50 Contextual links + 2000 profile links + 2000 bc links for $9.99 - review copies

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Are the 50 sites on different IP's, not interlinked, etc...? I assume they don't have any PR since this is so cheap (Ok if not, just verifying ;) )

so is there any PR on the contextual link pages? what niche are these blogs? please pm me.

They are on different IPs and not interlinked; no guarantee on the PR, but I checked the last order and found 20 with PR1 to PR3 on the main domain, the actual pages have no PR since they are freshly created

$5 ill bite pm me

I'll take a bite, PM me info.

Any $5 ones left? If so, I'll take one. Pm me.

Check your PM boxes in a minute...

Thank you
Looking forward to order @ usd 5.00

PM on the way.

All review and discount copies are out

All people that have erceived PMs for the $5 copy can still take advantage of the offer...

For $9.99, you will receive:
50 contextual links from 50 wordpress sites
2000 profile links
2000 blog comment links

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