555 High PR Blog Post Blast – ALN RANKBLASTERS!

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placed 1 order to test this out, keyword currently ranked at no. 6 according to rank checker.
Lets see what this can do :)


Got a paid review JUST a few hours ago.
I just checked the tracking key given to me.

Results? Awesome. Just a few hours later already have 6 pages on google of indexed blog posts. I'm fairly certain that this drips over 3 days so very impressive.
I obviously don't have results yet because it's only been like 4 hours but services like this on the ALN network almost always work very well in providing great serp boosts.
Very happy. Putting in another order now.
Placed an order at full price.
See how it goes.


Order placed. 1NF84323LF583214V.

Thank you, both your orders have started.


Got a paid review JUST a few hours ago.
I just checked the tracking key given to me.

Results? Awesome. Just a few hours later already have 6 pages on google of indexed blog posts. I'm fairly certain that this drips over 3 days so very impressive.
I obviously don't have results yet because it's only been like 4 hours but services like this on the ALN network almost always work very well in providing great serp boosts.
Very happy. Putting in another order now.

Thanks for the early review :)

Your new order has just started as well, I see 5 indexed posts in google already...


Time for bed - Back in 7 hours
LOL this has got to be the best sales thread I've ever seen on any forum

your graphics are dope and the fiverr video of that woman handsmashing her boobs to the ghostbusters theme song is the funniest shit i've seen in a while

lol, thanks... I still laugh real HARD every time I see the video.

All orders received overnight (my time) have now started.
Short Update
The easy keyword/search term (my second order) has move from #4 to #2.
No movement on the hard one yet.
Obviously this is not my full review - I will post more feedback in a few days or so.
Paid and submited details for a review. KW is midly competitive and at #3, trying to regain #1 position it lost a few weeks ago.
Noticed you added the option of spintax for anchors...this is great, as I can use the service to get some anchor text diversity. Placed an order just now for that purpose. May do a few more as well.
A Happy and Successful 2012 for all of you!!

Short Update
The easy keyword/search term (my second order) has move from #4 to #2.
No movement on the hard one yet.
Obviously this is not my full review - I will post more feedback in a few days or so.

Thanks for the update :) Looking forward to the full review.

Your transaction ID for this payment is: 6AR04354KA757501Y.

Currently position # 27

Competing pages = 11,600,000 (google)

I used www.seocentro.com for that info



Paid and submited details for a review. KW is midly competitive and at #3, trying to regain #1 position it lost a few weeks ago.


Noticed you added the option of spintax for anchors...this is great, as I can use the service to get some anchor text diversity. Placed an order just now for that purpose. May do a few more as well.


order done 0UX730072J533223X

all your orders have started, I have emailed and/or pmed you your tracking phrases.
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