105 PR6-0 Blogposts - just $14!

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Just placed 5 orders, thanks!

Thanks for your bulk order, got your details and will update you as soon as the posts have been scheduled! :)

I got the report (tracking id) a few days ago.
Good Work - Great Price - thanks
Positive iTrader headed your way

Hey, thanks a lot for your feedback! :) PM sent and iTrader returned!

Just ordered one - hopefully you can squeeze me somewhere in between Jakey's FIVE orders!

Order #: 9K550760VB335962U

Thank you for your order! To be fair I keep it at a first come first served basis but I will send you an email when your posts have been scheduled so you won't forget about it! :)

3 orders left for Thursday! (Thursday next week)
Hey, thanks for your order! I don't know if it went through though, could you please send me your paypal email so I can check?

Hey, that's really weird that both keywords went down a few spots. Is your site new? Maybe some dancing? I'm using these links a lot for my own sites and I've never seen sites getting lower rankings so usually they should start to rise up again. Would be nice if you could update us in a week or so. Also, pm sent!

2 orders left for Sunday!

I also lost some ranking on 1 of my keywords and the other 2 didn't move at all. It's been over a week now. I am by no means saying that this is the result of this service, but that's what happened.

I am starting to lose faith in blog posts now. I think Google has it on its radar now. Yes, you do get an initial boost in ranking after a blast, but you loose that juice after a couple of weeks. Maybe it's the result of your posts being moved out of the first page. Who knows!
Ordered. Your transaction ID for this payment is: 87W96223D9932031D.

Hey, thanks for your order! I will update you next week! :)

I also lost some ranking on 1 of my keywords and the other 2 didn't move at all. It's been over a week now. I am by no means saying that this is the result of this service, but that's what happened.

I am starting to lose faith in blog posts now. I think Google has it on its radar now. Yes, you do get an initial boost in ranking after a blast, but you loose that juice after a couple of weeks. Maybe it's the result of your posts being moved out of the first page. Who knows!

Hey, I know what you mean. The initial boost is usually higher than the long term result. This is like you said because the posts are on the homepage with the PR and then fall off. That being said I still think they are one of the most effective links and I don't think Google will ever devalue these kind of links. They can deindex a blog but not the whole linking scheme because contextual links are still the best to get.

I think we all know that 100 links can either push a keyword very high or give it just a bit more authority totally depending on the keyword competition. All in all multiple type of links is were the real power is. Without link diversity you don't really get the best results. Like with all type of links, there are some sites that react great to them and some won't move at all. It's just the normal SEO game.

1 order left for next Friday!
Ordered. Your transaction ID for this payment is: 8ND28248WG969093D.

When can we start? :>
Ordered. Your transaction ID for this payment is: 8ND28248WG969093D.

When can we start? :>

Hey, thanks for your order but I don't publish XXX related stuff. So please let me know if you want to choose another site or you want a refund!
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