zero posts in the last 5 hours, forumwide? yeah, i'd say the writing is on the wall.

a total of 5 threads were updated in the past 24 hours. i'm sure grindstone can explain.

You fucking nerds don't know...

Fuck dem chart graphs trends pips.

The most telling thing about this thread is Sunnedly_Ass got him a DOT COM now!!!

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What happened is people used cookies to stay logged in, but they got locked out when forced to change their passwords because they forgot their old passwords.
Can't remember where I saw it, but i think it was ... um..... hang on a sackond.... oh yeah... similar web maybe... either way, the point is that traffic drops are happening on these 3rd party tools across the board.

I don't think it's necessarily unique to less morons visiting here, or the im related stuff.

(case in pint)

In my opinion, sites like Reddit have scooped up most of the "shooting the shit" traffic. That coupled with less affiliate marketers turns into less visitors.
Hey Jon dontcha wish you sold the forum when you had the chance and got offered "17 million dollars" or what ever insane amount you said?

I'm still grinding away after 6 fucking years on here starting and stopping IM projects, and hopefully within a few months I'll have some info to share.
i'm still here... are all the gents from your WF skype roundtables still here?

Sorry, missed this one. I only have one skype group and 90% of the members are not WF guys.

Here's how I see the situation. PPC guys were always smart enough not to out traffic sources/campaigns/ads/targeting so WF turned into a SEO forum because 1) SEOs are stupid and would rather look smart to their peers than keep their mouths shut and bank hard while their exploit was working and 2) the barrier to entry to SEO is a lot lower than PPC. You can build a site on wordpress for $9 reg fee + $1/month hosting and call yourself an SEO, even tho it might never rank, but to run paid traffic, you need a pot to piss in.

So WF became SEO centric, then Google got really good at handling most greyhat SEO techniques...mostly because SEOs are stupid (me included) and discussed working tactics and exploits in front of them, as well as sold services that exploited these loopholes to other plain sight of the clearly lurking webspam team. And anyone who mentioned that the webspam team was monitoring our activity was derided as a tinfoil hat wearing moon landing disbeliever. Yeah, suck it fuckers, I was right. They were here and they took massive action.

So Google started playing whack-a-mole with all the exposed tactics/packages for sale while accumulating more and more data (by morons who gave it to them via the disavow tool in the interest of "fixing my site") so that each algo update they rolled out was more effective against general grey hat SEO techniques...eventually culminating in the last Penguin refresh in October '14...which you'll notice spiked the traffic drop on three forums.

Less people ranking, more people leaving for a 9 to 5 or selling local client SEO = less time to hang out on shooting the shit discussing whatever. And since the forum was predominantly frequented by SEO dumbasses, now it feels dead. What's left is either people with something to shill (CHECK OUT MY SIG BROS ITS EPIC) or the PPC guys who still come round for a laugh.

I'm sure I left some stuff out or misrepresented something but it's early and I'm only halfway thru my 1st cup of coffee so apologies there.

tl;dr WF turned into a SEO forum, SEO is dead (for the majority of people utilizing greyhat tactics), therefore WF is dead. Would be good to see a reprisal but tbh, ignoring forums and skype group chats and building digital assets is your best bet in the MMO game anyway.

tl;dr 2.0 drave was right
^With all due respect, I think you're giving us gay webmasters a little too much credit if you think Google wouldn't have figured out our shady tactics if we kept our mouths shut online. Sure it might have helped them a bit, but let's be honest, sooner or later their Ivy League PhD's were bound to figure out our PBNs, spammy profile links, fake PR domains, link wheels, pyramids and all that pathetic bullshit we've been doing since 2007. It takes me about 5 mins on to tell you whether a site has been using black/grey hat SEO or not.

That said, who's in for another SEO Contest? :D :D :D

^With all due respect, I think you're giving us gay webmasters a little too much credit if you think Google wouldn't have figured out our shady tactics if we kept our mouths shut online.

If you say so, boss.

I've been absolutely murdering SERPS for the last 5+ months (churn and burn? naw, more like rank and bank) with my "Engineers Hate Him: One Simple Trick To Buttfuck The Googs" technique. Also not discussing it. Coincidence?

Edit: Don't PM me. I'm not taking clients and I'm not telling you how to rank. You being anybody, not avatar33. I'm sure you're cool cuz Calgary reasons.
^With all due respect, I think you're giving us gay webmasters a little too much credit if you think Google wouldn't have figured out our shady tactics if we kept our mouths shut online. Sure it might have helped them a bit, but let's be honest, sooner or later their Ivy League PhD's were bound to figure out our PBNs, spammy profile links, fake PR domains, link wheels, pyramids and all that pathetic bullshit we've been doing since 2007. It takes me about 5 mins on to tell you whether a site has been using black/grey hat SEO or not.

That said, who's in for another SEO Contest? :D :D :D

You'd be surprised how very smart people have difficulty thinking in "creative" fashions. Sure they might be able to eventually cut stuff off, but it would take them many years.

I can tell your for sure the #1 tool Google has against SEOs is going out and buying SEO services. In fact I bet you could even make a business out of tricking Google into buying your link packages. They pretty much buy 1 of every public SEO service they can find.
^With all due respect, I think you're giving us gay webmasters a little too much credit if you think Google wouldn't have figured out our shady tactics if we kept our mouths shut online. Sure it might have helped them a bit, but let's be honest, sooner or later their Ivy League PhD's were bound to figure out our PBNs, spammy profile links, fake PR domains, link wheels, pyramids and all that pathetic bullshit we've been doing since 2007. It takes me about 5 mins on to tell you whether a site has been using black/grey hat SEO or not.

That said, who's in for another SEO Contest? :D :D :D


It doesn't have to be 100%, just enough to make it difficult for SEO's and less profitable compared to Adwords.

After Penguin/Panda and other major SEO updates Adwords revenue went up -- documented.
Normally I'm a hardcore fuggin lurker but I just came on here to say, fuck Alexa, she's a bitch.


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If you say so, boss.

I've been absolutely murdering SERPS for the last 5+ months (churn and burn? naw, more like rank and bank) with my "Engineers Hate Him: One Simple Trick To Buttfuck The Googs" technique. Also not discussing it. Coincidence?

Edit: Don't PM me. I'm not taking clients and I'm not telling you how to rank. You being anybody, not avatar33. I'm sure you're cool cuz Calgary reasons.

Good. STFU Because you fucked it all up for everyone last time you opened up your fat mouth! Geexus. No more 'seo competitions' for you :)