Wickedfire got me a job!

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I'd rather not reveal the name but it's a boutique firm that specializes in medical malpractice and whatnot

So you work for one the bottom feeding scum that sucks the life out of an already shit legal system? Congrats...


You might want to be careful what you say about your employer. Although the chance is slim they could still see what you say about them and bounce you. It is not like it has not happened before.

Congrats, at least you got a related job.

Let me know if you need large amounts of content.
No, I really just dropped terms like SEO and copywriting in my coverletter to sound more marketable. It got me the job, but after being there a week, I've figured out that they pretty much want me to maintain a bunch of blogs, write a shit ton of content, and MOST IMPORTANTLY:

find people with a certain disorder on facebook so i can solicit their business. That's what they want me to do. I'm spamming facebook but trying to make it look like...not spamming...and sincere. WTF right?

This sounds like a perfect job to outsource the deliverables, cream off your cut, then sit in the office doing more interesting/profitable stuff.

The best thing about having a full-time job is getting paid to learn things. Then you don't have to make so many screwups on your own time.

On second thoughts - probably best not to listen to anything I say. The longest I've managed to work for someone else is 6 months.:Yahoo_29:
^That's how I'm looking at it. Anybody have suggestions on what to do? I'm going to be outsourcing content, I have 1 or 2 sites that I really want to rank in google. I did a 'site:domain.com' check on the competitors and will be submitting our link to directories. I'll also be doing article marketing...

I may even have the freedom to get going on some adwords campaigns for myself. I haven't done PPC but that seems to be what a lot of the big earners on here are doing..
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