Would 17 year old you like grown up you?


Claptrap Overlord
Nov 24, 2007
Rocking out to the American Pie 2 soundtrack for some nostalgia (Sum 41, American HI-FI, Left Front Tire, Smokescreen, etc) and wondering about that.

I think I'd mostly approve.

I'd be pretty pissed that I live in but fuck Idaho.

Other than that though, I've achieved pretty much everything I wanted, and what I haven't I'm on the cusp of (going full indie).

I rock pretty hard, my rig is awesome, I snowboard, I drive stupid fast (when my kids aren't in the car), run marathon gaming sessions with pizza and beer, coffeshop girls still slip me their numbers.

Fuck, maybe I'm still 17. :music06:

I don't dress anything like I did when I was 17 though, so I probably wouldn't recognize myself. I've got a homeless-chiq thing going on; hole riddled jeans, growing out my hair so it's super rough and shaggy, got a 6 week scruff, and I wear a beanie 7 months out of the year (Idaho is fucking cold). 10 y/o me would approve of the hole filled jeans, but teenage me would not.

So, what about you? Would teenage you like grown up you?

I think 17 year old me would not give a fuck.

But seriously, I am quite happy with my life, and 17yo me would approve. Not saying I achieved my goals, but I am getting there. It takes WAY more time than I thought 10-15 years ago, but that's the game of life. I just have to try harder. I like having that option.
17 yr old me would certainly be proud of me today. Agreed, I don't have the body I thought I would but it can easily be forgiven. The nice car, watches and alcohol all help make up for it.
i have the same homeless vibe going, 17 year old me would tell me to get my act straight and get to work. But fck 17 year old me, what does he know!
arent most here like 17?

When I was 17 I expected that by now I'd be close to billionaire status and running Microsoft in a couple years...srsly. I still have 4 years to make this happen, and while I still respect the intellectual capital overlooked at Microsoft, I think I'll just focus on that first part of the goal.
Who I am as an individual? Character, personality, values, looks, etc.? Yeah, 17yo me would definitely approve.

Some decisions I've made, that took me on various paths in life? 17yo me would probably smack me around a bit for that. Fuck it though, live and learn.
17 year old me (11 years ago) was on track to being a youth pastor, looking to be settled by end of college. Considered Alcohol and pot to be "evil". So 17 year old self would probably think I am headed to hell.

That said, career wise and life wise if 17 year old self would look past the "god" angle he would love me. But luckily for him, he will get laid soon, discover booze and over time end up where I am today....

(okay writing that was sorta a head fuck. )
OP goes from feeling like shit about not be able to get his kids the presents he wants for Christmas to bragging about snowboarding all the time and having coffee shop new age hippie whores slip him his number.

Sounds legit.