Where is the best place to stay for IM?


Here ^^

Best place for an IM to stay is a city/town where it is easy to get a great fuck and the damage is less for the other basic necessities of life, including internet upload/download speed.

I'd vote for Brazil and North America.
Philippines is good, especially if you stay on Boracay island. Its got most things you need- nice beach, women, bars, sports, busy areas, quiet areas. The whole country speaks English well which is a real bonus.

I'm considering Railay/Tonsai/Ao Nang area of Thailand next. Going to test it out soon. For the guys living in Thailand, whats the visa situation? Do you really have to leave the country once a month? If so that sounds like a real pain. I don't have to leave the Philippines for 18 months, just a visit to the visa extension office every 2 months.
^Every three months for a tourist visa. For a language/education visa you can stay up to one year.
Eastern Europe? What the fuck are you smoking ? Infrastructure is a shitty and living conditions are crap. Clean water is bottled only.

Fuck Serbia, that place is only to visit.

Southern Spain is the little glimmer in my eye, I have been talking about that to my babe for a coupe years now. Still eyeballin that.

Bali and Philippines seem to be nice contenders.

Oh, sorry to bash Eastern Europe if you live there, I know you are Russian RusVik so my apologies. Post-Soviet countries are in shambles.

Ohh yeah... Eastern Europe sucks big time...lot of places to visit, but living there...what the hell, you only got one life!
This summer, i was mixed between Berlin and Las Vegas.

The dude in the article said it was $250 for his rent in Berlin, but he had a host family. Apartments in the DDR side are like $400 when I checked. Other than that, his articles is correct, and Doener kabob is delicious.

You can get a SICK ass condo for like $700 in vegas. With shit like a hot tub. You can go as cheap as $250 too. Plus, vegas's vegas man.

If I travael this summer, I'm going to Berlin but a summer in Vegas wasn't bad at all.
It's sorta funny no one has said UK, India, Canada, AUS or NZ.

Also, only one person mentioned South America iirc.
G, why do you find that funny ?
Just the sliding scale of criteria, no one actually wants to live and work in the English speaking world except for San Diego. lol

On the one hand, you have guys who want to live really well on $2k a month, you have other guys who want a commercial society like in Singapore or HK.

Montreal isn't bad...but it's cold.
-48C in Calgary sometimes. Now that my friend, is very nipply.

It won't get worse than -15C where I am.
-48C in Calgary sometimes. Now that my friend, is very nipply.

Ohhh, how I do miss waking up at 6am in Edmonton, to go start the car, and spend 15 mins scraping ice off the windshield, then spend another 30 mins inside waiting for the car to warm up.

Ahhh... the good ole days. :)

Here, it gets down to +16C at night during the coldest time of year, and everyone is absolutely freezing. They have their parkas out, and everything, lol. There's me wandering around in shorts and a t-shirt thinking it's absolutely beautiful weather, while everyone else is shivering and thinking I'm crazy.
Berlin, lol. What a dirty, grey, miserable and yet oh so pretentious hole that thinks it's right up there on the list of "world cities".

Anyway for real ballers there's no better place to be than HK, the quality of life would be amazing if it wasn't brought down so much by the 2 big problems pollution & property.
Berlin, lol. What a dirty, grey, miserable and yet oh so pretentious hole that thinks it's right up there on the list of "world cities".

Berlin is one of the shittiest places in Germany, except if you're one of that Club Mate drinking hipster faggots, then you'll love it. Dirty and mostly retarded people. There are cheap areas where you can get an appartment for 300€ a month but nobody will speak English in those areas and you'll get stabbed in your first night.

Germany is a pretty shitty places to stay for affiliates (at least if you want to become a resident and declare German taxes). Lots of regulation, high taxes and the good places (like Munich or Starnberg) are pretty expensive and you can't compare them to world cities like Bankok, Singapore or NY.
When I was drifting across Europe, I lived in Southern France, Toulouse for a time. Loved it, I also owned a motorcycle down there, so taking a spin to the nearby Pyrenees was pure pleasure. Good weather most of the year. The women were somewhat good looking, food like in most southern regions was very good too.

Paid ~800euros (all included) for a 3room apartment in an apartment complex.

During the peak tourist season - prices can be can quite high.

The downside - very few people actually speak English. Eh... France, miss that place. Especially southern France. I might actually move back there soon.

Also I lived in Frankfurt, Germany for couple of months. Was nothing special, just an ordinary "big city". Liked Southern France much more.

Next plan for me is to move to Canada/AUS/NZL for a time. After that maybe I'll drift Asia or South America, who knows.