Wiredniko's Journal - Adventures of the Newbie

Another day...another wish for a dollar?

Er I don' know where I was going with that.

Anyway, got a little bit of time today, workout days + work + affiilate marketing is kind of tough, I basically need to start doing some AM at work, which means I need to get more efficient at work.

Working on my dating site, adding offers into prosper then adding them to my DB with working affiliate links. This will take a while.

I wrote my PHP script. It grabs the country based on IP, displays my offers in order of highest payout and niche. I am thinking I need to add an email sent if there is a DB error so I can get updates if there is a SQL issue.

I am also debating between having my niche being grabbed from the incoming URL (since I can define the incoming URL) or just hard code it based on the link they get sent to.

Also added one more blog entry.

Not bad for not being at my house and visiting my daughter.
Very nice stuff here. its crazy how much we go through to learn this business. but its all worth it in the end. Keep up the work bro.
I came to the realization of two things:

1. I dream big
2. I need to treat Affiliate Marketing as a 2nd job

I want this to become my main business.

Time to take over the world. :ak:
Sometimes it feels like the world is conspiring against me...other times I feel like I am my worst enemy.

Making a personal blog....what the hell was I thinking? I barely have enough time to work on affiliate marketing and I want to run a blog for fun as an experiment. Fail!

I am killing that blog.

I need to setup rules otherwise I will get distracted:
1. Dream big but start small
2. Assign times to do AM stuff, treat it like a job
3. Stick with one thing at a time

That's it.
Its been a year since I started this journal.

Still haven't made it obviously.

I have spent about $3,000 on PPC and I am not going to even bother to estimate how many hours. I could have worked more hours for sure, there where a couple of months I did not work on anything.

One of the main mistakes I made was instead of trying multiple ideas, I just focused on a few and tried to optimize them. Closest I got to being steadily profitable was dating on POF.

Anyway, because of my tendency to spend a large amount of time on singular projects I am going to try SEO type stuff and see if it makes any difference. One thing is for sure I am not giving up.

I have already figured out what niche I am going into, and its super competitive, but that does not scare me a lot. The plan is to attack a slice of the niche and expand from there.

The last three days I have spent reading about SEO and analyzing the Google Panda update.

Site design has been completed on paper.

Right now I am working on my database that ties things together. 5 tables in total and about 50 fields to keep track of everything. Optimized tables and types.

Setup a webserver on my own PC for testing. (Thanks Dchuk for writing this: Setting Up Ubuntu 10.04 For Local Web Development With LAMP)

PHP, mySQL and Apache2 installed successfully and tested

PHPMyAdmin installed successfully and tested

Local domain has been setup. index.html came up, woot...Hello Motherfucking World

Setting up my 5 tables in my DB. Its been a while, took much longer than expected trying to remember/research how to optimize everything. 4 tables have been completed, in the process of doing it I realized I need to add one more table to optimize my lookup speed

All important fields are indexed and I only have one primary key for my entire table.

Total Cost: $0
Total Hours: 4

Great thread. I'm hoping to start a similar one in a day or two. Like you, I seem to get focused on 'more' than 'little'. I have 4 sites that I'm going concentrate on.

Are you familiar with any Content Management Systems. I'm using Drupal. The learning curve was/is steep, but as a test, last week I wanted to see how fast I could put a site up. I took me approx 3 hours to get the site up and running and optimized for SEO. Now all I have to do is add content.

The great thing is that is sets up all of your SQL tables and if you understand Views, all of your SQL queries. It might save some time?

Great work and keep it up.

Let's keep going, shall we?

Created 5 more tables, for a total of 9 tables in my database. I now feel that I can cover all my needs in the most optimized way. Using smallest types I could afford to use, all fields that will be queried have been indexed. Things are looking good.

I want a news section as part of my site, I hacked together a popurl clone to work for my niche. Took a lot longer than expected, about two hours total to configure and setup. The initial directions totally did not work, so I had to reinvent the wheel. The news section looks badass, I just have to add the RSS feeds for the sites I like.

...once its configured and running I will launch my site to start ranking while I am building up the main site.

Added three RSS feeds, I have about another 30 to go. Calling it a night.

Total Cost: $0
Total Hours: 7.5
Tomorrow I won't have time to work on this, so might as well work on it as much as I can today.

Hacking my news aggregator a little bit further, adding some SEO elements, also forcing all link to open on a new tab.

Added about 100 web sites in my niche to my RSS feed to keep up with the pulse of the industry.

...damn that took a long ass time.

Total Cost: $0
Total Hours: 11.5
Ended up taking Friday off, mostly because I ended up working for 11 hours at my day job.

Today is Saturday, which means I can put in a good 8-10 hours today.

Also, new inspiration: http://www.wickedfire.com/shooting-...sers-just-active-pole-shit-2.html#post1400433

Registering a site name on namecheap, I am still developing my site internally but I want to have the name tagged for html reference purposes. As always it takes me too long to come up with a name that is not taken...

sigh...I spent six hours looking for a name and I still did not register anything. Way to fail....

Total Cost: $0
Total Hours: 17.5
Sunday...I had dreams about domain names. Woke up with 5 of them in my mind.

Tried them all, all taken. Fuck....I have always been bad picking up domain names, but this is getting silly. I got work to do.... :angryfire:

By the way in my search for good domain names I found Panabee: Name Generator which is a pretty bad ass name generator. You basically put two words in and it runs their variants.

Lesson of the day, overpopulated niches translate to impossible to find a good domain names. I even tried gay*niche*.com as a joke and it was taken....gaytrasvestite*niche*.com was not. Maybe I should tag it :playboy_sml:

....end of the day, still no name. I don't know what to say....

Total Cost: $0
Total Hours: 23
Finally got a name.

Took way too long, but the end result...well I told the name to two of my friends and they thought it was a really cool name for my niche. I actually got high fives for it.

Registered two domains, proper spelling and most common miss-spelling on namecheap. Used a coupon from namecheapcoupons.com $18.56 spent.

I now need a host, but that can wait for a little bit as I code my back end.

Current plan is:

1. Work on the back end
2. Work on a simple front end
3. Buy hosting, a VPS for now
4. Start updating site content while its getting crawled
5. Add social media links manually
6. Update front end to make it more pimp
7. Start buying link packages from WF
8. Repeat 4-8
9. Profit

I am super excited that I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Good luck to me..

...its kind of weird my friends are so happy with the name I came up that it feels like I am the man.

Total Cost: $18.56
Total Hours: 30
Got about two hours to grind.

Working on backend, it will allow me to update the database. I am going for KISS here until the website is up and running. Wordpress will not work for this site so I have to do things manually.

Backend form completed. Backend php processing file completed.

...but I can't run my php script. phpver() runs fine...a simple index.php does as well....but my processing php file gives me an HTTP 500 error.

Ah the joys of developing on my local linux box.

Total Cost: $18.56
Total Hours: 32
Remember: promote stuff people desperately need, get monies. I have a stupid campaign that made me $10k (and counting) so far off organic traffic, it's literally a stupid 2 page website, and 3 email follow ups.

Obviously you're a smart guy and learning PHP and shit, I would just use Xsitepro or throw a wordpress blog.
Figured out my HTTP 500 error, I was being damned, checking out my local server logs proved it out. Its amazing how easy it is to figure out issues when you are rested.

My php script can now add things to my main table and check for duplicate entries. Duplicate entries now error out.

Tested all enum fields to make sure the form is passing them correctly. Everything looks good.

Its ugly looking as hell, no CSS, just text but it will be a backend function anyway that no users will see.

Tomorrow I need to add some javascript checks on my form and some php checks before adding things to the DB.

Total Cost: $18.56
Total Hours: 33.5
Deadmau5 playing out of my speakers....Cyclic Redundancy...great song to grind.

I hope I can put in 4 hours in today.

Adding javascript form checks.

Created 8 more forms to edit specific fields on my main table. I can now add and update my main table...which means I can work on displaying my table data, aka my main view page.

Total Cost: $18.56
Total Hours: 37