just ordered one. service as always is superb
for $10, why isn't everyone JUMPING on this???
because I can't stop looking at your signature.
just ordered one. service as always is superb
for $10, why isn't everyone JUMPING on this???
don't look - click, buy
Ouch. Kinda harsh.Anyway, go find an account with one of those other hosts you love so much. If you can't read the getting started guide (which we tell you to do before ordering) and you can't reply to my support guy when he sends you an e-mail trying to help.... then you'd probably send in a million trouble tickets anyway and be more trouble than you're worth.
I'm impressed so far. The back end seems to be really quick. I'm not sure if it's the server or the Direct Admin script, but it snaps from page to page with authority.
Err that's because it's basically only you and a few other people on the server right now. Once it gets filled up and everyones running cron jobs like mad it will slow down.
larrybn, ur talking out ur ass. got call you on ur bullshit. i don't need to get into subigo's or zensix's business, but he's limited it to 50 accts on the box and over half are already claimed. at least that's my understanding. so it's not like we're going to see 200 more accts on here and with the good neighbor policy i think it safe to say that performance should maintain.