Wiredniko's Journal - Adventures of the Newbie

I am still around just busy.

I decided to focus on one thing so I am developing a pretty large website. The plan is to use both SEO and PPC to give it fuel.

I am excited about it. Right now working on the infrastructure for everything.

Alright, its 2011 this is my year. Time to make things work.

I eliminated a lot of my distractions, created a solid goal list, and even made a business deal.

The deal:
Admin three blog like sites, rotate ads, test ad placement, share 50% of profits
$400k impressions / week

I am excited about this for various reasons:
1. I will get to interact with someones that has an idea of how things work
2. I experiment with nothing to lose
3. Potential to make money

It also coincides with the site I wanted to make. The plan being to drive traffic with SEO and PPC so everything I learn from his sites I can apply to mine.

I am also realizing that I am keeping too many blogs. I almost want to put everything together in one page....but who would read it :music06:

It would serve as a distraction. I don't need the ego boost anyway.

Alright while I am waiting for the login info for the business deal I made might as well work on my site. I am taking it in a slightly different direction so I am going pure HTML. Since the main part of the site will not change that much I am going with HTML/CSS for speed reasons.

The blog that will feed me traffic will be Wordpress.

Finished my CSS, also worked on my HTML main page, the HEAD part is done, time for the hard stuff, BODY.

Completed the BODY section. Left place holders for my affiliate links....and I still have not decided on what colors I want to go with. I always take too long with that, mainly because I suck artistically.

Only thing left is my footer...and the actual content, the entire infrastructure is there. I think by tomorrow I will be all done with it and it will be a matter of adding affiliate links and launching. I will start small and go bigger.

It was tempting to PHP the entire page to make it dynamic but at this point it would be a waste of time.
This is weird....I just realized I am scared.

Scared that what I am working on will actually work...and my life will change forever.

How weird is that?

Up until now I have been trying...each attempt I am getting closer....and now....I almost feel that this cannot fail. Perhaps I am misguided.

Maybe my ego is playing tricks on me.

...but I know in my heart...and soul. This is my year.

Everything in my life....has been aligning for this.

Yet I am fucking scared.

Its 09:23pm....normally by now I would have worked at least 8 hours on stuff. I have worked..uhm exactly 0 minutes.

It has been fascinating how much this endeavor...project....hobby call it whatever you want is changing me. Maybe its because I am abandoning the perfect drone mentality...

Actually that is not true....most of me has never been a drone. My career perhaps...but even that....I am an awesome person to have as an employee...but doing my own thing in a work environment....

yeah that is different

Why am I writing all of this? Maybe to display the reality of my life...the reality of affiliate marketing?

Whatever...back to work.

I am rapidly approaching the stage where I have to pick offers...lots of them. Probably 50 to start with then I can keep on building on it....I also need to populate the blog linking to the site, so I can create some SEO weight.

Btw I suck at CSS....well I understand it but I am not very good with making things look pro.

I have been using Ca$hvertising a lot to select proper fonts, color combinations etc....I am creating an advertising monster...its like I am reading people's mind.....or preference.

After spending a good 10 minutes trying to figure this out...does CSS not support numbers for a class name? Maybe I am mistaken...anyway wasted enough time trying to figure that out.

I also fixed my font for my legal jargon.

I know have the entire skeleton for all my five money pages. 1 main niche, with 4 sub-niches and a blog linking them all together.

My entire page looks like a blog with a tiny footprint. No dynamic crap for me. I don't need it at this point. I can always convert it later if needed but I see no point. Everything will be affiliate links anyway...with the top one being the one I get paid the most...dun dun DUN.

Its funny I can be scared thinking about this project, but actually creating...I love it.

Added some actual content for SEO related stuff and to better my quality score for my landing pages. As I am working on this I am realizing that there are so many things I can tweak and test....I can't wait.

Now working on the legal section...privacy policy first.

Calling it a night for now, I started pretty late to begin with.


Have you thought about a CMS to help build your site? I'm using Drupal and I've learned how to leverage different info to put on a site quickly and easily.

Been following your thread and thought I'd chime in to say its awesome to see you never giving up. Its all a numbers game brotha. Hopefully I'll get to the point where "my life will change forever" too. Being a newb to the game and failing my first few campaigns hasn't deterred me after reading thru journals in progress like yours.... at least not yet. So keep on doin what you do.
thanks for sharing this journal bro, it's been really interesting reading about your progress. any update?

One problem I noticed.. you were doing so well with POF.. why didn't you just switch to a different offer and try some micro niches? You had that traffic source almost figured out and even started profiting then you switched over to designing your own product and PPV and completely changed directions. I think that was a mistake to change directions after all that work.

I say you stick with your original plan and keep working POF you were so close.

Good luck to ya, get that money! ;)
Alright so I got to start over.

Family craziness totally derailed me. Every campaign was stopped. Most sites are now down.

Oh well, time to start off fresh. One of my main issues in the past was how I feel that affiliate marketing is scammy for the most part. Perhaps its the wrong way of looking at it but it still feels like I am not being completely honest to get people to get what they need to get.

At the same time I realize how much money is there...I mean think about all the infomercials you see, they are on the same level, you keep seeing them on TV so they got to be making money.

I have been working out about 5 days a week and one of the things that I realized is that I have to be resourceful to overcome obstacles and get the results I want. With that in mind I am launching two projects. One will be on the dating niche, the other will be a legit blog dealing with affiliate marketing, weight loss and picking up girls...basically what I love :)

I will launch them both and then compare things, money, happiness derived from what I am doing etc. Better test things than totally ignore parts of my game because "I am better than that".

Oh that's another realization I had while I was away, testing.....testing must be performed in all areas of life not just affiliate marketing. Growth....growth makes life more entertaining.

Anyway, back to affiliate marketing stuff.

One of the mistakes I keep on making is settle for crappy hosting, which in the end I pay for by making less revenue. I am starting both of my sites with a good VPS plan. Yes it will probably cost me an extra $50 a month, but a fast website can make me or break me.

So....commence VPS research. Mainly googling "site:wickefire.com VPS recommend".

I have a list of 8 VPS companies based on WF recommendations from people that I think know what they are doing. I am avoiding non managed VPS, I tried with ZenSix hosting and even though it was flying (support was awesome as well) I just had this weird fear that I would fuckup something and mess things up. Maybe later when I feel more secure about my skills.

I don't want to spend my limited time trying to configure servers, that's $0 for me.

Ended up with KnownHost, their bandwidth limit is what put them over the edge for the VPS type of machine I was looking for. Compared to everyone else they offer the best deal. Going with VS3.

Registering two domains, one for my dating LPs, one for my personal blog.

Side note, I am going to keep an excel sheet (well technically Open Office Calc sheet) of how much money I am spending to make sure I stay within my budget.

Namecheap has a new look, hmm wonder when it happened. Gah I hate how most names are taken...the thing that pisses me off more is that you go to the domains and its just a place holder.

Anyway, coupon code is "ELEPHANTS" for April. Saved 10%.

Two domains registered. $18.56
VPS + 1 extra IP: $46

For my personal blog I will keep it public, its projectniko.com - Registered at Namecheap.com (currently not working since I am waiting from Knownhost to approve me)

In the meantime working on my dating site. Doing research for what offers I want to push...while working on this I realized I need to design my site to be database driven that way depending on the country that the user is from I link them offers that apply. I could make different LPs depending on the country etc...but I rather just automate it, have one LP that auto updates based on user IPs.

Oh by the way I am trying to go big with my dating site I want offers for all kinds of dating so my plan is to include regular dating, adult, christian, jewish, mature and international dating offers. I am also going to have a dating blog and interlink them both.

Hopefully going big is not a stupid idea.

Here is what my database will store:

index - unique identifier number
dating site name - site name to display (string)
members - number of members on the site (int xx,xxx,xxx)
description - short description of the site (long string...250 chars?)
country - country list offer is valid in...will have to parse this right and make it match geoIP country names (string)
niche - dating niche it covers

When this is setup it will check a user's IP and determine the country they are from. That + niche should display a list of sites relevant to the user.

I am going to have an escape mechanism if the geoIP is wrong...maybe have little flags?

CSS for the entire site is done.
Privacy page also completed
Index page HTML wise is complete need to create PHP version with DB calls still

Tomorrow I need to work on populating the DB, and making my index page dynamic.

Also need to find more offers. I am going for about 40 offers.
I am impressed by your dedication. I wish I had that kind of dedication like I use too lol. Keep up the good work and you will be rewarded.
Spend the night checking out affiliate info. I think my biggest issue is limited time while wanting to do 23434 different things...or try them out to see what works and what doesn't.
Its time to grind bitches.

Updating my VPS OS and software. In the meantime working on setting up my DNS through webmin. Things are a bit confusing, aren't they always?

I want to host both my projectniko.com site and my dating site on the same VPS with two separate IPs. I found some guides but can't confirm the guides will work since I am updating my VPS currently.

I am not afraid, worse case scenario I will have my VPS cleared up to defaults.

Er, since I have to wait for the updates, might as well work on my offers. Stupid realization my database took everything into account expect...my affiliate link.....hahahahah :love-smiley-086:

Alright adding one more field, affiliate link.

Update is done.

By the way ever wonder how you can check offers that only work in different countries? Like in my case CA only offers or UK / AU offers?

BOOM! http://proxy.org/proxies_sorted.shtml all your problems solved

Created two virtual hosts for my two sites, each one of them using its own IP.

Nameservers created, now I got to wait for a little bit for the nameservers to be updated. Hopefully it will take about an hour....if its not ready I will wait for a day...if its still down I probably fucked up a configuration....I hope not.

Anyway, working on the offers will take a while anyway. First off I need to create my database....hmm I did everything except I am not sure how to handle offers that deal with multiple countries....the only thing I can come up with is if an offer is valid for two countries I make two entries. There has to be a better way but I can't come up with one.

So in the end my database looks something like this:
Site Name / varchar(255)
Site Image / varchar(500)
payout / float unsigned
members / mediumint(9)
description / mediumtext
country / varchar(255)
niche / varchar(30)
affiliate link / varchar(500)

Now I can start populating the database....I need to write a quick PHP page to allow me to add the offers quickly.

gah....I can't setup my nameservers right. damn it, I am doing something wrong :( I spent a good hour trying to figure it out but I can't. Having two domains on two IP addresses on one VPS is turning out to be confusing.

I created a noob ticket while I am waiting I can still access things by using the actual IPs, like I would stop! :ugone2far:

...motherfucker knownhost support...they basically said its not our problem we only support hardware issues and things outside my control :angryfire:

Well shit.

Took me another hour but I figured it out. Fuck having my own DNS, I just redirected namecheap's. I think I had the same issue with ZenSix hosting so....reminder to self.

Select domain name in namecheap.com
Click on URL forwarding
Updated @ and www to IP address of server, select A address from dropdown
10 mins later the DNS is updated

Crap its 12:12am, might as well blitz my PHP page for adding dating sites.

Its 1:00am I actually didn't make a lot of progress its been a while since I worked with mySQL, close to 8 years now. Had to re-learn a lot of things.

dont waste your time with your own nameserver. focus on the important shit: making money.

but there's another reason why: your competitors can easily find all your sites associated with that NS
dont waste your time with your own nameserver. focus on the important shit: making money.

but there's another reason why: your competitors can easily find all your sites associated with that NS

Yeah I skipped it. Too much work and not worth it.
Sunday, I hope I can put a good 10 hours in today.

I tweaked my database a bit to avoid wasted DB space.

On a random note I am using a generic type of name for my site, the hope is once the dating thing works out to expand the site to more affiliate offers each with their own section...I am building an octopus, dating is just one tentacle.

I tend to thing big all the time...it will either pay off or totally suck cause I waste too much time. Its wasted time when it does not work out....its pure genius if it works :updown:

Subdomain created, DNS updated for my prosper tracking, might as well set this up before I populate my DB since the affiliate links will change.

Hmm, having subdomain issues...setup always takes me too long. I need to stick with one solution to be able to bring things up faster. I requested another IP for my prosper account, trying to create a subdomain is taking too much time, besides this way I can have it on totally different domain.

Well now I got to wait for the new IP.

I can still develop my PHP script so might as well do that.

...PHP script developed and tested...only to realize that I could just do it on the DB level anyway. Well I kind of wasted my time but I refreshed myself with SQL pretty well so it was not a total waste.

I feel like I am uncoordinated today for some reason.

...well its been 4 hours since I started. I am kind of stuck, I can't update my DB till prosper is setup...I can't do that till I have my 3rd IP address....so onto working on my projectNiko website.

...I installed my blog...but I installed it in the directory structure I was planning for my dating site....fuck....deleted everything, re-installed wordpress on projectniko.com


Re-install completed.

All plugins downloaded...for now ;)

Onto finding a theme....this can take me days...well I found something pretty quick. Not too flashy but about right. I can always change the theme later.

All my plugins are now configured.

Made my first blog entry Project Niko

So as I mentioned this is kind of an experiment, I wanted to create a pure site, I will add adsense hopefully this week, and see how it behaves by just talking about things I care about.

In the meantime I will also work on the dating site which is pure Affiliate Marketing and see how the end results look like.

Knownhost just got back to me, they gave me the extra IP so now I can configure my prosper202 a lot easier.

Its 11:41pm, calling it a night.

PS. Let me know if you like my blog at projectniko.com kind of curious what people's reactions are. I am not fishing for blog comments, you can make comments here.
weird that knownhost didn't help. I send them retardederier questions on the reg.

Do have cpanel or something of that level? I think the problem is I went minimalist on them so I am just paying for hosted package + IPs and ignored all the fancy stuff. It was not a money thing as much as I did not want to waste resources on Cpanel.
This is the 10th straight hour that I am working, my day job now affiliate marketing.

Step by step I am getting closer to my goals.

Writing another post for my blog. It was a pretty quick post with one of my favorite speakers. Success - How Bad Do You Want It? | Project Niko

In the process of checking things out I realized that my .htaccess was not being accessed by wordpress so my permalinks where not working. The AllowOverride variable needs to be set to All like this:
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All

<Directory /var/www/html>
# ... other directives...
AllowOverride All

Bounced my apache server then "updated" my two posts and the linking now works correctly. You can read more about broken permalinks here: Using Permalinks « WordPress Codex

Gym break.

Since I got a third IP I am going to use one of my throw away domains for prosper. Updated the domains DNS to point to my new IP address.

Deleted my subdomain host in apache and added a 3rd virtual host using the new IP.

The DNS update has already taken place, that was super quick.

Prosper202 installed successfully. I had already setup a home directory and a DB for Prosper along with a DB user so I did not waste too much time.

Setup my PPC accounts and Affiliate networks. Its 11:56am, time to call it a night.

Tomorrow I will focus on my dating site. I am not worried about my blog that much, I will have to get a google adwords account, fix up my blog links, install google analytics.

Dating site I have to put all the offers into Prosper202 for tracking. Add the offers to my database....then when all the offers are set I will have to create my PHP script for it to all work. I am also attaching a blog to the site for a better quality score.
