200+ Guaranteed Live Articles! Boost Your SERPS in under 48 hours!

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I want to order pm details - it's still 6$ RIGHT?

Yeah it is still $6

Just placed an order

Order received, Thanks!

waiting for report, harry

It will be with you shortly, Thanks Harry


1. Can I order 2x packages? (any discounts?)
2. Do you offer content writing for the articles? for extra $?

Please PM me.

Hey the price is only $6 so cant offer any further discounts

At the moment we don't offer the writing but we can use one of our plr articles.




Order received, Thanks!

Ok, thanks.

Sent PM

Can you add an address and a phone number in the resource box?

Yes we can, no worries

order placed

Order received, Thanks!

order submitted! pls confirm

Order received, Thanks!

Interested to start today, please PM me.

Sending PM, Thanks!
Hey your report has been sent to you. Please check your spam/junk folder and if you still havent got it please let us know and we will send it to another address for you.

Sending you a pm.

Thanks for the order!


i have checked but could not find the report
please send it too the arasca at gmail.com
got my report back,
Service was done within completion time 4/5
Articles spun to about 50-60% could be better but expected 4/5
Over delivered on amount 5/5
Cant go wrong with the price at all 5/5
Overall 4.5/5 Thank you, will order again.
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