what would you do if a girl punches you in the face?

You did what was natural. Nobody would feel sorry for this cunt if she punched a bear in the face and then got her head ripped off.

Women are always bitching about being treated equally right? Some broad hauls off and closed fists you in the mouth...she better man up and accept what comes next.

I'm not advocating hitting women, but I don't care if it's a dude or some tall as amazon bitch, you still have a right to defend yourself. I think she's lucky she only walked away with a bleeding arm.

Now if she had just slapped your face or pushed you to the ground (which it sounds like she could easily do) then you just laugh it off, call her a cunt, and go about your drinking.

Either way, you're coming out of it looking like an asshole. You're either a pussy for getting knocked the fuck out by a chick, or you're a dick for punching a chick back. My advice, don't put yourself in these situations by hanging out at shitty bars.
She struck you first... its totally your call. If you want to do it, hit her the fuck back.. But in a bar or club, you should know full well the odds will be quite high that a group of random guys or her friends will be beating you shortly thereafter. That's just how things go dude.

Of course, if its in the bedroom, and she's into rough stuff... smack/slap/hit away friend!

Under all other circumstances, unless a girl really tries to beat me up or kill me, then I'll absolutely fight back, but ONLY as a last resort. So far, thankfully, its never come to that.

Seems it was obvious the chick you ran into was looking for a fight, with a guy.

I grew up with lots of tough girls like that. Super model looking and all, and one of them LOOOOOVED to pick fights with guys in clubs and at parties and just lay them the fuck out. Just the way some people are.
It was fine to hit her bro. Nobody has the right to lay their hands on you male or female. Seriously many people take this whole not hitting women thing way too far. Read on the news the other day about some dude who was getting robbed by someone and she even slashed his hand or something and he told the reporter he didn't fight back because he would never hit a woman... WTF??
Either way, you're coming out of it looking like an asshole. You're either a pussy for getting knocked the fuck out by a chick, or you're a dick for punching a chick back. My advice, don't put yourself in these situations by hanging out at shitty bars.

that's what bothers me the most, I don't care about bruises or cuts, but what hurts me is that I feel like everybody at the bar thought I was the asshole in the story because they didn't see how it all started, they just saw some chick fall on the floor cuz a guy pushed her.. I felt like the entire bar wanted to kill me yesterday.

She struck you first... its totally your call. If you want to do it, hit her the fuck back.. But in a bar or club, you should know full well the odds will be quite high that a group of random guys or her friends will be beating you shortly thereafter. That's just how things go dude.

exactly, this chick obviously had anger issues, and she saw me as a good target I guess, cuz I'm pretty quiet and not the "loud drunk" type of guy..

I knew a bunch of guys were going to beat me up the moment she fell on the floor.. that's what guys do, try to act all manly and protective, I can't really blame them for that..

pisses me off cuz this is a bar I liked to go to, but now everybody in there thinks I'm a woman beater so I feel like if I ever set foot in there, I might get beat up again.
that's what bothers me the most, I don't care about bruises or cuts, but what hurts me is that I feel like everybody at the bar thought I was the asshole in the story because they didn't see how it all started, they just saw some chick fall on the floor cuz a guy pushed her.. I felt like the entire bar wanted to kill me yesterday.

exactly, this chick obviously had anger issues, and she saw me as a good target I guess, cuz I'm pretty quiet and not the "loud drunk" type of guy..

I knew a bunch of guys were going to beat me up the moment she fell on the floor.. that's what guys do, try to act all manly and protective, I can't really blame them for that..

pisses me off cuz this is a bar I liked to go to, but now everybody in there thinks I'm a woman beater so I feel like if I ever set foot in there, I might get beat up again.

Now you're just being an overly dramatic vagina about it. Get over it, or go out, find her, and clock her in the face and say "TAG BITCH! YOU'RE IT!" and run away and let her hypothesize over this nonsense to her pals for the next day or two.
1. Get her name from the police report.

2. Wait in bushes outside her house.

3. Jump out and punch her straight in the mouth when she doesn't expect it.

4. Yell "Yeahhhhh bitch, how's that feel!"

5. Profit??
There's a balance...

Light Punch, slap... Whatever. = Walk away, in the next 2 min she'll be so torn up, balling her eyes out knowing how bad she messed up, the guilt will literally wreck her on the inside.

(This is where most men are confused on what to do. Light = walk, Hard = shove) You just don't start punching her...

Hard Punch, slap... Whatever. = Shove* her out of the way, like a man would and walk away.

Hardest Punch, slap... Whatever she can dish out. = Push* to the wall, restrain her for a moment or two to show control, walk away.

Bat-shit insane mode, she's punching you with full force and chimping out trying to kill you = Okay.. Now it's time to punch.


Now there's another balance..

Depends on the girl and your relationship. If it's some girl at a party that's being a cunt and slaps you hard for no good reason, I'm all for smacking that bitch back. (No white knight). If she punches, still slap her hard. If she throws more than one punch, it's time to punch her once back.

Obv, if you love your woman, you can tell that walking away and the light shove is the best solution in most cases. But if you're dating a bat shit crazy woman or some hoe at the bar is being a cunt, the whole, "I respect you", and "care" theory goes out the window. Respect isn't a one way street.


Also women do want to be treated equally, but here's the deal. They don't even know what they want.

As a man you have logic and understanding, and you know this.

It's comparable to an adult and a child in some aspects.

The whole punch for a punch thing doesn't work out based on them "wanting to be treated equally".

As men we know we're stronger and can do some serious damage. Just know what the damn line is, and don't cross it, even if women are literally begging for this shit.
Oh btw. You missed out on a opportunity to fuck this chick. If you woulda done things differently you coulda bagged this amazon bitch
Blame it on the booze. Alcohol has the power to make you lose control sooner or later. Try to stay away from that bar for awhile, as she might just come back looking for you with a deadly weapon.

You're lucky, in some states in our lovely America, she could have shot you dead and claimed self defense due to her bleeding.
Oh btw. You missed out on a opportunity to fuck this chick. If you woulda done things differently you coulda bagged this amazon bitch

no interest in banging a chick like this, I'm more into nice and feminine girls. I guess some guys like the rough ones, not me though.
Blame it on the booze. Alcohol has the power to make you lose control sooner or later. Try to stay away from that bar for awhile, as she might just come back looking for you with a deadly weapon.

You're lucky, in some states in our lovely America, she could have shot you dead and claimed self defense due to her bleeding.

wise words. If I was sober I would have smelled the trouble and walked away right from the start, but being a little drunk and waiting all this time to get a drink, I was starting to get impatient so I really didn't want to give up my spot at the bar, especially in such a disrespectful manner.
A few times in my last relationship things got to the point of basically physical violence. Either I punched a wall or she pushed me or something. I never laid a finger on her, sometimes I'd just release my frustration by smashing my hand through a fence or something and sometimes she'd push me to keep me where I was or something.

One time though, we were in the street late at night in a quiet neighborhood and she started screaming and pushing me and instinctively I just put both my hands behind my back because I knew that if anyone looked out the window at this situation I was going to jail. She was like 125lbs and I'm about 205, so it's just not a reasonably fair physical situation. So I just let her push me, and kept my hands way back, so if anyone saw it, it looked like I was just staying out of it best I could. Shitty situation that I'm glad I'm out of now, but at the time I think I did the best I could.

If you're in a position where you feel threatened, it's perfectly ok to defend yourself within reason. Don't beat the shit out of her, just protect yourself, using a restraint technique is best.

Then get the fuck away from the situation because you will get the shit kicked out of you by any guy within ear range. Honestly if I saw a guy and girl fighting, I'd go fuck the guy up too.
A few times in my last relationship things got to the point of basically physical violence. Either I punched a wall or she pushed me or something. I never laid a finger on her, sometimes I'd just release my frustration by smashing my hand through a fence or something and sometimes she'd push me to keep me where I was or something.

One time though, we were in the street late at night in a quiet neighborhood and she started screaming and pushing me and instinctively I just put both my hands behind my back because I knew that if anyone looked out the window at this situation I was going to jail. She was like 125lbs and I'm about 205, so it's just not a reasonably fair physical situation. So I just let her push me, and kept my hands way back, so if anyone saw it, it looked like I was just staying out of it best I could. Shitty situation that I'm glad I'm out of now, but at the time I think I did the best I could.

If you're in a position where you feel threatened, it's perfectly ok to defend yourself within reason. Don't beat the shit out of her, just protect yourself, using a restraint technique is best.

Then get the fuck away from the situation because you will get the shit kicked out of you by any guy within ear range. Honestly if I saw a guy and girl fighting, I'd go fuck the guy up too.


Had she ever accused you of cheating on her in YOUR MIND and/or in a DREAM SHE HAD... and then went fucking crazy on you for it, randomly??

Because I'd love to know what the proper response and defense is to that... For future reference.