105 PR6-0 Blogposts - just $14!

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quick bump

Also checking previous orders and already seeing 100 indexed results when I check on Google so almost all posts have already been indexed by Google (without doing anything than getting them posted!). These are real backlinks that count guys, contextual links on aged PR blogs with unique IPs, all that we need :)
Capo is a boss - just saw the first pingback - definitely a quality service, thanks man!

Hey, thanks for your fast feedback! I really appreciate it! :)

Order placed. Transaction ID: 9JS26267WG730093M

Placed an order..10W14584K2702563M

Order placed 13076457YA746471L. Thanks

Just ordered! I hope to see some ranking movement! If so I'll come back for a bunch of other sites.

Just ordered and I'm really excited to see the results. ID #9Y014183D44931***

Thanks for your orders guys! I've scheduled all orders for today and the other ones will get scheduled tomorrow.

1 order left for tomorrow!
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