$1000 bitcoin

Somebody made a $150,000,000 transaction today.

194,933BTC at $755USD/BTC

Someone Just Made a $150 Million Bitcoin Transaction | Vocativ


True, but after they've spent their entire savings on the iPhone (and some rims for their car), they have none left to trade for bitcoin.

Has that ever stopped them from buying Cadillacs and satellite dishes? Loans man, loans.
The poorest of Americans have at least one iPhone 5.

Hah, I always have a nervous chuckle when I see the girl working for minimum wage at Chipotle browsing on her brand-new iPhone during her break.
Redditor loses half of his and his sisters inheritance trying to speculate BTC - Need advice on inheritance, arbitrage, family, etc. Please, I am becoming desperate. : Bitcoin

I am consistently misjudging the movement of the markets. I buy in and sell, not holding any long term positions. On the 19th, I bought 250 coins at $800; it was quickly rising and I was worried I would not be able to buy in at that price ever again. Immediately after my purchase it began tanking. I tried to hold my position hoping it was just temporary and would return to $800 and increase from there. After hitting around $600 it began to increase again, I viewed this as reaffirming my projection. It rose again to around $700. I held my position into the 20th, it dropped to $500 and that was my sell point hoping to minimize my losses. I lost $75,000 in an almost 24/hr period.
The bit coin is back up to $940. $1000 BTC around the corner?

Trend should be around 1.4k before next sell off more or less. It should drop to around 1kish. then boost back to 2k. Drop to 1.5k. Very trendy. I have made a VERY nice chunk of change shorting btc.
Has anybody bought Litcoins or Namecoins?

If so, where do you do it at?

Spent like 20 minutes trying to at Btc-e.com, there are like 1000 different payments options and they either have huge fees or are in another language or don't work wuuuuuuuuuuut
Has anybody bought Litcoins or Namecoins?

If so, where do you do it at?

Spent like 20 minutes trying to at Btc-e.com, there are like 1000 different payments options and they either have huge fees or are in another language or don't work wuuuuuuuuuuut

Bought through btc-e, 600 litecoins, 1k namecoins and a bunch of others. Got litecoins at $9 and namecoins at $2.5. Looking good so far
Redditor loses half of his and his sisters inheritance trying to speculate BTC - Need advice on inheritance, arbitrage, family, etc. Please, I am becoming desperate. : Bitcoin

Buy high, sell low. Solid strategy bro!

Has anybody bought Litcoins or Namecoins?

If so, where do you do it at?

Spent like 20 minutes trying to at Btc-e.com, there are like 1000 different payments options and they either have huge fees or are in another language or don't work wuuuuuuuuuuut

I have some litecoins. Nothing significant, just bought a stack incase they decide to shoot up.
Jose, what payment processor do you use on Btc-e?

And o hai guyz, where did you buy them at and if it was btc-e, what payment processor?

Trying to save 30-40 minutes of looking through all these options ugh
Jose, what payment processor do you use on Btc-e?

And o hai guyz, where did you buy them at and if it was btc-e, what payment processor?

Trying to save 30-40 minutes of looking through all these options ugh

Sent a wire, it took them a couple days to process it. Then moved the money in to BTC and bought other currencies.
Ok, looks like the fastest and easiest way to do it is to buy BTC on coinbase.com with a normal bank account and then transfer the BTC to Btc-e.com to buy LTC.
Been watching this for a year now. Going to buy in when it drops to 500-600. Anyone have a good place to get a guaranteed price for 10-20 coins?