then when I get the data back I can "model and project".

Figuring out my exact target makes things SO MUCH EASIER. I can make better educated guesses when I think about what is the end result these peeps are after, and what kind of content they might find valuable.
If I create more lens's will that ensure that my website is found via squidoo vs. posting to a single lens constantly to build it's cred?

Hub pages is cool because I can quickly make a post to it like with ezine. Squidoo takes a little more time. I'm not sure what's better.

I'll have to have a lens I build up, but also create a new lens for each article to see what happens unless someone here can tell me, thus saving me probably weeks of saved time on squidoo.
I like the feeling of writing something that I really really feel is an awesome tip. Like, something WILL help people. Something you'd call your buddy up just to tell him about it. These are the kinds of things I love writing about. I guess because naturally I would happily and enthusiastically talk about them.
5 articles later and I've been getting views to my hub pages. Gotten 1 view to my squidoo lens. 0 views to my landing page.

Patients dear self. There articles are sort of like just writing ads. They've got to have a good title to grab eyeballs. Now I've got to feel out a good article format that gets people clicking through to my lander. Plus, I've got to change my lander from another article to something more direct.

Already wrote something I think might do better but still gotta test it. It's just there, ready for use when I'm done testing the current lander.

Even though the lander I'm using now is suited better for my target audience, it's CTR is 12.5% compared with 20.5%.

Before I change the article lander to a more direct one I'll run some split tests on it as soon as more traffic starts to roll in.

I've taken my best topics, the ones I think would be the most helpful to my audience and submitted them to my email sequence. Right now I'm just going to put a small selling bits at the end of each email instead of one email of straight selling.

Gonna go away to the keys for another 4 days straight. I hope I come back to some rolling traffic and a sale or two.
OK I made a sale of something a few months ago.

I didn't make a fortune. I made $7.80 deposited to my paypal account.

I havn't been back here in awhile because I forgot about this but I figured now that I know what I'm doing, more or less, I'll continue updating this thread. It helped a lot of people so I'll just keep it going.


What I did to make close to 8 bucks was selling programs for wordpress.

I sold two within a few minutes of publishing the ads on fiverr.

It didn't sell at all after that, I guess because the ads were lowered down on the list.

I've gotten a job at a vitamin store recently making minumum wage. I'm going to stay there for one more month and then quit, take my check, save 80% of it, and continue on my other project.

When I quit, I'm going to spend 20% of my time selling these wordpress programs and 20% of my time building a website/application for people who are trying to lose weight (the business I have a bit more of a plan for)

That's basically 20 hours a week doing each project.

I'm going to school part time so that gives me plenty of time to do this.

School is great in terms of loving the mental stimulation by learning and being enlightened on many different aspects of the world although it's taking up my valuable time from being rich as fuck.

I also bought a model Lamborghini Aventador to sit on my desk and look at to keep my motivation up.

I realized that motivation needs to be maintained like health or anything else.

I'll update this thread with each success I make selling my little wordpress things. The quick response was proof there's a market for what I was selling.

If I can make more than $500 per month selling wordpress programs with less than 20 hours a week i'll be making an economic profit when comparing with minimum wage working at the store.