48÷2(9+3) = ????


  • 288

    Votes: 127 43.6%
  • 2

    Votes: 152 52.2%
  • idunnololdog.jpg

    Votes: 12 4.1%

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Interesting position from a mathematician:-

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The confusion deepens if I give the following:-


now does this equate to (a*b)/(c*d)
or is it ((a*b)/c)*d?

So this would also mean you cannot rewrite the following expression 5/(2x+2y) as 5/2(x+y).

Also what does 4/5x mean? Do you really need to write it as 4/(5x)? as 5x=5*x

Anyone who thinks the answer to this problem is "obvious" and "elementary" does not fully understand its intricacies.

ab/cd is

a x b / c x d

there is no way that ab/cd is

(a x b) / (c x d)

the whole point of parentheses is that they are not implied. Otherwise why have them.
Just for the hell of it, I showed this to my math professor and he laughed when he saw that more than 70 people answered "2".


Or it could say:

Neooffice found an error, do you want to accept correction proposed bellow:

as per:

"The general consensus among math people is that "multiplication by juxtaposition" (that is, multiplying by just putting things next to each other, rather than using the "×" sign) indicates that the juxtaposed values must be multiplied together before processing other operations"
^^ Which is wrong, as already mentioned by conv3rsion.

48/2(9+3) != 48/(2(9+3))

If it was there would be brackets, there aren't brackets, hence adding brackets, although makes it equal to 2, is wrong.

As someone else has already said, 48/2(9+3) == 48 * .5 * 12
there is no need for second brackets..
loosing x sign means that
2(9+3) goes first.
Simply done for not complicating syntax for more complex shit then this 48/2(9+3) where you will loose your mind writing an reading shit load of brackets
there is no need for second brackets..
loosing x sign means that 2(9+3) goes first.
Simply done for not complicating syntax for more complex shit then this 48/2(9+3) where you will loose your mind writing an reading shit load of brackets

<3 Russians .. btw, xrumer rocks
People are still arguing about this ? What is it about this question that polarizes people so much.
Or it could say:

Neooffice found an error, do you want to accept correction proposed bellow:

as per:

Now why would NeoOffice (or anyone else for that matter) pull brackets out of thin air and stick them in there? Are there any brackets in the original equation?
Agree with FredWallace18, this is just a poorly written question, it can be 2 or 288, depending on how you interpret it.


It's not a poorly written question. You cannot have more than one answer to this equation. It's a simple matter of knowing the rules.

Equations evaluate left to right using this order of operations.

1. Parentheisis
2. Exponents
2. Multiplcation and division
3. Addition and subtraction

Although for tax purposes it would be nice if it could be interpreted as some of you say as 2.
Now why would NeoOffice (or anyone else for that matter) pull brackets out of thin air and stick them in there? Are there any brackets in the original equation?

Was already posted:

"The general consensus among math people is that "multiplication by juxtaposition" (that is, multiplying by just putting things next to each other, rather than using the "×" sign) indicates that the juxtaposed values must be multiplied together before processing other operations"

To translate it - second brackets may be implied by the person who wrote this equation.
Thats why the confusion.