zero posts in the last 5 hours, forumwide? yeah, i'd say the writing is on the wall.


fear not
Apr 12, 2012




I don't see this as a bad thing, its a natural contraction in the number of people still doing AM.

All three are dropping which to me shows that the easy money is gone and so are the people who were chasing it.

Others have moved on to bigger and better, starting their own businesses ,etc.

WF is fine, it was all about PPC, then SEO, now it will transition to something else.
nice graphs, acidie. a more revealing look would be to have all 3 on 1, but good stuff.

and lulz on you taggers without the stones to post.
nice graphs, acidie. a more revealing look would be to have all 3 on 1, but good stuff.


Shows pretty much the same, there was a contraction in October. I can't remember if there were any big events in AM/IM around that time (I can't remember what I did last week, let alone 7 months ago), so I have no idea why they started dropping at that point.

But I think it still highlights my point.

Personally I say its a good thing, less competition means more money for the people who are left.

Shows pretty much the same, there was a contraction in October. I can't remember if there were any big events in AM/IM around that time (I can't remember what I did last week, let alone 7 months ago), so I have no idea why they started dropping at that point.

But I think it still highlights my point.

Personally I say its a good thing, less competition means more money for the people who are left.

no doubt, and i never questioned your point. just never realized how hind tit we were. damn.
graphs notwithstanding. thx for the info.

No problem.

On a sort of related note, I'm waiting for the US gov to start taxing the Internet (via the FCC) which should eliminate 90% of competition from 2nd world countries and a significant amount from 1st world.

Doubt it will happen within the next 24 months, but it's coming.

No problem.

On a sort of related note, I'm waiting for the US gov to start taxing the Internet (via the FCC) which should eliminate 90% of competition from 2nd world countries and a significant amount from 1st world.

Doubt it will happen within the next 24 months, but it's coming.


i write books so that would suck for me and anyone else providing a non-homogenous service, but we all have our hopes & dreams, bro.
i write books so that would suck for me and anyone else providing a non-homogenous service, but we all have our hopes & dreams, bro.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't understand why that would matter.

I don't get how this would affect variable or homogeneous services differently.

Although I suspect this one of those days where I over complicate everything while missing the obvious :D
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't understand why that would matter.

I don't get how this would affect variable or homogeneous services differently.

Although I suspect this one of those days where I over complicate everything while missing the obvious :D

i'm generalizing, but homogenous servicers typically compete and adjust on price, whereas variable (what i'd call unique) servicers just do what they do, and more tax just carves more out of it.

some guy from india isn't going to write exactly like i do, so i can price my work as unique. taxes just erode that, and don't really eliminate much competition.

taxes work as a competition-eliminating element between parties in vastly differing cost-of-living situations when the end product is nearly the same -- aka, homogeneous or commodity-style products or services.
i'm generalizing, but homogenous servicers typically compete and adjust on price, whereas variable (what i'd call unique) servicers just do what they do, and more tax just carves more out of it.

some guy from india isn't going to write exactly like i do, so i can price my work as unique. taxes just erode that, and don't really eliminate much competition.

taxes work as a competition-eliminating element between parties in vastly differing cost-of-living situations when the end product is nearly the same -- aka, homogeneous or commodity-style products or services.

I started to write a response, then I realised I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about when it comes to your sector.

So I'll refrain from making a fool of myself and instead thank you for the insight into a market I don't know anything about.
Here's my prescription:

1. get rid of the tag-editing feature.*

2. auto-ban red-rep members. Red = dead.

3. require new members to accrue 10 posts before they're able to post.

* Taggers think they're funny or badasses. Neither is the case. No one has shown the talent that barman and select others possess. The fact that they can ply their trade anonymously removes the feedback mechanism that would otherwise discourage malcontents.

Also, the ability to tag gives taggers the impression they're interacting with the community. Rather than contributing to a thread, they tag and move on. So most threads fail to gain traction.

Shows pretty much the same, there was a contraction in October. I can't remember if there were any big events in AM/IM around that time (I can't remember what I did last week, let alone 7 months ago), so I have no idea why they started dropping at that point.

But I think it still highlights my point.

Personally I say its a good thing, less competition means more money for the people who are left.

I've been doing IM full time since 2009. There is no doubt the 3 major IM forums you listed have been getting less traffic as of late. But I'm not really positive this means less total people are doing "making monies online" or trying at least. Maybe it does but I wouldn't be sure.

Basically I see it as back in 09 plenty of unknown people would post awesome content on those forums. But after they build a network/following they can just start a blog and post the content there and have more control over it and monetize it better. So it's just people are going more to other resources now.

Nothing I see with CPA networks or traffic sources makes me feel there are any less people doing this. When I talk to people that sell tools I'm always amazed at how many sales they get.

As for "the easy money dried up" that just sounds like such a broken record. People have been saying that for literally the entire history of western civilization. The easiest money always seems in the past because you know about it. Plenty of people are making "easy money" in the present the methods just aren't widely known yet but they will be in a few years. Then people will say the same "the easy money dried up" thing.

I mean I listened to people tell me in 2010 when Visa cracked down on upsells that "the easy money dried up". Both Instagram and Snapchat were released 2010/2011 respectively. Both apps I've been told by many people are "stupid simple" so I guess those guys still made some pretty "easy money".

So I'd agree maybe certain sectors of "make money online" are dying while others are growing. But I disagree less people are questing the online monies. Just seems the forum format for sharing info is dying out a bit perhaps.