What would you do with $500?

I will recommend you to use $500 and buy some shares with good business model in real life.

It will be better than spending it online.

@Meatytreats - thanks for an actual response. I'm surprised at the lack of ideas for a $500-1k budget.
It's not a lack of ideas.

People don't like you. And that's a tiny budget. I know people spending that every 2 days.

Will definitely continue learning for now and probably go the authority site route next. Seen a couple of very thorough threads on this around here.
If you're looking for a passive income, go back to Wafo. Nearly everything here takes work, hustle, dedication and obsession. If you're not ready to work, then it's better to be with the rest of the Warriors dreaming about making it big one day.

PS, this post is honest, not mean. Save time and energy, if you don't plan to work hard, stick to a day job.
I feel bad for you, so here is an actual response to HELP you!

First: Have a mod delete this thread since it's in the wrong section of the forum.

Second: Next time ask a specific question to a problem you are having

Third: Go to the enlightened members section of this forum and READ the threads.

For instance: $25 that will change your life (It's a good start to invest some of the $1,000)

Read Berto's '2000 posts' and the Eliquid Threads. Read the 'How to create a Authority site' by tencentpiece.

Go to amazon and buy a couple books: The Millionaire Fastlane, Ca$hvertising, The Power of Habit, 4 hour work week.

Actually READ THEM!

(Sick of numbering) - Now, come up with an actual PRODUCT to sell.

Create a webpage with pictures of that product and a cart that ends with a sorry 'No Stock' message.

Spend $25 a day on Facebook running traffic to that site alternating ad copy etc. to see if people will actually BUY your product.

Test if you can make money with that product.

Test, test, test, test.

Rinse, lather, repeat....

Once you find something your tests have proven you can build a business around, negotiate best prices possible with some manufacturers, pre-sell however many widgets necessary and have them then create your own private label product.

Yes, that means create your own brand.

Once you create your own brand, google can do what she wants... if people search for THAT brand... they'll find you....

Take folks advice above and treat this like an actual business! Quit screwing around. Charge yourself for your OWN time. PAY YOURSELF FIRST!

If you work 20 hours a week on this and only make $400 a month - you might be better of putting in overtime at your current job or flipping burgers at Whataburger!

OH, you don't want to sell your own products?

Go local: Read everything you can find in the local threads.

Start hitting up local businesses you like and cherish and offer to help them with their rankings. Get SerpIQ's Agency account so you can give them bright and shiny reports. That will help to sell a package to get them ranking in Google Local for let's say $5,000. Then go buy packages by some of the local vendors in this forum (example: Adam Steele's Creature 3.0 or Staccs Social package or some such for $500).

You'll use your $500 - $1,000 to float buying packages until you get paid (unless of course you are smart and insist on 50% by signing of contract).

Now quit screwing around at work and give your employer their money's worth.

Get to work...
It's not a lack of ideas.

People don't like you. And that's a tiny budget. I know people spending that every 2 days.

If you're looking for a passive income, go back to Wafo. Nearly everything here takes work, hustle, dedication and obsession. If you're not ready to work, then it's better to be with the rest of the Warriors dreaming about making it big one day.

PS, this post is honest, not mean. Save time and energy, if you don't plan to work hard, stick to a day job.

I really don't care if people like me. And don't assume I'm lazy. Worked my ass off to get to $500/month on top of my job and running a recording studio. Everyone starts somewhere, and I'm sure you didn't start at investing $500/day.
@Gertex - thanks for your response. I've read through 10cent's authority thread a couple of times. Great stuff there. And yeah, definitely plan on using some WF packages for my next project. Read most of the books on your list but will check the rest out. 4HWW was my bible for a long time...

I asked the mods about this and haven't heard back yet.
I really don't care if people like me. And don't assume I'm lazy. Worked my ass off to get to $500/month on top of my job and running a recording studio. Everyone starts somewhere, and I'm sure you didn't start at investing $500/day.

See I told you he was sensitive.
Don't start an authority site. If you have no budget (>$10,000), less than 40 hours a week and you want to make money this century don't do it. Instead do what you have been doing. Take one of your sites and add to it. More content, traffic and shit to sell.
Rejoin Wicked Fire under another username, your current one is fucked. Then make a proper introduction post in STS (shooting the shit) so you start off on the right foot, and good things will come to you.