Where is the best place to stay for IM?

Do people generally speak English good enough to hold a conversation there?

White collar professionals (Doctors, lawyers, accountants, bankers, etc) speak English pretty good here. Overall though, HKers speak way better English than the Japanese and you should be able to hold a conversation with many of them. All signs are in Chinese and English too. Chinese and English are both considered official languages in the HK constitution.

It all comes down to what you like to do.

Europe: great for traveling around, culture, food and infrastructure.

Asia: great for nightlife, chicks, low cost of living.

South America: a little bit of both.
White collar professionals (Doctors, lawyers, accountants, bankers, etc) speak English pretty good here. Overall though, HKers speak way better English than the Japanese. All signs are in Chinese and English too. Chinese and English are both considered official languages in the HK constitution.

Lived in HK too. Very, VERY good English there.

They speak it wayyyyyy better than ANY other country in Asia...except for Singapore of course.
Not smoking anything (not even that good Thai shit).

It's much cheaper actually.

I stayed there over the summer. Had my own flat for 370 euros/month (everything included) in Kreuzberg, a nice trendy neighborhood. And groceries etc. were cheap.

Ich liebe Kreuzberg. Great night life. I just realised it has been 10 months since I've visited, need to fix that.
Costa Rica, that's where I'm at!

Internet: I get 10mb / 1mb for $99 a month now. You can get commercial 1:1 connections via Fiber if you are truly a nut that needs 2mb upload. I'm about 50 ms into Miami. There are two major Fiber lines into the country, one on the pacific side and one via the carrib.

Cost of living: About the same as the states with some things being cheaper and other things much more. Food and Gas are pricey. Insurance, Dental, Doctors are 'cheaper'. Real Estate is all over the map. Much like China as pointed out by bluechinagroup, we have a lot of "Hot Money" rolling in here. Lots of office buildings that are empty and just don't have people to fill it, new houses built but not sold for long periods. Since the money is rolling is faster that it's going out for most of these "business" men, don't really care to make deals either lol.
Southern Spain
South America
Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe? What the fuck are you smoking ? Infrastructure is a shitty and living conditions are crap. Clean water is bottled only.

Fuck Serbia, that place is only to visit.

Southern Spain is the little glimmer in my eye, I have been talking about that to my babe for a coupe years now. Still eyeballin that.

Bali and Philippines seem to be nice contenders.

Oh, sorry to bash Eastern Europe if you live there, I know you are Russian RusVik so my apologies. Post-Soviet countries are in shambles.
Eastern Europe? What the fuck are you smoking ? Infrastructure is a shitty and living conditions are crap. Clean water is bottled only.

Fuck Serbia, that place is only to visit.

Southern Spain is the little glimmer in my eye, I have been talking about that to my babe for a coupe years now. Still eyeballin that.

Bali and Philippines seem to be nice contenders.

Oh, sorry to bash Eastern Europe if you live there, I know you are Russian RusVik so my apologies. Post-Soviet countries are in shambles.

No offense taken bro, I'm not Russian, although some Russians share a common ancestry: The Rus - vikings from scandinavia, who created modern day Russia and came to found the Tsardom of Russia. Rus' people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eastern Europe isn't crap at all. Poland is very cheap with lots of economic growth, friendly people as well. Likewise with the Baltics, high growth, low costs, lots of smart people, good beer. But of course the main reason is that the hottest white girls on the planet are from Eastern Europe. Serbia and the former Yugoslavia is a banging place to party.