Subigo - I apologize for my posts regarding your service. I over-reacted and it was wrong to post here without first giving zensix more of a chance to either cancel the billing or deliver the services. It looks like the billing has now been canceled.
I got really pissed off when I had checked my mailbox to find two invoices for services that were not going to be delivered. I wrongly assumed you were going to keeping billing and actually expect payment. I should not have got so angry, but I did. Some days my fuse is shorter than others. Sorry for directing it at you. If there is no scam involved, this is a good offer and its nice of you to share it on WF.
On a side note, I did only sign up two times, and only receive two invoices, but I understand that using the "back" button on sign-up pages/scripts can sometimes have unexpected results like this.
Good luck and I apologize for my handling of this.
Subigo - I apologize for my posts regarding your service. I over-reacted and it was wrong to post here without first giving zensix more of a chance to either cancel the billing or deliver the services. It looks like the billing has now been canceled.
I got really pissed off when I had checked my mailbox to find two invoices for services that were not going to be delivered. I wrongly assumed you were going to keeping billing and actually expect payment. I should not have got so angry, but I did. Some days my fuse is shorter than others. Sorry for directing it at you. If there is no scam involved, this is a good offer and its nice of you to share it on WF.
On a side note, I did only sign up two times, and only receive two invoices, but I understand that using the "back" button on sign-up pages/scripts can sometimes have unexpected results like this.
Good luck and I apologize for my handling of this.