zero posts in the last 5 hours, forumwide? yeah, i'd say the writing is on the wall.

just never realized how hind tit we were. damn.

I'm not sure the fact that we don't have thousands of barely understandable engrish responses daily or tens of thousands of morons slinging $7 ebooks to each other puts us behind those other two, but if volume > quality is your cup of tea, go cruise the reddit seo forums, those faggots literally never shut up and post about the same useless shit over and over again. Very not hind tit.

I've been doing IM full time since 2009. There is no doubt the 3 major IM forums you listed have been getting less traffic as of late. But I'm not really positive this means less total people are doing "making monies online" or trying at least. Maybe it does but I wouldn't be sure.

Basically I see it as back in 09 plenty of unknown people would post awesome content on those forums. But after they build a network/following they can just start a blog and post the content there and have more control over it and monetize it better. So it's just people are going more to other resources now.

Nothing I see with CPA networks or traffic sources makes me feel there are any less people doing this. When I talk to people that sell tools I'm always amazed at how many sales they get.

As for "the easy money dried up" that just sounds like such a broken record. People have been saying that for literally the entire history of western civilization. The easiest money always seems in the past because you know about it. Plenty of people are making "easy money" in the present the methods just aren't widely known yet but they will be in a few years. Then people will say the same "the easy money dried up" thing.

I mean I listened to people tell me in 2010 when Visa cracked down on upsells that "the easy money dried up". Both Instagram and Snapchat were released 2010/2011 respectively. Both apps I've been told by many people are "stupid simple" so I guess those guys still made some pretty "easy money".

So I'd agree maybe certain sectors of "make money online" are dying while others are growing. But I disagree less people are questing the online monies. Just seems the forum format for sharing info is dying out a bit perhaps.

Great post. Every year more and more money is spent online but it sure is nice to be able rationalize by saying it's harder to get some instead of being honest and admitting maybe some people just suck at making monies online?
As for "the easy money dried up" that just sounds like such a broken record. People have been saying that for literally the entire history of western civilization. The easiest money always seems in the past because you know about it. Plenty of people are making "easy money" in the present the methods just aren't widely known yet but they will be in a few years. Then people will say the same "the easy money dried up" thing.

You miss my point, but it's 5am...
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More and more people realize that it takes some effort to make money now?

Real money makers learned not share good shit to people with downs anymore.

I'm not sure the fact that we don't have thousands of barely understandable engrish responses daily or tens of thousands of morons slinging $7 ebooks to each other puts us behind those other two, but if volume > quality is your cup of tea, go cruise the reddit seo forums, those faggots literally never shut up and post about the same useless shit over and over again. Very not hind tit.

Great post. Every year more and more money is spent online but it sure is nice to be able rationalize by saying it's harder to get some instead of being honest and admitting maybe some people just suck at making monies online?
I have to agree that trying to do something meaningful on Warriorforum or BHW makes you struggling with nearly unbeatable opposition from multiple Indian guys with bad English, who all say something like "I m nuw to SEO, pleasse halp me yern mani fast"

I am really sorry I did not come across WickedFire earlier, I surely missed a lot of great times back then. As of nowadays - it seems your thread topics should contain keywords or they will never get any hits rather than from other forum members.

And turning a live and thriving community into a keyword-threaded forum... ugh, I hope its not going to happen.

Just for example - my company sells hosting. All kinds of hosting (just not cloud yet). Really good service, 5 years in business, a team of true professionals, oriented at webmaster needs - bandwidth pooling, fast switch of upstream providers if need be, white-collar spoofing, unmetered bandwidth or 95% percentile, as you wish. Active and proactive monitoring, 6 000 satisfied customers, 2 weeks trial for any VPS service. We do charge a bit more yet you get a really good service for your money.

BHW and Warriorforum are filled with the same offers and many of those are much cheaper. Most of these are dirt-cheap in fact, and 95% of these offers mean really bad customer support, issues with billing, frequent issues with SpamHaus, etc. etc.

We don't have any of this but there is no way of letting people know about it, as everybody goes for the lowest price possible. I would like to become a well-known and contibuting member of this community, as it really is much more worthy than BHW or WarriorForum, with their tons of useless crap ads.

"Ebook about nothing for $5 only". OMFG, let them all die in flames.
IM has turned towards social media. Not only for traffic generation, but for networking too. Lots of people use Facebook groups and stuff now.

Forums are somewhat old school. Even the pickup forum I used to frequent is dead because guys just network through instant messaging groups.
IM has turned towards social media. Not only for traffic generation, but for networking too. Lots of people use Facebook groups and stuff now.

Forums are somewhat old school. Even the pickup forum I used to frequent is dead because guys just network through instant messaging groups.

My forum died overnight when I talked the main guys into setting up a telegram group. Telegram gets 100-300+ messages a day and the forum gets 0/1 per week now. The temporary nature of skype chat/SM/IM is depressing to me even if it is fun.
My forum died overnight when I talked the main guys into setting up a telegram group. Telegram gets 100-300+ messages a day and the forum gets 0/1 per week now. The temporary nature of skype chat/SM/IM is depressing to me even if it is fun.

IM has turned towards social media. Not only for traffic generation, but for networking too. Lots of people use Facebook groups and stuff now.

Forums are somewhat old school. Even the pickup forum I used to frequent is dead because guys just network through instant messaging groups.

Interesting. I still don't do much IM anymore. I used to be bigish into AIM, moved to IRC/forums, never saw the point in Skype (really just dislike using it, especially for games) and the other messaging apps, although I have accounts on all of them.

I suppose it makes sense as a group messaging application could easily handle the most 100-300 active users on a forum.


I've actually been getting more into mailing lists than I used to be. A lot easier to keep up with things when you get a single message once every day or every few days with all the updates.
I'm not sure the fact that we don't have thousands of barely understandable engrish responses daily or tens of thousands of morons slinging $7 ebooks to each other puts us behind those other two, but if volume > quality is your cup of tea, go cruise the reddit seo forums, those faggots literally never shut up and post about the same useless shit over and over again. Very not hind tit.

on the contrary, i'm all about quality > volume, as i think most serious providers/servicers are... which is why in downtimes, i'd have expected the WF line to stay more flat and the other lines to show more of a crash.

i'm still here... are all the gents from your WF skype roundtables still here?
I started to write a response, then I realised I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about when it comes to your sector.

So I'll refrain from making a fool of myself and instead thank you for the insight into a market I don't know anything about.

haven't seen you make a fool of yourself once in the past 3 years, but thx for the deference.
* Taggers think they're funny or badasses. Neither is the case. No one has shown the talent that barman and select others possess. The fact that they can ply their trade anonymously removes the feedback mechanism that would otherwise discourage malcontents.

Also, the ability to tag gives taggers the impression they're interacting with the community. Rather than contributing to a thread, they tag and move on. So most threads fail to gain traction.

meh. they're railbirds.
It makes me smile, really.

"I will go to my favorite forum, WickedFire, and tell all these great guys (who happen to be my potential competitors) about a fine way of investing $1000 to receive $10,000 I just discovered" - one of the greatest things that never happened.

That applies to all forums, because all forum users are sellers, not buyers and are not interested in offers of their forum buddies. Exceptions happen, but these are rare and just confirm the rules mostly.

Therefore, there are NO USEFUL THREADS ON THE FORUMS. We discuss politics, cars, cats, movies, we have year-long conversations, we give likes and dislikes and gain forum notoriety that means nothing in real life - and we give zero positive input, because everybody keeps their money-making secrets hidden and secure. Good thing this forum has a sub-section for tits and ass, as well as a community able to help with some JS issues or making some software work. Other than that it differs not from all the rest of the foums, thus following nearly the same popularity graph as the other two mentioned above.

If you want to have a ton of new threads and posts - do it yourself. Share valuable data just out of sheer kindness - and others will be glad to discuss it.
That is why people communicate through groups. They share their offers through community that may be interested in these. It's like a sexual act between two partners as compared to pouring tons of semen into the ocean in hope it will inseminate the needed cells.

Direct contact > forum posting. That's why majority of forums I know are dead.
The form in which internet forums/boards work is still ok but, Matt Cutts this little bitch (and his employers) just don't like this kind of business. Internet marketing forums are not "dying", they are just under attack (and probably quite successful one...).
Wickedfire has always had an insane population of active lurkers. For every guy running his mouth all over the forum there's literally over a thousand lurkers who check in regularly.

That said, forums in general aren't dead but this one might be soon. If that prospect keeps you up at night I might suggest taking a cue from the owners and moving on.
If that prospect keeps you up at night I might suggest taking a cue from the owners and moving on.

isn't the ownership singular? and what cue are you referring to? are you quoting mob movies to sound cool?
3. require new members to accrue 10 posts before they're able to post.

anyways yeah less members posting
= less Internet marketers competing
= BUT it can also mean that most people in forums have learned their ways and got busy making money than lurking and posting in forums :eek7: