Adiakritos Journal

Wow, I cannot believe that you are still active in this journal. This is a great way to help others to learn.

;) I'd assume its because I'm still active in general. Plus I put an bookmark in the top bar of my browser so that i can update it whenever.

Thanks Vipz.

Just realized something more fully that's been cooking in my head.

I should be working to build relationships.
Honestly, I'm not reallllllly sure how to use this email marketing thing to sell affiliate products.

Also, I'm a bit discouraged with the lack of sales this has produced. I know I could have went though this more thoroughly.

People say that I've done to much planning. It seems that in reality, I just don't know how to plan and what to plan!

Also, I haven't had a realistic knowledge of how long planning should really take or even knowing when I've planned enough.

Experience will tell me. The process is showing me its self. I keep learning, applying, testing...etc

I've got to do this while continually seeing the outcome I want, and remembering the reasons I do this.

Sure, its not easy. But its fair. So fair that the people who didn't believe in me will envy me when I drive up in my red Ferrari.

This is going to fucking work. I'm gonna get a toy store auto trader and start picking out the ferrari I want.

I'm even going to check out some places I want to live in by the beach.
I've been following your journal for a few weeks and I'm genuinely amazed at your passion and determination to succeed. I haven't seen such dedication from someone for quite some time.

I actually hope you succeed in your venture and you really do deserve it.

Work your ass off and get that Ferrari and beach house you're after.

Good luck.
Thanks man!

In all honesty, I don't think I've been working hard enough.

I could have been more thorough in my launch. I spent the last week almost enitrely playing video games and getting chubby.

Thats because I'm away from my usual work environment.

So to counter this I'm creating a work environment out of my laptop alone.

The egg timer? Got a widget that does that for me.
Removing distractions? Got a chrome extension that gives me 5 minutes to screw around in facebook and other play sites.

Getting emotional leverage? Since I'm not in my room where my yearly calendar is I took a screen shot of my calendar before it's printed and put it as an image on my desktop. So now every day when I take at least one hour of action towards either building my brain to get better what I'm doing or actually work at putting something together I can put a nice hefty red X on the day.. with a circle around the day when school starts.

Deadline PLUS the motivation to keep the X's going is killer!

I'm thinking about buying a stack of thin notebooks to take notes on each program I watch so I don't get my notes mixed up. Like one notebook for Frank Kern. One for John Reese. one For Eben Pagan. Then one for plans only, Then a legal pad for Todo Lists ONLY.

Hmmm... yep, thats about it, Thats my portable workstation! =)

The only thing I need now is a pair of noise cancelling headphones if there is to much noise going on where I'm working.

OH! I forgot to mention.

On my breaks between working, even when I'm done for the day, I don't really want to succumb to video games so fast. I want an endless supply of brain programming. Something that will keep me constantly reminded of what I'm after.

Its a great feeling to read the goals you've written down, and then look at the work your doing. Then think about the progress you WILL make from that platform. Your goals don't seem that far out of reach. Actually, after a while, they don't even seem like that big of a deal. Like a ferrari and a beach house in South Beach or Hawaii is simply just a small taste of what wealth feels like.

Like Trump says, it becomes easier to THINK BIG. I have a hard time with that. So I just gotta keep taking action, getting results, and seeing where I wanna go.

Ok enough ramblings. I'm going to write an article on something using the principles in "Advertising Secrets Of The Written Word" by Joe Sugarman.

All of your support really lifts me up guys, thanks for expressing that.

School is starting on the 22nd of august. I'm going to go through those 3 months with full dedication to get the best out of it. I'm gonna join the biz club and see if I can make some good connects in the mean time.

I'm honestly not sure what the education will do for my internet marketing. Like what calculus will teach me about building relationships with clients through email and then having them throwing their money at me. Accounting will be useful for when I want to scale this into something larger, even then its not like I'm opening a zappos. The knowledge its self would be good though. it is nice to be educated.

Even though Harvard graduates might never make as much money as me I can still admire their hard work and high intelligence to get through that. In so much that I'd look for the less pompous ones and hire them someday. Assuming that I create some plans that involve hiring a larger staff. I'm not sure if I'll want to deal with that type of management though. Time will tell.

I've learned more in these past few months that I have all year, and its because I've been able to take consistent action. I MUST keep this going. At this rate I don't see why I won't have made a nice profit by the end of a year. And then in 2 years? Shiiiiit. 5? Forget about it. I'll be able to buy a Ferrari with no problem by then.

I heard that Ferrari's arent even that great as cars. That they break down in 2000 miles are so. But they're so beautiful! omg... I don't care. hahaha I still want one.
I've always been partial to Aston Martin's.....

You've got me fired up and I feel like re-entering the IM field again.... Honestly because of you last 2 weeks i've been formulating a plan, got figures, quotes, estimated profit, meetings and mockups of design.

...May start a journal some time next week as well :p
Just read through your posts and wow man, wow, dedication. my notepad is full with ideas to try with my new site.

I've got a calender out and set myself weekly goals. So I am moving forward. Thanks for that tip ;)
I've always been partial to Aston Martin's.....

You've got me fired up and I feel like re-entering the IM field again.... Honestly because of you last 2 weeks i've been formulating a plan, got figures, quotes, estimated profit, meetings and mockups of design.

...May start a journal some time next week as well :p

Just read through your posts and wow man, wow, dedication. my notepad is full with ideas to try with my new site.

I've got a calender out and set myself weekly goals. So I am moving forward. Thanks for that tip ;)

my pleasure. thanks for letting me know =)
Seriously guys, this extension "stay focused" is awesome.

I was on a site typing some stuff to someone trying to help them out with something. But its nothing to do with being productive. So after 5 minutes it blocked me.

It displays a message saying "Aren't you supposed to be working?"

and then BOOM, I'm back on track.

I find that I brain storm the best when talking to someone else or just writing out my thoughts in a free manner.

Doing some critical thinking here.

How am I supposed to use email marketing to sell fitness programs? (that's my niche)

I want to 1. build an email list because it's an asset. However I'm not really sure WHY its is an asset or how exactly to use it. If anything, it's an asset because of the relationship I'd be building with it. SO.... I've got to position myself as someone to listen to and buy from. hmmm....

So, how can i develop that relationship? I don't personally have results to show for so I don't even want to be called out on that. I don't want to lie about it either. I guess its sort of the effect your fat fitness teach has on you.

It's very tempting to simply write up a down-to-earth review on a product and then link to it directly. But I don't think that would be nearly as profitable.

So, my question still is, how can I develop this relationship with people.. on auto pilot? What could I continuously talk about? How could I create a continuous bond with people?

I've gotten more click through's on a page I'm not even trying to optimize than through my emails.

If anything, my emails should be amplifying desire for a product. how-the-fuck-to-do-that......

This is assuming the individual is fat, and hardly knows much about health. They have the option of exercising or not. either way it would work for them.


Damn, I wish I was in the same or similar boat with someone else so that we could bounce ideas off of each other. It would be so easy to come up with ideas and sort this thing out.

If I want to turn this into something closer to a legit business I need to build a client base and a relationship with that client base. I just don't want to be seen as a fitness guru or someone who you'd lose respect for should you see that I don't have an incredible body. Or even somewhat 'fit'. I've got an average body. I don't even want to imply a lie.

Hmm. I know what I'm going to do to get the creative juices flowing a little. I'm gonna play my "incubation game".. hehe.. its called "Moby Dick" or "Desktop Tower Defense".

The question is how to position myself to have credibility worth listening to, returning to, and buying from.
Lists are valuable because you can reach out to them when you want (as opposed to waiting for traffic like SEO) and because they're "warm" to some extent because they've seen your stuff at least on your site.

Let's say you're promoting an offer for a blender. On your site, you offer a free guide "the 10 best blender recipes"...pdf.

To get the PDF, you have to double opt-in (sign up to your list). Then you can start dripping your emails.

Give them some tips: how to clean their blender, what to look for in fruits, how to make protein shakes. Then on email 3, you hit them with your kick ass blender offer. Tell them how it saves them time, is easy to clean, makes better smoothies, makes them sexy, will call them the morning after...whatever.

Then drop back into tips and guides. Maybe hit them with a protein powder offer a few emails later. A special blender scrub brush after that. Just keep giving them free information about how to do something manually, then hit them with offers that would make their life so much easier.

It's like teaching someone how to cut down a tree with an axe then selling them a you know how, here's how to do it like a BADASS

A list allows you to pull people out of the internet advertising ecosystem and hitting them in their personal lives via email. You're sandwiched between an email from grandma and their daily groupon. They trust their email because spam filters are so good nowadays, only good stuff gets through. Make love to them and they'll buy stuff from you.


I find that I brain storm the best when talking to someone else or just writing out my thoughts in a free manner.

Doing some critical thinking here.

How am I supposed to use email marketing to sell fitness programs? (that's my niche)

I want to 1. build an email list because it's an asset. However I'm not really sure WHY its is an asset or how exactly to use it. If anything, it's an asset because of the relationship I'd be building with it. SO.... I've got to position myself as someone to listen to and buy from. hmmm....

So, how can i develop that relationship? I don't personally have results to show for so I don't even want to be called out on that. I don't want to lie about it either. I guess its sort of the effect your fat fitness teach has on you.

It's very tempting to simply write up a down-to-earth review on a product and then link to it directly. But I don't think that would be nearly as profitable.

So, my question still is, how can I develop this relationship with people.. on auto pilot? What could I continuously talk about? How could I create a continuous bond with people?

I've gotten more click through's on a page I'm not even trying to optimize than through my emails.

If anything, my emails should be amplifying desire for a product. how-the-fuck-to-do-that......

This is assuming the individual is fat, and hardly knows much about health. They have the option of exercising or not. either way it would work for them.


Damn, I wish I was in the same or similar boat with someone else so that we could bounce ideas off of each other. It would be so easy to come up with ideas and sort this thing out.

If I want to turn this into something closer to a legit business I need to build a client base and a relationship with that client base. I just don't want to be seen as a fitness guru or someone who you'd lose respect for should you see that I don't have an incredible body. Or even somewhat 'fit'. I've got an average body. I don't even want to imply a lie.

Hmm. I know what I'm going to do to get the creative juices flowing a little. I'm gonna play my "incubation game".. hehe.. its called "Moby Dick" or "Desktop Tower Defense".

The question is how to position myself to have credibility worth listening to, returning to, and buying from.
You need to give them something of value for free.

Yeah I've been doing that. I made an ebook and used it as a way to get them to subscribe.

It's helped pull subscribers pretty well. about 1 of every 10 people who see the page subscribe.

Cuz honestly it's pretty simple to just give them something of value, but that's the steak. I want to get a continuous sizzle going.

I've got something in mind. I'll work it in. Motivation. haha. Hmm...
Lists are valuable because you can reach out to them when you want (as opposed to waiting for traffic like SEO) and because they're "warm" to some extent because they've seen your stuff at least on your site.

Let's say you're promoting an offer for a blender. On your site, you offer a free guide "the 10 best blender recipes"...pdf.

To get the PDF, you have to double opt-in (sign up to your list). Then you can start dripping your emails.

Give them some tips: how to clean their blender, what to look for in fruits, how to make protein shakes. Then on email 3, you hit them with your kick ass blender offer. Tell them how it saves them time, is easy to clean, makes better smoothies, makes them sexy, will call them the morning after...whatever.

Then drop back into tips and guides. Maybe hit them with a protein powder offer a few emails later. A special blender scrub brush after that. Just keep giving them free information about how to do something manually, then hit them with offers that would make their life so much easier.

It's like teaching someone how to cut down a tree with an axe then selling them a you know how, here's how to do it like a BADASS

A list allows you to pull people out of the internet advertising ecosystem and hitting them in their personal lives via email. You're sandwiched between an email from grandma and their daily groupon. They trust their email because spam filters are so good nowadays, only good stuff gets through. Make love to them and they'll buy stuff from you.

damn that made it so much clearer. Thanks!
I noticed I flow better with a new piece of writing directly after reading something that teaches it with a few examples. I've got a list of topics to write about. Instead of blogging I'll just write up new emails telling stories and giving value.

My goal right now is to get people emailing me asking questions so that I can take the general questions and answer them back to the whole list.

My hope is that I'll have found a way to get the word out about something and build a following much faster this way than with regular blogging. After all, this is much more intimate and I have a way to measure how effective my writing is by how often people open my emails and whether or not they come back for more.

I've got to keep in mind that I want to be writing to people who are just starting out and people who have already reached their goal, ideally with me along the way.
the more I think about it, the more I understand the whole purpose of building up my 'tribe' over time. That's pretty damn cool. This way it's not really a relationship with a 'company' but with one person, me, who then communicates with them.

Thats pretty legit.
I'm not sure if I have enough time before school starts to keep up with this email relationship thing. Like, reeeaaaaaaaaallyyyyy experiment with it.

what I can do it let it sit for testing while I'm in school. That should be a well spent 60 bucks of research.

My god-to-honest problem is flying through each phase without much thought. I suppose because I don't know what to think about. I'm just winging it and then using whatever info I get back to make some changes.

But that's not how the best people do it. They find out what others are doing which is working.. and they implement it as fast as possible, get some results, and keep repeating that.

I've got to follow some 'star mentors'. People with the success I want.

I've been in the key's for vacation so I haven't gotten much building done. Just been learning some.

Well, it's back to building time.