Who has a gf/finace/wife ? (or the opposite)

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Death im yur Bitch Lover!
Jun 25, 2006
Canada, T.O
and how the hell do you still manage a good relationship, when trying to make money online? I guess it's all about balance....but I've read from the big guns here that in order to make it big you have to sit at your computer working for like 12-14 hour days occasionally....obviously you have to sacrifice other things.

Don't really know where i'm going here, but i guess i'm curious to see if there are any successful internet entreupenurs here who are also leading happy relationships and how exactly do you balance the two?... gayest thread of the year? possibly... but answer the fackinn question :liebe028:

I wouldnt categorize myself as a very successful IE but I still have a day job and make a couple hundred a day from my online businesses. I work on them at night mostly which creates relationship problems. I try to find compromises like watching a movie or tv with her while working on my laptop. All I can say is that you have to find small compromises to make it work.
ya i hear ya...thats my problem as well..having a day job...plus trying to get stuff rolling at home...and still trying to make the relationship exciting....
I have a gf that has an 8-5 job.

I work about 12-15 hrs/day and maybe 20 hrs combined on the weekend (when I am rolling out new ideas and products). Right now I'm working like 4 hrs/week, but I used to work that much.

Anyhow, during that time period I'd start my day very early so I would be wrapping most things up when she got home. Then we'd eat and watch some TV and then I'd work a couple more hours.

I almost went into investment banking which would have been even worse hours.
Occassionally, walk away from the computer and hug her. youll be suprised the results from that little bit. Also, take her to a movie, or rent a movie and watch it at home. try different things you normally DONT do with her, shell be happy. I've been with my fiance for 7 years, and she knows the livestyle I have, and she has it with me. Soon, were getting a computer for her to help me with the business/marketing side of things. try to get her more involved with the stuff so she dont feel so left out.

- Robert DeVore
My girlfriend loves the fact that I make money online. We live together and we're still in college so although it's not all that much money, it's a hell of a lot for a college student. In addition I work anywhere from 0-4 days a week delivering food, which isn't much. She works her ass off as a waitress so I have time to work online when she's making tips. I also have time when she's in class and I am not.

I had the luxury of making a decent income online before I even met her. If you're just starting after the relationship has begun then I could see it being a lot more difficult, but there are definitely ways to make it work. The beauty of this business is you get to make your own schedule, so just plan it around hers and you should do fine. Once you get setup it's not crucial that you work 12-14 hour days. I never do actually, that's way too much work for me. On one of my busiest days I might work 8 hours at most. But then again, I don't run a plethora of web sites and I have help from my business partner. If you don't have enough time perhaps you should try teaming up with somebody else? It was the best decision I ever made. My business partner is an expert in everything that I am not and vice versa, it's a very mutually beneficial business relationship.

Where do I start:)

Ill give you a run down of my situation.

Im layed off and looking at going under the knife to fix some additional problems I am having with my back. My back hurts so bad that I literally sit here and code in tears at times "No exageration". My significant other works a solid 10 to 12 hour day while I am left to take care of our two children. While putting my 10 to 15 hours in on my projects. At the same time I am also trying to clean, play with the kids, cook and numerous other things.

LOL, but its all good :) We all have a solid relationship and an understanding. She knows I bust my fucking ass day in and day out for our family, I know she busts her ass day in and day out for our family.....

I am by no way "successfull" yet, but its all about sacrafice! that is something else we both understand.

Hope I made some sense,

Its also good to know that I am not alone and dealing with a similar situation.

I truely believe that anyone can doing anything , under most any circumstances if they are determined and ready to make some sacrafice.


Good Luck, JER
Jer, my back used to hurt like hell too. I went to physical therapy for a few months and a chiropracter and got an Aeron and a very nice mattress, the back is doing much better now. I also stretch every few hours. Definitely get a new office chair if you don't have a very comfortable, ergonomic one.
i have had a gf for 4 months now... and she's been supportive but its taking me forever to finish my web site, so now she's telling me to go out and get a real job. i tell her that this is where i belong and i have to finish what i am doing... and i told her to be more supportive of me lately. but having a gf definitely eats up a lot of time, but i enjoy it of course. school will start for her soon so i will have more time to work on my project.
wickedDUDE said:
i have had a gf for 4 months now... and she's been supportive but its taking me forever to finish my web site, so now she's telling me to go out and get a real job. i tell her that this is where i belong and i have to finish what i am doing... and i told her to be more supportive of me lately. but having a gf definitely eats up a lot of time, but i enjoy it of course. school will start for her soon so i will have more time to work on my project.

lets hope you mean college? :1bluewinky:
kyleirwin said:
LMAO. First day of middle school man... gotta get to 'em before the hair does.

hahahah..... reminds me of "old enough to pee ...gooood enouugh for me..."

kyleirwin said:
LMAO. First day of middle school man... gotta get to 'em before the hair does.
lol if there's grass on the field, play ball?

I've recently broke up with my gf because she wanted to switch schools and for me to come visit her, which I obviously didnt want to do. it was fun while it lasted but a man's gotta prioritize :)
Jer, my back used to hurt like hell too. I went to physical therapy for a few months and a chiropracter and got an Aeron and a very nice mattress, the back is doing much better now. I also stretch every few hours. Definitely get a new office chair if you don't have a very comfortable, ergonomic one

Thank you for the advice, I definately need a new matteress. My back is so f'ed up that I have not found one chiropractor willing to touch it.

so now she's telling me to go out and get a real job.

After 4months :? WTF ? ? ?

Get out while you can, LOL

Hypathetically speeking, if any woman were to tell me to go out and get a real job after knowing me for only four months, Id tell her to go out and find a boyfriend that has a "real job!"
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