metalhead, I've noticed ppl mention getting upgrades. What's the details regarding this? (I skimmed thru this thread and didn't catch the details on this. Must've missed it). Let's say I order Type #4 for $630 and see good results. Moved up several pages for a very tough kwd. So I decide I want to build more backlinks for that same moneysite. Am I then able to upgrade to Type #7 for that same moneysite/url and if so, do you do this for $2,400 or is that going to be $1770 for the upgrade ($2400 - $630 = $1770)? Wasn't sure if you have to do things from scratch, so to speak, or if you simply utilize the existing network and build upon it.
Yes, that is correct! An upgrade only costs the difference in price between whatever type you currently have and the type to which you are upgrading.