Where is the best place to stay for IM?

Anyone living in HK care to comment on the pollution? I've read it's really quite bad there. I spent 2 weeks in Beijing and came back to the states feeling horrible. Sneezing black gunk while I was there too.

Also, anyone been to Seoul? I've been wanting to try it for a while.
It's nice to see that HK is cheaper than Singapore. Honestly what really jacks up the cost of living in HK is the insane property market. HK has a lot of "hot money" (read:dirty money) flowing into its property market from China and it's forming a property bubble. I'm confident that this bubble is going to pop within 5 years because it's simply not sustainable.

Aside from property, other stuff isn't THAT expensive. Although the property market does affect the costs of other goods and services in the city, there is also no sales tax and income taxes cap out at 16% here for income derived from HK. Income that is derived offshore is taxed at 0%. There's also no capital gains or estate tax here.

Stuff like eating out is pretty comparable to any major western city, and HK has some amazingly good cheap eats as well as fine dining too. Computer equipment is really cheap in HK and pretty comparable to western prices. Groceries are going to cost you 50% more than in the west partly due to the fact that there's a cartel that fixes the prices. If you're a cheap skate, you can get around the grocery cartel by shopping at prizemart and your local wet market.

Rent is insane though. A friend of mine was paying 16k HKD a month for a 700 square foot flat. That's over 2 grand US a month. I bought property when the market was cheap though, so I am not affected by this and it's only a matter of time before the bubble pops anyway so don't fret.

I've been living in HK for nearly 8 years now.

I often visit HK and can confirm that HK is definately at par with Singapore when it comes to properties. I would say singapore is costlier when it comes to food or other activities like transport, cars, taxis etc.

HK and Singapore are definitely not the cities for broke ass people.
Anyone living in HK care to comment on the pollution? I've read it's really quite bad there. I spent 2 weeks in Beijing and came back to the states feeling horrible. Sneezing black gunk while I was there too.

Also, anyone been to Seoul? I've been wanting to try it for a while.

HK has solid pollution, especially in the city area. I remember when I used to work at pacific place and look out to the skyline during morning hour rush, I could clearly see pollution clouds :small-smiley-026:

HK is concrete city dont expect much.
WTF this thread again? Whats with you guys and Thailand? I understand this is a gay webmaster forum and thus the attraction to lady boys.. but why don't you consider somewhere like Costa Rica, or countries in South America?
What about Cancun Mexico. Do you like to be at the beach? Beautiful place and great weather.

I was just living in Mexico (Cabo San Lucas) for about the passed year. I moved there in December 2011 and came to Costa Rica 2 months ago.

I much prefer Costa Rica. In MX you have the problems with the cartels that will never really go away unless something drastic is done about it. And being such a big country they have plenty of problems of their own to deal with.

I never really felt safe taking my car and driving into the interior of Mexico and exploring.. going to different beaches along the cost and really just seeing the country out of fear I'd never be heard from again and thats not the feeling yuo want in a country you live in.
WTF this thread again? Whats with you guys and Thailand? I understand this is a gay webmaster forum and thus the attraction to lady boys.. but why don't you consider somewhere like Costa Rica, or countries in South America?

Because to Europeans, they're equally far away and Thailand is much cheaper to go to for a European, plus lots of people from their own countries already, so infrastructure and expat hangouts already in place.

For the average European, Costa Rica or even Mexico is unchartered territory full of cannibals and drug gangs.

Tropical country a vs tropical country b, I don't think it matters too much, the lifestyle is largely the same and culture usually equally based on leisure and less developed economies.
Technically speaking most people in America would be poor in Hong Kong. I have been there many times, and the cost for housing is more than NYC or SF. So an American making $100,000 or less would still have hardships in HK, that's just a fact.
WTF this thread again? Whats with you guys and Thailand? I understand this is a gay webmaster forum and thus the attraction to lady boys.. but why don't you consider somewhere like Costa Rica, or countries in South America?

I am in Medellin at the moment and really enjoy it. Chiang Mai has it's own charm though and I will definitely go back.

Both are nice places, but Thailand is cheaper so it has a slight advantage in my opinion.
Anyone living in HK care to comment on the pollution? I've read it's really quite bad there. I spent 2 weeks in Beijing and came back to the states feeling horrible. Sneezing black gunk while I was there too.

Also, anyone been to Seoul? I've been wanting to try it for a while.

The pollution is a problem but not nearly as bad as in mainland china.

Also LOL at the "concrete city" comment. ~70% of HKs territory is completely undeveloped. There's plenty of nature, hundreds of hiking trails, beaches, remote islands, etc. All within immediate reach of urbanized centers. Get out of your pathetic little expat bubble in Central/Mid-Levels and there's plenty of stuff to see and discover.
berlin? who the heck wants to live in the cold?

if you dont want to live in the US then Australia or New Zealand. No can defend.

who can live in a third world country for more than a month? even if you're "rich" in their currency/lifestyle you're still poor. Id rather be poor in a 1st world country than rich in a 3rd world or even a 2nd world country.

let's look at what makes up quality of life:

We cant live without air for a few minutes... so air quality is very important. third world country like thailand is like living in your friends ass while he's farting all the time.

next it's water. we cant live long without water so water quality is important. it's not just drinking it. you're food crops that you eat and when you take a shower you absorb more water through the skin than by drinking.

next it's food. again food quality. just take a look at the poor people who live in these countries. that's how you're gonna look like.

finally there's relationships. you gotta be in a place where you can cultivate great relationships. but if people are dirnking crap water, breathing crap air, eating crap food it's hard to do that.

only certain parts of western europe, america, australia or new zealand fit the bill. IMO
berlin? who the heck wants to live in the cold?

if you dont want to live in the US then Australia or New Zealand. No can defend.

who can live in a third world country for more than a month? even if you're "rich" in their currency/lifestyle you're still poor. Id rather be poor in a 1st world country than rich in a 3rd world or even a 2nd world country.

let's look at what makes up quality of life:

We cant live without air for a few minutes... so air quality is very important. third world country like thailand is like living in your friends ass while he's farting all the time.

next it's water. we cant live long without water so water quality is important. it's not just drinking it. you're food crops that you eat and when you take a shower you absorb more water through the skin than by drinking.

next it's food. again food quality. just take a look at the poor people who live in these countries. that's how you're gonna look like.

finally there's relationships. you gotta be in a place where you can cultivate great relationships. but if people are dirnking crap water, breathing crap air, eating crap food it's hard to do that.

only certain parts of western europe, america, australia or new zealand fit the bill. IMO


You don't travel much, do you?
I'm considering Railay/Tonsai/Ao Nang area of Thailand next. Going to test it out soon. For the guys living in Thailand, whats the visa situation? Do you really have to leave the country once a month? If so that sounds like a real pain. I don't have to leave the Philippines for 18 months, just a visit to the visa extension office every 2 months.

Just sign up for a language or cooking school and you can stay for several years without leaving the country.
who can live in a third world country for more than a month? even if you're "rich" in their currency/lifestyle you're still poor. Id rather be poor in a 1st world country than rich in a 3rd world or even a 2nd world country.

The pollution is a problem but not nearly as bad as in mainland china.

Also LOL at the "concrete city" comment. ~70% of HKs territory is completely undeveloped. There's plenty of nature, hundreds of hiking trails, beaches, remote islands, etc. All within immediate reach of urbanized centers. Get out of your pathetic little expat bubble in Central/Mid-Levels and there's plenty of stuff to see and discover.

I agree. I loved living HK. As you said, it's definitely a big city with lots of concrete but a fair amount of green space. Overall, pricey but worth it.

Plus where else can you take a (literally) 30 minute ferry ride and land on an tiny island that's word away from an urban metropolis.
Anyone living in HK care to comment on the pollution? I've read it's really quite bad there. I spent 2 weeks in Beijing and came back to the states feeling horrible. Sneezing black gunk while I was there too.

Also, anyone been to Seoul? I've been wanting to try it for a while.

I may be biased, but the pollution isn't that bad in HK. Some days can be more smoggy than others, but it's much better than in Beijing. Also I live in a suburban area near the ocean which is much cleaner and has a beautiful mountain with lots hiking trails, green areas, and bike paths. HK actually has decent beaches too for a place not known for its beaches. Of course it doesn't compare to Thailand in the regard though. Also everything is very close by in HK so I can get to the heart of the city within 30 minutes if I want to.
berlin? who the heck wants to live in the cold?

if you dont want to live in the US then Australia or New Zealand. No can defend.

who can live in a third world country for more than a month? even if you're "rich" in their currency/lifestyle you're still poor. Id rather be poor in a 1st world country than rich in a 3rd world or even a 2nd world country.

let's look at what makes up quality of life:

We cant live without air for a few minutes... so air quality is very important. third world country like thailand is like living in your friends ass while he's farting all the time.

next it's water. we cant live long without water so water quality is important. it's not just drinking it. you're food crops that you eat and when you take a shower you absorb more water through the skin than by drinking.

next it's food. again food quality. just take a look at the poor people who live in these countries. that's how you're gonna look like.

finally there's relationships. you gotta be in a place where you can cultivate great relationships. but if people are dirnking crap water, breathing crap air, eating crap food it's hard to do that.

only certain parts of western europe, america, australia or new zealand fit the bill. IMO

Have you ever been to these places that you're bashing? Even ignoring the fact that you can't spell or write properly, you sound ignorant as fuck.
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