zero posts in the last 5 hours, forumwide? yeah, i'd say the writing is on the wall.

Edit: Don't PM me. I'm not taking clients and I'm not telling you how to rank.

Awwww, damn!


I'm still grinding away after 6 fucking years on here starting and stopping IM projects, and hopefully within a few months I'll have some info to share.

6 years, grinding away? seriously??
6 years, grinding away? seriously??

Yep, Seriously. well not grinding away for 6 years straight, just a lot of start and stop, buying the shiny new course. Trying to learn 5 different programming languages instead of just being really good at one. Buying ads not knowing what the fuck I was doing, getting pissed off and saying fuck it!

Yep, Seriously. well not grinding away for 6 years straight, just a lot of start and stop, buying the shiny new course. Trying to learn 5 different programming languages instead of just being really good at one. Buying ads not knowing what the fuck I was doing, getting pissed off and saying fuck it!


so short answer = no

reference above vid.