Would 17 year old you like grown up you?

17 year old me to present me:


Dwight was white?
I am 17. What the hell is this about?

Same, but 14 year old me would think I'm living the dream

  • Sportbike
  • Watch
  • Cloths
  • Nice Computer
  • Unlimited Weed
  • Successful Business
But in reality I'm zombie mode depressed.
I'm selling Light Up Bras to raver chicks. 17 year old Nick would have a huge boner for this life.
Yupp. As a 17 year old, I'd be ecstatic to be where I am today without sacrificing anything important (morals, ladies, social life, experiences, etc).
when I was 17, I enlisted in the Army because I thought that would be fun... DAMN I WAS AN IDIOT.

Anyways, the real question for me is now what my 17 year old self would think of my life now. It is what my deathbed self would think. Like, if I were on my deathbed thinking back to this moment in my life, would I want to do x or y? Whatever it is, I'm gonna do it.
Rocking out to the American Pie 2 soundtrack for some nostalgia (Sum 41, American HI-FI, Left Front Tire, Smokescreen, etc) and wondering about that.

I think I'd mostly approve.

I'd be pretty pissed that I live in but fuck Idaho.

Other than that though, I've achieved pretty much everything I wanted, and what I haven't I'm on the cusp of (going full indie).

I rock pretty hard, my rig is awesome, I snowboard, I drive stupid fast (when my kids aren't in the car), run marathon gaming sessions with pizza and beer, coffeshop girls still slip me their numbers.

Fuck, maybe I'm still 17. :music06:

I don't dress anything like I did when I was 17 though, so I probably wouldn't recognize myself. I've got a homeless-chiq thing going on; hole riddled jeans, growing out my hair so it's super rough and shaggy, got a 6 week scruff, and I wear a beanie 7 months out of the year (Idaho is fucking cold). 10 y/o me would approve of the hole filled jeans, but teenage me would not.

So, what about you? Would teenage you like grown up you?
Aren't you supposed to be trying to become a millionaire or something?

Because you sound like you hustle hard (lol) when you're not day dreaming about impressing your, even less impressive, teenage self.

P.S. If I did all of that stuff you just bragged about doing and met myself at 17, I'd ask myself when are you going to grow up and do something interesting.
My 17 year old self would probably be shocked to hear that he will be living with a gay french guy in a couple of years.
My 17 year old self would be shocked that I've not yet graduated from Cambridge for Chemical Engineering and had dropped out of university studying Computer Science twice. I remember it being all I wanted at the time. I loved chemistry and considered Computer Science as something that would get me a job sitting at a desk cranking out code my whole life.

I took computer science during my a-levels though, and after a year of that I changed my mind and decided I wanted to do web stuff. (I'd already been playing around with web stuff, and had started my first "successful" web project when I was 16). The school, parents, family etc were all pressuring me to go to a top university and I was pretty brainwashed into thinking that was the right way forward. (Hence starting and dropping out twice). Whilst I got good grades in the time I was at university, it wasn't for me - I kept getting involved in side projects and trying to start businesses, and I felt that I could either do a degree and run a business both badly, or drop one and focus on the other. I do miss the social side of it though, and being in my home town whilst everyone I know is scattered around the country drunk most of the week with no responsibility at times looks like a much more fun (although less meaningful) existence. I like to think of what I'm doing as this quote:

Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.

17 year old me would also be pissed at the music I listen to now (I was a metal head through and through, and now listen to other music, too).

17 year old me would be proud that I'd managed to lose a lot of the fat I lugged around for much of my teenage years.

It's a really weird one. Crazy to think how much me, my goals and my life has changed in just 4 years really.