what would you do if a girl punches you in the face?

She smacked you in the face bro . what else probably could have been your reaction to that. You certainly don't have to feel bad about it.

This is not true. In the US I got a ticket from every female cop that ever pulled me over while the male cops it was more of a toss up.



OP, don't go to popular clubs if you can't handle a little jostling for bar position. Simple.
I have had chicks insult me and it definitely felt bad, but never had any girl punch me in the face or anywhere else, so its hard to say.. but probably I would hit back only if the punch hit too bad

Had she ever accused you of cheating on her in YOUR MIND and/or in a DREAM SHE HAD... and then went fucking crazy on you for it, randomly??

Because I'd love to know what the proper response and defense is to that... For future reference.

I've dealt with that before. That's when I bust out my dream interpretation books and come up with some flowery new-age bullshit about love and the relationship. It calms the girls down right away, and she usually eat it up. All you have to do is sell them on some special insight into their dreams/themselves and then spin it however you want.

As to the OP. I would have dropped that girl.

I've never had a girl hit me in anger. Of course, I don't drink or hang out in bars. That and I always make a point when I start dating a girl to let her know that if she ever punches me like a man I will drop her like a man.

I also tend to teach some martial arts to my girlfriends so they can defend themselves if I'm not around. IMHO, getting them to spar with me helps them understand what I can do physically and dissuades them from ever raising a hand in anger to me.
Furthermore, I've had a number of conversations with girls who thought it was alright to hit guys.

It usually goes something like this. I'm on the thinner side at about 160lbs., so I use my weight in the argument. I usually ask, would you walk up to a dog that weighed 160lbs. and punch it in the head? No, because you'd probably get your face bitten off. Would you walk up to a 160lb. chimp in the zoo and punch it in the face? No, because again you'd probably get your face torn off. So, why would think you could punch a 160lb. man in the face and not get destroyed?

If they respond with the "because I'm a girl" nonsense I then try to explain to them that humans are animals... and among the animal kingdom, we humans are some of the most murderous, violent and aggressive animals on the planet, thus our dominance. It is dangerous and unwise to attack such an animal and not expect retaliation.
It's a natural reflex to punch someone who punches you.

I broke my hand once punching a girl on the top of the head after she reached down my pants and grabbed my dick. She was a nasty black chick. But it was just reflexes, not even thinking I was swinging.
ive been slapped hard twice by the same chick...Another chick tries to put her finger on me i will put her into a wall. I've always been the dude who would say i would never hit a woman...Not anymore, Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

Would have tried to deflect that punch and knocked that bitch straight out, of course your in the US so you might have had to deal with some repercussions. A woman needs to know her place, if she decides to push her luck. Go ahead call me a misogynist see if i care:thefinger:
OP, you're a little on the small side so you need to work on your 1,000 yard stare. Then the next time someone (man or woman) gets aggressive with you, don't say a word, just simply stare into their fucking soul and watch them back down.
Thinking about it...

Aren't there are a decent amount of foreigners on WF?

Surprised I'm not seeing stuff like:

Pour acid on her face.
Shame her in public.
Buzz her hair off.
Sacrifice her prized goat as an offering to Alah.


? Weird.