ZenSix Hosting - DirectAdmin Accounts $10/year (only 50 avail.)

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Subigo - I apologize for my posts regarding your service. I over-reacted and it was wrong to post here without first giving zensix more of a chance to either cancel the billing or deliver the services. It looks like the billing has now been canceled.

I got really pissed off when I had checked my mailbox to find two invoices for services that were not going to be delivered. I wrongly assumed you were going to keeping billing and actually expect payment. I should not have got so angry, but I did. Some days my fuse is shorter than others. Sorry for directing it at you. If there is no scam involved, this is a good offer and its nice of you to share it on WF.

On a side note, I did only sign up two times, and only receive two invoices, but I understand that using the "back" button on sign-up pages/scripts can sometimes have unexpected results like this.

Good luck and I apologize for my handling of this.

600 megs and 30GB bandwidth? Am I the only one who feels that's little bit one-sided?

But still, it's a great deal and if you need hosting right now, you are a fucking idiot not to take this deal.

Yeah, I originally had the space set to 1,200MB, but had to cut it after thinking hard about it. We always get people trying to setup warez and movie sites, so I cut the space in half to keep them away... Once the $10 price tag goes up and everything settles down, I'll probably bump the space back up for everyone.

Subigo - I apologize for my posts regarding your service. I over-reacted and it was wrong to post here without first giving zensix more of a chance to either cancel the billing or deliver the services. It looks like the billing has now been canceled.

I got really pissed off when I had checked my mailbox to find two invoices for services that were not going to be delivered. I wrongly assumed you were going to keeping billing and actually expect payment. I should not have got so angry, but I did. Some days my fuse is shorter than others. Sorry for directing it at you. If there is no scam involved, this is a good offer and its nice of you to share it on WF.

On a side note, I did only sign up two times, and only receive two invoices, but I understand that using the "back" button on sign-up pages/scripts can sometimes have unexpected results like this.

Good luck and I apologize for my handling of this.

Thanks for that... and sorry if I came off as a dick, but I've mentioned the possible fraud flagging of new accounts on here many times. We actually need all of the users information before we send the order over to maxmind.com to be checked, they require it. I can't apologize for that... while most hosts get hit everyday, we haven't had a successful fraud signup since we started.

I have a ton of PM's to go through, but see you sent me another one. I'll reply to you when I get a chance and I'll set up an account for you if you're still interested.
This might confuse some people.


(either its eligible or not eligible, not eligible but non-effective :D)
This might confuse some people.


(either its eligible or not eligible, not eligible but non-effective :D)

Crap. Yeah, I should have stated that the wickedfire coupon in my other thread is only good for the cPanel accounts. I'm not sure why the system is even accepting the coupon at all. It should have said not available for this plan, blah blah blah... I'll have to look into it.

p.s. - The coupon WILL be good once the price goes up in the future. (After the 50 account promo).
for multiple sites - i'm not as keen. the extra click when i click home to go back to my default domain is annoying - is there a setting to make home default to the default domain, then if i want domains, i click the domains link?

also, uploaded some plugins and they had some permissions issues so i had to go in and chmod those - where can i set the default upload permissions? i haven't noticed an issue with this on my cPanel installs.

so that's it thus far. if this is me just being an idiot - a reply by pm will suffice. thanks!

just reread this and looks whiny and bitchy - i'm digging it except for these two things. quick and nimble it seems.
for multiple sites - i'm not as keen. the extra click when i click home to go back to my default domain is annoying - is there a setting to make home default to the default domain, then if i want domains, i click the domains link?

also, uploaded some plugins and they had some permissions issues so i had to go in and chmod those - where can i set the default upload permissions? i haven't noticed an issue with this on my cPanel installs.

so that's it thus far. if this is me just being an idiot - a reply by pm will suffice. thanks!

just reread this and looks whiny and bitchy - i'm digging it except for these two things. quick and nimble it seems.

It's the same way with cpanel, as they are treated as "add on" domains. Naturally this problem goes away when you have a WHM/Cpanel setup. But he's selling shared hosting not reseller accounts which wouldn't have the WHM access.

In Short : its a rather minor annoyance when you consider the price :p

PS: Depending on the FTP client you can often times set permissions via that.
for multiple sites - i'm not as keen. the extra click when i click home to go back to my default domain is annoying - is there a setting to make home default to the default domain, then if i want domains, i click the domains link?

also, uploaded some plugins and they had some permissions issues so i had to go in and chmod those - where can i set the default upload permissions? i haven't noticed an issue with this on my cPanel installs.

so that's it thus far. if this is me just being an idiot - a reply by pm will suffice. thanks!

just reread this and looks whiny and bitchy - i'm digging it except for these two things. quick and nimble it seems.

The "pick a domain" thing has always been like that as far as I remember. There might be a way to change it, but I'll have to look into that one...

As for the chmod issues, it's most likely your ftp client. I haven't had any issues... what were you installing?

With that said, this server is set up in a complete different way than the other ones we use and there are some differences (php.ini vs .htaccess as an example).
using the same ftp client (smart ftp) that i used with my mega zen package on ur other box - no issues at all there. uploaded cforms and noticed that it wasn't able to write the css file. so went in and did some chmoding.

but yeah - that pick a domain is a mild annoyance, but one nonetheless - if you find that, i'm a convert. lol!
using the same ftp client (smart ftp) that i used with my mega zen package on ur other box - no issues at all there. uploaded cforms and noticed that it wasn't able to write the css file. so went in and did some chmoding.

but yeah - that pick a domain is a mild annoyance, but one nonetheless - if you find that, i'm a convert. lol!

I looked around and I'm pretty sure there's no way to have a single domain's panel show up by default. It's like this because unlike cPanel, the additional domains that you add are not "under" a main domain. It keeps them all separate and you can delete any domain you want and still have the others working, even the domain you first signed up with.

As for chmod settings... unless you're using the autoinstaller you'll have to chmod certain files for scripts. (You sure cforms worked fine on the cpanel server? I have it set up on prblaze.com and had to chmod the stylesheet as well)... but...

You can set default chmod values in your .htaccess file in the root directory by using this format:

chmod .htpasswd files 640
chmod .htaccess files 644
chmod php files 600

very cool - i've sidetracked this thread enough. now that you mention it... i guess i didn't upload cforms to the other hosting account, that was on my OTHER hosting. :slap!:

i'm still going to say it would make sense for DA to make home the default domain (which the user can set themselves)... or at least make the navigation in the footer allow to go back to the domain you were just working with (an even better idea). something to avoid these unnecessary clicks! :D

thanks again for the hosting!
I just snagged one. Never was a fan of cPanel, but it worked and I honestly didn't know there was a decent alternative out there.
I never really liked cPanel either, so $10 a year to try out something new is a bargain. I went ahead and picked up an account.
I don't know if its the server or what, but the DirectAdmin panel is wicked fast in loading for me from the time of clicking a link. Cpanel regardless of who I was on (shared, VPS, or otherwise) always seems to take a sec or so to load a new page.
I don't know if its the server or what, but the DirectAdmin panel is wicked fast in loading for me from the time of clicking a link. Cpanel regardless of who I was on (shared, VPS, or otherwise) always seems to take a sec or so to load a new page.

I love it!!
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